M rhapsode.cabal => rhapsode.cabal +1 -1
@@ 64,7 64,7 @@ executable rhapsode
http-client, http-client-tls, bytestring,
html-conduit, xml-conduit, text, containers,
- stylish-haskell >= 0.4.0, css-syntax, stylish-html-conduit
+ stylish-haskell >= 0.4.0, css-syntax, stylish-html-conduit >=, scientific
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
M src/Main.hs => src/Main.hs +45 -5
@@ 20,6 20,7 @@ import qualified Data.HTML2CSS as H2C
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import DefaultCSS
@@ 64,13 65,52 @@ stylizeEl styles html
buildEl (MPP attrs) children = XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element name attrs children
buildText _ txt = XML.NodeContent txt
- name = XML.Name "style" Nothing Nothing
+ name = XML.Name "prosody" Nothing Nothing
data MapPropertyParser = MPP (M.Map XML.Name Text)
+addAttr self name value = Just $ MPP $ M.insert (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) value self
+lowerHz n "khz" absolute = lowerHz (n*1000) "hz" absolute
+-- Relative offsets are communicated in SSML by the presence of a sign character.
+lowerHz n "hz" True | n < 0 = "0hz"
+ | otherwise = Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
+lowerHz n "hz" False | n < 0 = Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
+ | otherwise = Txt.pack ('+' : show n ++ "hz")
+cssFloat :: CSSTok.NumericValue -> Float
+cssFloat (CSSTok.NVInteger i) = fromInteger i
+cssFloat (CSSTok.NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n
instance Style.PropertyParser MapPropertyParser where
temp = MPP M.empty
inherit _ = Style.temp
- longhand _ (MPP self) name value = Just $ MPP $ M.insert xmlName xmlValue self
- where
- xmlName = XML.Name name Nothing Nothing
- xmlValue = CSSTok.serialize value
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-volume" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
+ | kw `elem` ["silent", "x-soft", "soft", "medium", "loud", "x-loud"] = addAttr self "volume" kw
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-volume" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "volume" "medium"
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-rate" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle percentages
+ | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = addAttr self "rate" kw
+ | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = addAttr self "rate" "default"
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
+ | kw `elem` ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] = addAttr self "pitch" kw
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "pitch" "medium"
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit, CSSTok.Ident "absolute"] =
+ addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident "absolute", CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
+ addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
+ addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit False
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
+ | kw `elem` ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] = addAttr self "range" kw
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "range" "medium"
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit, CSSTok.Ident "absolute"] =
+ addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident "absolute", CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
+ addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
+ longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
+ addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit False
+ longhand _ self _ [CSSTok.Ident "inherit"] = Just self -- Imply the inheritance
+ longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing