
ee018b4934ebaf93fd4a94a830d8240573f54e63 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 5710d55
Extensively refactor to use the CSS engine's counters implementation.
7 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 440 deletions(-)

M rhapsode.cabal
M src/Render.hs
M src/SSML.hs
A src/SpeechStyle.hs
D src/StyleTree.hs
M src/Types.hs
M useragent.css
M rhapsode.cabal => rhapsode.cabal +2 -2
@@ 54,7 54,7 @@ library
  exposed-modules: CExports, Input, Links, Render, Types
  -- Modules included in this library.
  other-modules:       SSML, StyleTree
  other-modules:       SSML, SpeechStyle
  -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
  -- other-extensions:    

@@ 63,7 63,7 @@ library
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <=4.12, directory, bytestring,
        html-conduit, xml-conduit, text, containers, data-default-class,
        stylist >= 2 && <3, css-syntax, xml-conduit-stylist >= 1.2 && <2, scientific,
        stylist >= 2 && <3, css-syntax, xml-conduit-stylist >= 2 && <3, scientific,
        async, hurl >=, filepath, temporary,
        file-embed >= 0.0.9 && < 0.1

M src/Render.hs => src/Render.hs +22 -69
@@ 10,13 10,19 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Directory as Dir
import Data.FileEmbed

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Debug.Trace (trace)

--- External Rhapsode subcomponents
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
import           Data.CSS.StyleTree
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens as CSSTok
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions as CSSCond
import           Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Assets
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses as CSSPseudo
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text as CSSTxt

import qualified Data.HTML2CSS as H2C
import           Network.URI
import           Network.URI.Fetch

@@ 29,7 35,7 @@ import           System.IO.Temp
import           Control.Exception (catch)

-- Internal Rhapsode Subcomponents
import StyleTree
import SpeechStyle
import SSML

-- C API

@@ 38,9 44,20 @@ import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.C.String
import Data.ByteString (useAsCString)

renderDoc :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet (Style.VarParser StyleTree) -> XML.Element -> B.ByteString
renderDoc :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet (Style.VarParser (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle)) -> XML.Element -> B.ByteString
renderDoc style html =
    renderElLBS $ styleToSSML $ applyCounters $ stylize style html
    renderElLBS $ styleToSSML $ CSSTxt.resolve $ inlinePseudos $ H2C.stylizeEl style html

inlinePseudos :: Style.PropertyParser s => StyleTree [(Text, Style.VarParser s)] -> StyleTree s
inlinePseudos (StyleTree self childs) = StyleTree {
        style = fromMaybe Style.temp $ Style.innerParser <$> lookup "" self,
        children = pseudo "before" ++ map inlinePseudos childs ++ pseudo "after"
    } where
        pseudo n
            | Just style <- Style.innerParser <$> lookup n self,
                Just style' <- Style.longhand style style "::" [CSSTok.Ident n] = [StyleTree style' []]
            | Just style <- Style.innerParser <$> lookup n self = [StyleTree style []]
            | otherwise = []

renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],

@@ 48,7 65,7 @@ renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentEpilogue = []

retreiveStyles :: Session -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles StyleTree -> IO (CSSCond.ConditionalStyles StyleTree)
retreiveStyles :: Session -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle) -> IO (CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle))
retreiveStyles manager authorStyle = do
    let agentStyle = H2C.cssPriorityAgent authorStyle `CSS.parse` $(embedStringFile "useragent.css")
    userStyle <- loadUserStyles agentStyle

@@ 62,7 79,7 @@ retreiveStyles manager authorStyle = do
            ("text/css", Right bytes) -> applyCSScharset charsets' $ B.toStrict bytes
            (_, _) -> ""

resolve' :: CSS.StyleSheet s => s -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles StyleTree -> s
resolve' :: CSS.StyleSheet s => s -> CSSCond.ConditionalStyles (CSSTxt.TextStyle SpeechStyle) -> s
resolve' = CSSCond.resolve lowerVars lowerToks
lowerVars "speech" = CSSCond.B True
lowerVars "-rhapsode" = CSSCond.B True

@@ 95,14 112,6 @@ loadUserStyles styles = do
        CSS.parse style (Txt.pack source) `loadFiles` files
    loadFiles style [] = return style

stylize styles html = H2C.traversePrepopulatedStyles buildChild buildNode buildText styles html
        buildChild (Style.VarParser _ self) _ | content self == [] = Nothing
            | otherwise = Just [Style.temp {content = content self}]
        buildNode (Style.VarParser _ self) children = self {children = children}
        buildText _ txt = Style.temp {content = [Content txt]}

