{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS where
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Internal
import Graphics.Layout.Box hiding (lowerLength)
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout
data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
autoColumns :: Unitted,
autoFlow :: Axis,
autoFlowDense :: Bool,
autoRows :: Unitted,
templateAreas :: [[Text]],
templateColumns :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [[Text]],
templateRows :: Either [([Text], Unitted)] [[Text]],
cssGap :: Size Unitted Unitted,
alignItems :: Size Alignment Alignment
data Axis = Row | Col deriving Eq
data CSSCell = CSSCell {
columnStart :: Placement,
columnEnd :: Placement,
rowStart :: Placement,
rowEnd :: Placement,
alignSelf :: Size (Maybe Alignment) (Maybe Alignment)
data Placement = Autoplace | Named Text | Numbered Int (Maybe Text) |
Span Int (Maybe Text)
instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
temp = CSSGrid {
autoColumns = auto,
autoFlow = Row,
autoFlowDense = False,
autoRows = auto,
templateAreas = [],
templateColumns = Left [],
templateRows = Left [],
cssGap = Size (0,"px") (0,"px"),
alignItems = Size Start Start -- FIXME: Should be stretch, unsupported.
inherit _ = temp
longhand _ s "grid-auto-columns" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns=x}
longhand _ s "grid-auto-rows" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns = x}
longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "row"] = Just self {
autoFlow = Row, autoFlowDense = False
longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "column"] = Just self {
autoFlow = Col, autoFlowDense = False
longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "row", Ident "dense"] = Just self {
autoFlow = Row, autoFlowDense = True
longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "column", Ident "dense"] = Just self {
autoFlow = Col, autoFlowDense = True
longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "none"] = Just self {templateAreas = []}
longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {templateAreas=[]}
longhand _ self "grid-template-areas" toks
| all isString toks, validate [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] =
Just self { templateAreas = [Txt.words x | String x <- toks] }
isString (String _) = True
isString _ = False
validate grid@(row:rows) =
all isValidName (concat grid) && all (\x -> length row == length x) rows
validate [] = False
isValidName name = Txt.all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') name
longhand _ self "grid-template-columns" toks | Just x <- parseTemplate toks =
Just self { templateColumns = x }
longhand _ self "grid-template-rows" toks | Just x <- parseTemplate toks =
Just self { templateRows = x}
longhand _ self "row-gap" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
Just self { cssGap = (cssGap self) { inline = x } }
longhand _ self "column-gap" toks | Just x <- parseLength toks =
Just self { cssGap = (cssGap self) { block = x } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "flex-start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "self-start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "left"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "center"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Mid } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "flex-end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "self-end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "right"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = End } }
longhand parent self "justify-items" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
longhand parent self "justify-items" toks
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-items" [Ident "initial"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { inline = Start } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "flex-start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "self-start"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "center"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Mid } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "flex-end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "self-end"] =
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = End } }
longhand parent self "align-items" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
longhand parent self "align-items" toks
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
longhand _ self "align-items" [Ident "initial"] = -- FIXME Should be stretch, unsupported.
Just self { alignItems = (alignItems self) { block = Start } }
longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
instance PropertyParser CSSCell where
temp = CSSCell {
columnStart = Autoplace,
columnEnd = Autoplace,
rowStart = Autoplace,
rowEnd = Autoplace,
alignSelf = Size Nothing Nothing
inherit _ = temp
longhand _ self "grid-column-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks =
Just self { columnStart = x}
longhand _ s "grid-column-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {columnEnd=x}
longhand _ s "grid-row-start" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s {rowStart = x}
longhand _ s "grid-row-end" toks | Just x <- placement toks = Just s { rowEnd = x }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "self-start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "flex-start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "center"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Mid } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "self-end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "flex-end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just End } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME should be stretch, unsupported
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Just Start } }
longhand parent self "align-self" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
longhand parent self "align-self" toks
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "auto"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Nothing } }
longhand _ self "align-self" [Ident "initial"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { block = Nothing } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "self-start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "flex-start"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "left"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "center"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Mid } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "self-end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "flex-end"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "right"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just End } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "normal"] = -- FIXME should be stretch, unsupported
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Just Start } }
