Mark which column a table is sorted on.
Both for the listener (via audio cue) & generating descending links.
Repair broken useragent stylesheets. FIXME: Why is this syntax broken?
Integrate Shared MIME Info implementation to better label rel=alternate links
Useragent stylesheet bug: <summary> provides the label for <details>, not <caption>.
Read out a page's <link>s, they could be useful!
Localize into Italian & Swedish
Add support for <form title>/<form alt>
Spanish useragent stylesheet localizations.
Stylesheet updates for details, taking advantage of pseudoclasses, and attempted counters fix.
Propagate local attrs through to output.
Read <progress> as a percentage, that's more international.
eSpeak can trivially localize this to it's various locales.
Useragent CSS: Add localizations!
Useragent CSS: Properly count table cells, adjust image labelling.
Ensure ordered list item counters are whitespace seperated.
Reduce stepsize for inner lists.
Insert markers into output SSML for navigation.