---- Download assets

@@ 119,62 128,6 @@ downloadAssets session mimes (StyleAssets _ assets) = do
filterMIMEs mimes cb download@(_, mime, _)
    | mime `elem` mimes = cb download
    | otherwise = return nullURI

---- Counters
treeOrder :: (c -> c -> [Integer] -> StyleTree -> (c, StyleTree)) ->
        c -> c -> [Integer] -> [StyleTree] -> (c, [StyleTree])
treeOrder cb prevContext context (num:path) (node:nodes) = (tailContext, node' {children = children'} : nodes')
        (selfContext, node') = cb prevContext context (num:path) node
        (childContext, children') = treeOrder cb selfContext selfContext (0:num:path) $ children node
        (tailContext, nodes') = treeOrder cb selfContext childContext (num + 1:path) nodes
treeOrder _ _ context _ [] = (context, [])
treeOrder _ _ _ [] _ = error "Invalid path during tree traversal!"

inheritCounters path counterSource valueSource = M.intersectionWith cb valueSource counterSource -- indexed by name & el-path
    where cb val source = [counter | path `elem` [p | (p, _) <- source], counter@(path, _) <- val]
instantiateCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith appendCounter name [(path, val)] counters
        appendCounter new (old@((_:oldPath), _):olds)
            | oldPath == tail path = new ++ olds
            | otherwise =  new ++ (old:olds)
instantiateCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = instantiateCounter counters' path name value
incrementCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith addCounter name [(path, val)] counters
    where addCounter ((_, new):_) ((path, old):rest) = (path, new + old):rest
incrementCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = incrementCounter counters' path name value
setCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith setCounter' name [(path, val)] counters
    where setCounter' ((_, val):_) ((path, _):rest) = (path, val):rest
setCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = setCounter counters' path name value

renderCounter counters (Content txt) = Content txt
renderCounter counters (Counter name)
    | Just ((_, count):_) <- name `M.lookup` counters = Content $ Txt.pack $ show count
    | otherwise = Content ""
renderCounter counters (Counters name sep)
    | Just counter <- name `M.lookup` counters = Content $ Txt.intercalate sep [
            Txt.pack $ show count | (_, count) <- reverse counter
    | otherwise = Content ""
renderCounters node counters = (counters, node {
        content = map (renderCounter counters) $ content node,
        counterSet = [(name, value) | (name, ((_, value):_)) <- M.toList counters]

applyCounters root = root {
        children = snd $ treeOrder cb M.empty M.empty [0] $ children root
    } where
        cb :: M.Map Text [([Integer], Integer)] -> M.Map Text [([Integer], Integer)] ->
            [Integer] -> StyleTree -> (M.Map Text [([Integer], Integer)], StyleTree)
        cb counterSource valueSource path node = renderCounters node $
            setCounters path (counterSet node) $
            incrementCounters path (counterIncrement node) $
            instantiateCounters path (counterReset node) $
            inheritCounters path counterSource valueSource
---- C API

M src/SSML.hs => src/SSML.hs +79 -142
@@ 1,149 1,86 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SSML(styleToSSML) where
module SSML(styleToSSML, postorder) where

import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Map
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize, Token(Dimension))

import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List (elemIndex)

import StyleTree

---- Basic conversion
styleToSSML' StyleTree {speak = False} =
    Element (Name "blank" Nothing Nothing) empty []
styleToSSML' self =  buildEl0 "prosody" [
            ("volume", volume self),
            ("rate", rate self),
            ("pitch", serializePitch $ pitch self),
            ("range", serializePitch $ range self)
        ] $ buildEl0 "prosody" [
            ("volume", maybeAdjust $ volumeAdjust self),
            ("rate", maybeAdjust $ rateAdjust self),
            ("pitch", maybeAdjust $ pitchAdjust $ pitch self),
            ("range", maybeAdjust $ pitchAdjust $ range self)
        ] $ buildEl0 "emphasis" [("level", stress self)] $
        buildEl0 "say-as" [("interpret-as", speakAs self)] $
        buildEl0 "tts:style" [
            ("field", maybeBool (punctuation self) "punctuation" "punctuation"),
            ("mode", maybeBool (punctuation self) "all" "none")
        ] $ buildVoices (voice self) $ buildBox self

serializePitch Inherit = Nothing
serializePitch (Pitch kw _) = Just kw
serializePitch (Absolute "khz" n) = serializePitch $ Absolute "hz" (1000 * n)
serializePitch (Absolute _ n) | n < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
serializePitch (Relative unit n) = Just $ relativeUnit unit n

relativeUnit "khz" n = relativeUnit "hz" $ 1000 * n
relativeUnit unit n | n < 0 = Txt.pack (show n) `Txt.append` unit
    | otherwise = Txt.pack ('+':show n) `Txt.append` unit

maybeBool (Just True) truthy _ = Just truthy
maybeBool (Just False) _ falsy = Just falsy
maybeBool Nothing _ _ = Nothing

maybeCast (Just n) = Just $ Txt.pack $ show n
maybeCast Nothing = Nothing

maybeAdjust (Just (Unit' unit n)) = Just $ relativeUnit unit n
maybeAdjust Nothing = Nothing

buildVoice (Voice name) children = buildEl "voice" [("name", Just name)] children
buildVoice (VoicePattern age gender variant) children = buildEl "voice" [
        ("age", maybeCast age),
import Data.CSS.StyleTree

import SpeechStyle

styleToSSML :: StyleTree SpeechStyle -> Element
styleToSSML = Element "{http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis}speak" M.empty . styleToNodes
styleToNodes :: StyleTree SpeechStyle -> [Node]
styleToNodes = Prelude.map style . postorder styleToSSML'

styleToSSML' SpeechStyle { speak = False } _ = []
styleToSSML' self@SpeechStyle {content = ""} children = el "prosody" [
        ("rhapsode:pseudo", pseudoEl self),
        ("volume", volume self),
        ("rate", rate self),
        ("pitch", pitch2txt <$> pitch self),
        ("range", pitch2txt <$> range self)
    ] $ el "prosody" [
        ("volume", unit2txt <$> volumeAdjust self),
        ("rate", unit2txt <$> rateAdjust self),
        ("pitch", unit2txt <$> (pitchAdjust =<< pitch self)),
        ("range", unit2txt <$> (pitchAdjust =<< range self))
    ] $ el "emphasis" [("level", stress self)] $
    el "say-as" [("interpret-as", speakAs self)] $
    el "tts:style" [
        ("field", (\_ -> "punctuation") <$> speakAs self),
        ("mode", (\b -> if b then "all" else "none") <$> punctuation self)
    ] $ buildVoices (reverse $ voices self) $
    buildBox self children
styleToSSML' style childs = styleToSSML' style {content = ""} (
        pseudo "before" ++ [NodeContent $ content style] ++ pseudo "after")
        pseudo n = [child | child@(NodeElement (Element _ attrs _)) <- childs,
            M.lookup "rhapsode:pseudo" attrs == Just n]

buildVoices (Voice name:voices) children =
    el "voice" [("name", Just name)] $ buildVoices voices children
buildVoices (VoicePattern age gender variant:voices) children = el "voice" [
        ("age", Txt.pack <$> show <$> age),
        ("gender", Just gender),
        ("variant", maybeCast variant)
    ] children

buildVoices Nothing = buildEl "blank" []
buildVoices (Just voice) = buildVoice voice

---- CSS Speech Box Model
buildBox self = [
        buildBreak $ pauseBefore self,
        buildCue $ cueBefore self,
        buildBreak $ restBefore self
    ] ++ Prelude.map (NodeContent . value) (content self)
    ++ Prelude.map (NodeElement . styleToSSML') (children self) ++ [
        buildBreak $ restAfter self,
        buildCue $ cueAfter self,
        buildBreak $ pauseAfter self
        ("variant", Txt.pack <$> show <$> variant)
    ] $ buildVoices voices children
buildVoices [] children = children

buildBox self childs = concat [
        breakEl $ pauseBefore self,
        audioEl $ cueBefore self,
        breakEl $ restBefore self,
        breakEl $ restAfter self,
        audioEl $ cueAfter self,
        breakEl $ pauseAfter self

buildBreak self = NodeElement $ buildEl "break" [
        ("strength", strength self),
        ("time", time self)
    ] []
buildCue NoCue = NodeElement $ buildEl "blank" [] []
buildCue self = NodeElement $
    buildEl0 "prosody" [("volume", maybeAdjust $ cueVolume self)] $
    buildEl "audio" [("src", Just $ src self)] []

volumes = ["x-weak", "weak", "medium", "strong", "x-strong"]
maxBreak x@(Element _ a _) y@(Element _ b _)
    | Just a' <- "strength" `M.lookup` a, Just b' <- "strength" `M.lookup` b, a' /= b' =
        if fromJust (elemIndex a' volumes) > fromJust (elemIndex b' volumes) then x else y
    | Just a' <- "time" `M.lookup` a, Just b' <- "time" `M.lookup` b, a' /= b' =
        if toMS (tokenize a') > toMS (tokenize b') then x else y
    | otherwise = x
toMS [Dimension _ n "s"] = cssFloat n * 1000
toMS [Dimension _ n "ms"] = cssFloat n
toMS _ = 0 -- Should never happen.

---- XML Output Utils
buildEl name attrs elChildren =
    Element (Name name Nothing Nothing) (attrsFromList attrs) elChildren
buildEl0 name attrs child = buildEl name attrs [NodeElement child]

attrsFromList ((name, Just value):attrs) =
    insert (Name name Nothing Nothing) value $ attrsFromList attrs
attrsFromList ((_, Nothing):attrs) = attrsFromList attrs
attrsFromList [] = empty

---- Tidyup
stripEmptyEls (Element name attrs elChildren) =
    Element name attrs $ stripEmptyNodes elChildren
stripEmptyNodes (NodeElement el@(Element _ attrs elChildren ):nodes)
    | M.null attrs = stripEmptyNodes (elChildren ++ nodes)
    | otherwise = NodeElement (stripEmptyEls el) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent a : NodeContent b : nodes) =
    stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent (Txt.append a b) : nodes)
stripEmptyNodes (NodeContent txt : nodes) -- strip whitespace
    | Txt.stripStart txt == "" = stripEmptyNodes nodes
    | otherwise = NodeContent (collapseSpaces txt) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes (node:nodes) = stripEmptyNodes nodes
stripEmptyNodes [] = []

collapseSpaces txt
    | txt == "" = "" -- Avoids errors from head/tail tests.
    | isSpace $ Txt.head txt = " " `Txt.append` collapseSpaces (Txt.stripStart txt)
    | isSpace $ Txt.last txt = collapseSpaces (Txt.stripEnd txt) `Txt.append` " "
    | otherwise = Txt.unwords $ Txt.words txt

collapseBreaks :: Element -> Element
collapseBreaks (Element name attrs elChildren) =
    Element name attrs $ collapseBreaks' elChildren
collapseBreaks' :: [Node] -> [Node]
collapseBreaks' (
        NodeElement a@(Element "break" _ _):
        NodeElement b@(Element "break" _ _):
    ) = NodeElement (maxBreak a b) : collapseBreaks' nodes
collapseBreaks' (NodeElement el:nodes) = NodeElement (collapseBreaks el) : collapseBreaks' nodes
collapseBreaks' (node:nodes) = node:collapseBreaks' nodes
collapseBreaks' [] = []

styleToSSML self = collapseBreaks $ stripEmptyEls $ buildEl0 "speak" [] $ styleToSSML' self
breakEl self = el "break" [("strength", strength self), ("time", unit2txt <$> time self)] []
audioEl NoCue = []
audioEl self = el "prosody" [("volume", unit2txt <$> cueVolume self)] $
    el "audio" [("src", Just $ src self)] []

-- support
postorder :: (a -> [b] -> [b]) -> StyleTree a -> [StyleTree b]
postorder cb (StyleTree self children) =
    [StyleTree self' children' | self' <- cb self $ Prelude.map style children']
  where children' = concat $ Prelude.map (postorder cb) children

el :: Name -> [(Name, Maybe Txt.Text)] -> [Node] -> [Node]
el n attrs children | all (isNothing . snd) attrs = children
    | otherwise = [NodeElement $ Element {
        elementName = n,
        elementAttributes = M.fromList [(k, v) | (k, Just v) <- attrs],
        elementNodes = children

relativeUnit n | n < 0 = Txt.pack (show n)
    | otherwise = Txt.pack ('+':show n)
unit2txt (Unit' unit n) = relativeUnit n `Txt.append` unit

pitch2txt (Pitch kw _) = kw
pitch2txt (Absolute (Unit' unit n)) = Txt.pack (show n) `Txt.append` unit
pitch2txt (Relative n) = unit2txt n

A src/SpeechStyle.hs => src/SpeechStyle.hs +191 -0
@@ 0,0 1,191 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SpeechStyle(SpeechStyle(..),
    Unit'(..), Pitch(..), pitchAdjust, Voice(..), Pause(..), Cue(..)) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Style
import Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes)

data Unit' = Unit' Text Float
data SpeechStyle = SpeechStyle {
    volume :: Maybe Text,
    volumeAdjust :: Maybe Unit',
    rate :: Maybe Text,
    rateAdjust :: Maybe Unit',
    pitch :: Maybe Pitch,
    range :: Maybe Pitch,

    speak :: Bool,
    speakAs :: Maybe Text,
    punctuation :: Maybe Bool,

    voices :: [Voice],
    stress :: Maybe Text,

    pauseBefore :: Pause,
    pauseAfter :: Pause,
    restBefore :: Pause,
    restAfter :: Pause,

    cueBefore :: Cue,
    cueAfter :: Cue,

    content :: Text,
    pseudoEl :: Maybe Text

volumes = Txt.words "silent x-soft soft medium loud x-loud"
stresses = Txt.words "strong moderate none reduced"

instance PropertyParser SpeechStyle where
    temp = SpeechStyle {
        volume = Nothing,
        volumeAdjust = Nothing,
        rate = Nothing,
        rateAdjust = Nothing,
        pitch = Nothing,
        range = Nothing,

        speak = True,
        speakAs = Nothing,
        punctuation = Nothing,

        voices = [],
        stress = Nothing,

        pauseBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        pauseAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        restBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        restAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        cueBefore = NoCue,
        cueAfter = NoCue,

        content = "",
        pseudoEl = Nothing
    inherit _ = temp -- Text synthesizers handle inheritance.

    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {volume = Just "medium"}
    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw, Dimension _ n "dB"]
        | kw `elem` Prelude.tail volumes = Just self {volume = Just kw, volumeAdjust = Just $ cssUnit n "dB"}
    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` volumes = Just self {volume = Just kw}

    longhand _ self "voice-rate" [kw, Percentage _ n] =
        longhand self self { rateAdjust = Just $ cssUnit n "%" } "voice-rate" [kw]
    longhand _ self "voice-rate" [Ident kw]
        | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = Just self {rate = Just kw}
        | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just self {rate = Just "default"}

    longhand _ self "voice-pitch" toks = (\v -> self { pitch = Just v }) <$> parsePitch toks
    longhand _ self "voice-range" toks = (\v -> self { range = Just v }) <$> parsePitch toks

    longhand _ self "speak" [Ident "never"] = Just self { speak = False }
    longhand _ self "speak" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["always", "initial"] = Just self { speak = True }

    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["normal", "initial"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing }
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "spell-out"] = Just self { speakAs = Just "characters" }
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "digits"] = Just self { speakAs = Just "tts:digits" }
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "literal-punctuation"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just True }
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "no-punctuation"] = Just self { speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just False }
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [tok, Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["literal-punctuation", "no-punctuation"] =
        longhand self self { punctuation = Just (kw == "literal-punctuation") } "speak-as" [tok]

    longhand _ self "voice-family" [Ident preserve] = Just self
    longhand _ self "voice-family" toks | Prelude.all isJust val = Just self { voices = catMaybes val }
        where val = Prelude.map parseVoice $ split' Comma toks

    longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` stresses = Just self { stress = Just kw }

    longhand _ self "pause-before" toks = (\v -> self { pauseBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "pause-after" toks = (\v -> self { pauseBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "rest-before" toks = (\v -> self { restBefore = v }) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "rest-after" toks = (\v -> self { restAfter = v }) <$> parsePause toks

    longhand _ self "cue-before" toks = (\v -> self { cueBefore = v }) <$> parseCue toks
    longhand _ self "cue-after" toks = (\v -> self { cueAfter = v }) <$> parseCue toks

    longhand _ self "content" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {content = ""}
    longhand _ self "content" toks = (\v -> self {content = v}) <$> parseStrings toks
    longhand _ self "::" [Ident pseudo] = Just self {pseudoEl = Just pseudo} -- To make sure content doesn't override :before & :after
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand _ "pause" [a, b] | isPause [a], isPause [b] = [("pause-before", [a]), ("pause-after", [b])]
    shorthand _ "pause" toks | isPause toks = [("pause-before", toks), ("pause-after", toks)]
    shorthand _ "rest" [a, b] | isPause [a], isPause [b] = [("rest-before", [a]), ("rest-after", [b])]
    shorthand _ "rest" toks | isPause toks = [("rest-before", toks), ("rest-after", toks)]

    shorthand _ "cue" (a:b:c) | isCue [a, b], isCue c = [("cue-before", [a, b]), ("cue-after", c)]
    shorthand _ "cue" (a:b) | isCue [a], isCue b = [("cue-before", [a]), ("cue-after", b)]
    shorthand _ "cue" toks | isCue toks = [("cue-before", toks), ("cue-after", toks)]

    shorthand self key value | isJust $ longhand self self key value = [(key, value)]
        | otherwise = []

-- parsers
data Pitch = Pitch Text (Maybe Unit') | Absolute Unit' | Relative Unit'
pitchAdjust (Pitch _ adjust) = adjust
pitchAdjust _ = Nothing

pitches = ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"]
parsePitch [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Pitch "medium" Nothing
parsePitch [kw, Percentage n' n] = parsePitch [kw, Dimension n' n "%"]
parsePitch [Ident kw, Dimension _ n unit]
    | kw `elem` pitches && unit `elem` ["hz", "khz", "st", "%"] =
        Just $ Pitch kw $ Just $ cssUnit n unit
parsePitch [Ident kw] | kw `elem` pitches = Just $ Pitch kw Nothing
parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit, Ident "absolute"]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"], cssFloat n > 0 = Just $ Absolute $ cssUnit n unit
parsePitch [Ident "absolute", Dimension _ n unit]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"], cssFloat n > 0 = Just $ Absolute $ cssUnit n unit
parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Relative $ cssUnit n unit
parsePitch _ = Nothing

data Voice = Voice Text | VoicePattern (Maybe Integer) Text (Maybe Integer)
genders = ["male", "female", "neutral"]
parseVoice (Comma:toks) = parseVoice toks
parseVoice (Ident "child":toks) = parseVoice (Number "6" (NVInteger 6):toks)
parseVoice (Ident "young":toks) = parseVoice (Number "24" (NVInteger 24):toks)
parseVoice (Ident "old":toks) = parseVoice (Number "75" (NVInteger 75):toks)
parseVoice [Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
    | v >= 1 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw $ Just v
parseVoice [Ident kw] | kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ Voice kw
parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
    | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders && v >= 1 = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw (Just v)
parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw]
    | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw Nothing
parseVoice _ = Nothing

data Pause = Pause { strength :: Maybe Text, time :: Maybe Unit' }
pauses = Txt.words "x-weak weak medium strong x-strong"
parsePause [Ident "none"] = Nothing
parsePause [Ident kw] | kw `elem` pauses = Just Pause { strength = Just kw, time = Nothing }
parsePause [Dimension _ n unit] | unit `elem` ["s", "ms"] =
    Just $ Pause Nothing $ Just $ cssUnit n unit
parsePause _ = Nothing
isPause = isJust . parsePause

data Cue = Cue {src :: Text, cueVolume :: Maybe Unit'} | NoCue
parseCue [Url source] = Just $ Cue source Nothing
parseCue [Url source, Dimension _ n "dB"] = Just $ Cue source $ Just $ cssUnit n "dB"
parseCue [Ident "none"] = Just NoCue
parseCue _ = Nothing
isCue = isJust . parseCue

-- ParsingUtils
parseStrings (String txt:toks) = append txt <$> parseStrings toks
parseStrings [] = Just ""
parseStrings _ = Nothing

cssUnit n "khz" = Unit' "hz" (cssFloat n*1000)
cssUnit n unit = Unit' unit $ cssFloat n
cssFloat :: NumericValue -> Float
cssFloat (NVInteger i) = fromInteger i
cssFloat (NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n

split' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split' _ [] = []
split' sep list = h:split' sep t where (h,t) = Prelude.break (==sep) list

D src/StyleTree.hs => src/StyleTree.hs +0 -224
@@ 1,224 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module StyleTree(
        StyleTree(..), Pitch(..), Voice(..), Unit'(..), pitchAdjust,
        Pause(..), Cue(..), StyleLeaf(..), cssFloat
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
import Data.Text
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)

data Unit' = Unit' Text Float
pitchAdjust (Pitch _ adjust) = adjust
pitchAdjust _ = Nothing

data Pitch = Pitch Text (Maybe Unit') | Absolute Text Float | Relative Text Float | Inherit

pitches = ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"]
parsePitch [Ident kw, Percentage n' n] = parsePitch [Ident kw, Dimension n' n "%"]
parsePitch [Ident kw, Dimension _ n unit]
    | kw `elem` pitches && unit `elem` ["hz", "khz", "st", "%"] =
        Just $ Pitch kw $ Just $ Unit' unit $ cssFloat n
parsePitch [Ident kw] | kw `elem` pitches = Just $ Pitch kw Nothing
parsePitch [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Pitch "medium" Nothing
parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit, Ident "absolute"]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Absolute unit $ cssFloat n
parsePitch [Ident "absolute", Dimension _ n unit]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Absolute unit $ cssFloat n
parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit]
    | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Relative unit $ cssFloat n
parsePitch _ = Nothing

data Voice = Voice Text | VoicePattern (Maybe Integer) Text (Maybe Integer)

genders = ["male", "female", "neutral"]
parseVoice (Ident "child":toks) = parseVoice (Number "6" (NVInteger 6):toks)
parseVoice (Ident "young":toks) = parseVoice (Number "24" (NVInteger 24):toks)
parseVoice (Ident "old":toks) = parseVoice (Number "75" (NVInteger 75):toks)
parseVoice [Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
    | v >= 1 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw $ Just v
parseVoice [Ident kw] | kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ Voice kw
parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
    | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders && v >= 1 =
        Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw (Just v)
parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw]
    | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw Nothing