longhand parent self "justify-self" (Ident "unsafe":toks) =
longhand parent self "justify-self" toks
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "auto"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Nothing } }
longhand _ self "justify-self" [Ident "initial"] =
Just self { alignSelf = (alignSelf self) { inline = Nothing } }
longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
parseFR [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR toks = parseLength toks
parseFR' [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR' toks = parseLength' toks
placement [Ident "auto"] = Just $ Autoplace
placement [Ident x] = Just $ Named x
placement [Number _ (NVInteger x)] = Just $ Numbered (fromEnum x) Nothing
placement [Number _ (NVInteger x), Ident y] = Just $ Numbered (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement [Ident "span", Number _ (NVInteger x)]
| x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) Nothing
placement [Ident "span", Ident x] = Just $ Span 1 $ Just x
placement [Ident "span", Number _ (NVInteger x), Ident y]
| x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement [Ident "span", Ident y, Number _ (NVInteger x)]
| x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement _ = Nothing
parseTemplate [Ident "none"] = Just $ Left []
parseTemplate [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Left []
parseTemplate toks | (tracks@(_:_), []) <- parseTrack toks = Just $ Left tracks
parseTemplate (Ident "subgrid":toks)
| (names@(_:_), []) <- parseSubgrid toks = Just $ Right names
parseTemplate _ = Nothing
parseTrack (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
| Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks,
((names,size):cells,toks) <- parseTrack toks' = ((names' ++ names,size):cells,toks)
| Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks = ([(names',(0,"end"))],toks')
parseTrack (tok:toks) | Just x <- parseFR' [tok] =
(([], x):fst (parseTrack toks), snd $ parseTrack toks)
parseTrack (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
| x > 0, (tracks@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseTrack toks =
(concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) tracks, toks')
parseTrack toks = ([], toks)
parseSubgrid (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
| Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks, (names,toks'') <- parseSubgrid toks' =
(names' : names, toks')
parseSubgrid (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
| x > 0, (names@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseSubgrid toks =
(concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) names, toks')
parseSubgrid toks = ([], toks)
parseNames (Ident x:toks)
| Just (names,toks') <- parseNames toks = Just (x:names,toks')
parseNames (RightSquareBracket:toks) = Just ([], toks)
parseNames _ = Nothing
finalizeGrid :: PropertyParser x => CSSGrid -> Font' ->
[CSSCell] -> [LayoutItem Length Length x] -> LayoutItem Length Length x
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {
templateColumns = Left cols', templateRows = Left rows'
} font cells childs = LayoutGrid temp self' $ zip cells' childs
self' = Grid {
rows = map lowerFR $ map snd rows0,
rowBounds = [],
subgridRows = 0, -- disable
columns = map lowerFR $ map snd cols0,
colBounds = [],
subgridColumns = 0, -- disable
gap = Size (lowerLength (inline $ cssGap self) font)
(lowerLength (block $ cssGap self) font),
containerSize = Size Auto Auto, -- Proper size is set on parent.
containerMin = Size Auto Auto,
containerMax = Size Auto Auto
(cells', rows0, cols0) = finalizeCells cells rows' cols'
finalizeCells :: [CSSCell] -> [([Text], Unitted)] -> [([Text], Unitted)] ->
([GridItem Length Length], [([Text], Unitted)], [([Text], Unitted)])
finalizeCells (cell:cells) rows cols = (cell':cells', rows_, cols_)
(cell', rows0, cols0) = finalizeCell cell rows cols
(cells', rows_, cols_) = finalizeCells cells rows0 cols0
finalizeCells [] rows cols = ([], rows, cols)
finalizeCell :: CSSCell -> [([Text], Unitted)] -> [([Text], Unitted)] ->
(GridItem Length Length, [([Text], Unitted)], [([Text], Unitted)])
finalizeCell cell rows cols = (GridItem {
startRow = startRow', endRow = endRow',
startCol = startCol', endCol = endCol',
gridItemBox = lengthBox,
alignment = Size
(fromMaybe (inline $ alignItems self) (inline $ alignSelf cell))
(fromMaybe (inline $ alignItems self) (inline $ alignSelf cell))
}, rows', cols')
(startRow', endRow', rows') = lowerTrack2 rows ([], autoRows self)
(rowStart cell) (rowEnd cell)
(startCol', endCol', cols') = lowerTrack2 cols ([], autoColumns self)
(columnStart cell) (columnEnd cell)
lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end@(Span _ _) =
lowerTrack2 tracks auto start $ Numbered (pred $ length tracks) Nothing
lowerTrack2 tracks auto start@(Span _ _) end = (start', end', tracks')
(end', tracks0) = lowerTrack tracks auto 0 end -- Already checked for spans.
(start', tracks') = lowerTrack tracks auto (negate end') start
lowerTrack2 tracks auto start end = (start', end', tracks')
(start', tracks0) = lowerTrack tracks auto 0 start -- already checked for spans.
(end', tracks') = lowerTrack tracks auto start' end
lowerTrack tracks auto _ (Named name)
| ix:_ <- [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <- enumerate tracks, name `elem` names] = (ix, tracks)
| otherwise = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])
-- TODO Take into account placement strategy.
lowerTrack tracks auto _ Autoplace = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])
lowerTrack tracks _ _ (Numbered ix Nothing) = (ix, tracks)
lowerTrack tracks auto _ (Numbered ix (Just name))
| ix < length tracks' = (tracks' !! ix, tracks)
| otherwise = (length tracks, tracks ++ [auto])
where tracks' = [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <- enumerate tracks, name `elem` names]
lowerTrack tracks _ start (Span x Nothing)
| start > 0 = (start + x,tracks)
| otherwise = (-start - x,tracks)
lowerTrack tracks (_, auto) start (Span x (Just name)) = (tracks' !! x,tracks)
tracks0 | start < 0 = reverse tracks
| otherwise = tracks
tracks' = [ix | (ix, (names, _)) <-
drop (abs start) $ enumerate (tracks0 ++ repeat ([name],auto)),
name `elem` names]
lowerFR (x,"fr") = Right x
lowerFR x = Left $ lowerLength x font
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid { templateColumns = Right colnames } font cells childs =
LayoutGrid val' self' { subgridColumns = length colnames } childs'
LayoutGrid val' self' childs' = finalizeGrid self {
templateColumns = Left $ zip colnames $ repeat (1,"fr")
} font cells childs
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid { templateRows = Right rownames } font cells childs =
LayoutGrid val' self' { subgridRows = length rownames } childs'
LayoutGrid val' self' childs' = finalizeGrid self {
templateRows = Left $ zip rownames $ repeat (1,"fr")
} font cells childs