data Pause = Pause {
    strength :: Maybe Text,
    time :: Maybe Text
parsePause [Ident "none"] = Nothing
parsePause [Ident kw]
    | kw `elem` ["x-weak", "weak", "medium", "strong", "x-strong"] = Just Pause {
        strength = Just kw, time = Nothing
parsePause toks@[Dimension _ _ unit] | unit `elem` ["s", "ms"] = Just Pause {
        strength = Nothing, time = Just $ serialize toks
parsePause _ = Nothing

data Cue = Cue {src :: Text, cueVolume :: Maybe Unit'} | NoCue
parseCue [Url source] = Just $ Cue source Nothing
parseCue [Url source, Dimension _ n "dB"] = Just $ Cue source $ Just $ Unit' "dB" $ cssFloat n
parseCue [Ident "none"] = Just NoCue
parseCue _ = Nothing

data StyleLeaf = Content {value :: Text} | Counter Text | Counters Text Text deriving Eq
parseContent (String txt:toks) = (\val -> Content txt : val) <$> parseContent toks
parseContent (Function "counter" : Ident c : LeftParen : toks) =
    (\val -> Counter c : val) <$> parseContent toks
parseContent (Function "counters" : Ident c : Comma : String sep : LeftParen : toks) =
    (\val -> Counters c sep : val) <$> parseContent toks
parseContent [] = Just []
parseContent _ = Nothing

parseCounters _ [Ident "none"] = Just []
parseCounters _ [] = Just []
parseCounters x (Ident counter : Number _ (NVInteger count) : toks) =
    (:) (counter, count) <$> parseCounters x toks
parseCounters x (Ident counter : toks) = (:) (counter, x) <$> parseCounters x toks
parseCounters _ _ = Nothing

data StyleTree = StyleTree {
    voice :: Maybe Voice,
    volume :: Maybe Text,
    volumeAdjust :: Maybe Unit',
    rate :: Maybe Text,
    rateAdjust :: Maybe Unit',
    pitch :: Pitch,
    range :: Pitch,
    speak :: Bool,
    speakAs :: Maybe Text,
    punctuation :: Maybe Bool,
    stress :: Maybe Text,

    pauseBefore :: Pause,
    pauseAfter :: Pause,
    restBefore :: Pause,
    restAfter :: Pause,
    cueBefore :: Cue,
    cueAfter :: Cue,

    counterReset :: [(Text, Integer)],
    counterIncrement :: [(Text, Integer)],
    counterSet :: [(Text, Integer)],

    children :: [StyleTree],
    content :: [StyleLeaf]

instance Style.PropertyParser StyleTree where
    temp = StyleTree {
        voice = Nothing,
        volume = Nothing,
        volumeAdjust = Nothing,
        rate = Nothing,
        rateAdjust = Nothing,
        pitch = Inherit,
        range = Inherit,
        speak = True,
        speakAs = Nothing,
        punctuation = Nothing,
        stress = Nothing,

        pauseBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        pauseAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        restBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        restAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
        cueBefore = NoCue,
        cueAfter = NoCue,

        counterReset = [],
        counterIncrement = [],
        counterSet = [],

        children = [],
        content = []
    inherit _ = Style.temp

    shorthand _ "pause" [a, b] | Just _ <- parsePause [a], Just _ <- parsePause [b] =
        [("pause-before", [a]), ("pause-after", [b])]
    shorthand _ "pause" v | Just _ <- parsePause v =
        [("pause-before", v), ("pause-after", v)]

    shorthand _ "rest" [a, b] | Just _ <- parsePause [a], Just _ <- parsePause [b] =
        [("rest-before", [a]), ("rest-after", [b])]
    shorthand _ "rest" v | Just _ <- parsePause v =
        [("rest-before", v), ("rest-after", v)]

    shorthand _ "cue" (a:b@(Dimension _ _ _):c) | Just _ <- parseCue [a, b], Just _ <- parseCue c =
        [("cue-before", [a, b]), ("cue-after", c)]
    shorthand _ "cue" (a:b) | Just _ <- parseCue [a], Just _ <- parseCue b =
        [("cue-before", [a]), ("cue-after", b)]
    shorthand _ "cue" v | Just _ <- parseCue v =
        [("cue-before", v), ("cue-after", v)]

    shorthand self key value | Just _ <- Style.longhand self self key value = [(key, value)]
        | otherwise = []

    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw, Dimension _ n "dB"]
        | kw `elem` ["x-soft", "soft", "medium", "loud", "x-loud"] =
            Just self {volume = Just kw, volumeAdjust = Just $ Unit' "dB" $ cssFloat n}
    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
        | kw `elem` ["silent", "x-soft", "soft", "medium", "loud", "x-loud"] =
            Just self {volume = Just kw}
    longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {volume = Just "medium"}

    longhand _ self "voice-rate" [Ident kw, Percentage _ n] =
        Style.longhand self (self {
            rateAdjust = Just $ Unit' "%" $ cssFloat n
        }) "voice-rate" [Ident kw]
    longhand _ self "voice-rate" [Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
        | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = Just self {rate = Just kw}
        | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just self {rate = Just "default"}

    longhand _ self "voice-pitch" toks = (\val -> self {pitch = val}) <$> parsePitch toks
    longhand _ self "voice-range" toks = (\val -> self {range = val}) <$> parsePitch toks

    longhand _ self "speak" [Ident "never"] = Just self {speak = False}
    longhand _ self "speak" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["always", "initial"] = Just self {speak = True}

    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident kw] |
        kw `elem` ["normal", "initial"] = Just self {speakAs = Nothing}
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "spell-out"] = Just self {speakAs = Just "characters"}
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "digits"] = Just self {speakAs = Just "tts:digits"}
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "literal-punctuation"] = Just self {speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just True}
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "no-punctuation"] = Just self {speakAs = Nothing, punctuation = Just False}
    longhand _ self "speak-as" [tok, Ident kw]
        | kw `elem` ["literal-punctuation", "no-punctuation"], Just self' <- Style.longhand self self "speak-as" [tok] =
            Just self' {punctuation = Just (kw == "literal-punctuation")}

    longhand _ self "voice-family" [Ident "preserve"] = Just self
    longhand _ self "voice-family" toks = (\val -> self {voice = Just val}) <$> parseVoice toks

    longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident kw]
        | kw `elem` ["strong", "moderate", "none", "reduced"] = Just self {stress = Just kw}
    longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident "normal"] = Just self {stress = Just "moderate"}

    longhand _ self "pause-before" toks = (\val -> self {pauseBefore = val}) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "pause-after" toks = (\val -> self {pauseAfter = val}) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "rest-before" toks = (\val -> self {restBefore = val}) <$> parsePause toks
    longhand _ self "rest-after" toks = (\val -> self {restAfter = val}) <$> parsePause toks

    longhand _ self "cue-before" toks = (\val -> self {cueBefore = val}) <$> parseCue toks
    longhand _ self "cue-after" toks = (\val -> self {cueAfter = val}) <$> parseCue toks

    longhand _ self "content" toks = (\val -> self {content = val}) <$> parseContent toks

    longhand _ self "counter-reset" toks = (\val -> self {counterReset = val}) <$> parseCounters 0 toks
    longhand _ self "counter-increment" toks = (\val -> self {counterIncrement = val}) <$> parseCounters 1 toks
    longhand _ self "counter-set" toks = (\val -> self {counterSet = val}) <$> parseCounters 0 toks

    longhand _ self _ [Ident "inherit"] = Just self
    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

---- Helpers
cssFloat :: NumericValue -> Float
cssFloat (NVInteger i) = fromInteger i
cssFloat (NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n

M src/Types.hs => src/Types.hs +3 -2
@@ 2,8 2,9 @@
module Types(CArray, Page(..)) where

import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory) -- default referer URI
import StyleTree (StyleTree)
import SpeechStyle (SpeechStyle)
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions (ConditionalStyles, conditionalStyles)
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text (TextStyle)
import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Network.URI

@@ 13,7 14,7 @@ import Foreign.StablePtr

type CArray a = Ptr a

data Page = Page {url :: URI, css :: ConditionalStyles StyleTree, html :: Document}
data Page = Page {url :: URI, css :: ConditionalStyles (TextStyle SpeechStyle), html :: Document}

foreign export ccall c_initialReferer :: IO (StablePtr Page)

M useragent.css => useragent.css +2 -1
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
head, link, meta, style, script, title, base {speak: never}
datalist, template {speak: never}
html {speak-as: normal no-punctuation}
* {white-space: normal;}

/** Forms **/
button, select, textarea, input, output {speak: never} /* Leave to special form entry mode */

@@ 30,7 31,7 @@ h6 {voice-pitch: high}
hr {pause: x-strong}
p, pre, samp, blockquote {pause: strong}
pre, address, samp {speak-as: literal-punctuation}
pre, samp, code {voice: neutral 2}
pre, samp, code {voice: neutral 2; white-space: pre;}
[href], :link {cue-after: url(about:link.wav) !important; voice-pitch: low}
:link:visited {cue-after: url(about:link.wav) -1db !important}
img {voice-volume: soft; content: attr(src)}