@@ 2,6 2,7 @@
module Main where
import System.Environment
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal
@@ 11,7 12,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8
import qualified Text.HTML.DOM as HTML
import qualified Text.XML as XML
-import Data.Text as Txt (pack, unpack, Text(..), append)
+import Data.Text as Txt (pack, unpack, Text(..), append,
+ words, unwords, head, last, stripStart, stripEnd)
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
@@ 23,6 25,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import DefaultCSS
+import StyleTree
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ 33,19 36,14 @@ main = do
response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
let html = XML.documentRoot $ HTML.parseLBS $ HTTP.responseBody response
style <- retreiveStyles html manager request
- C8.putStrLn $ renderElLBS $ stylizeEl style html
-renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
- XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],
- XML.documentRoot = el,
- XML.documentEpilogue = []
- }
+ let transcript = stylize style html
+ C8.putStrLn $ renderElLBS $ styleToSSML transcript
retreiveStyles html manager base = do
style <- H2C.externalStyles authorStyle testMedia html loadURL
return style
- emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet MapPropertyParser
+ emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet StyleTree
emptyStyle = Style.queryableStyleSheet
agentStyle = H2C.cssPriorityAgent emptyStyle `CSS.parse` Txt.pack userAgentCSS
authorStyle = H2C.internalStyles testMedia agentStyle html
@@ 59,58 57,84 @@ testMedia attrs = media == Nothing || media == Just "speech"
where media = "media" `M.lookup` attrs
-stylizeEl styles html
- | XML.NodeElement el <- H2C.traverseStyles buildEl buildText styles html = el
- |otherwise = XML.Element name M.empty []
+stylize styles html = H2C.traverseStyles buildNode buildText styles html
- buildEl (MPP attrs) children = XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element name attrs children
- buildText _ txt = XML.NodeContent txt
- name = XML.Name "prosody" Nothing Nothing
-data MapPropertyParser = MPP (M.Map XML.Name Text)
-addAttr self name value = Just $ MPP $ M.insert (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) value self
-lowerHz n "khz" absolute = lowerHz (n*1000) "hz" absolute
--- Relative offsets are communicated in SSML by the presence of a sign character.
-lowerHz n "hz" True | n < 0 = "0hz"
- | otherwise = Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
-lowerHz n "hz" False | n < 0 = Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
- | otherwise = Txt.pack ('+' : show n ++ "hz")
-cssFloat :: CSSTok.NumericValue -> Float
-cssFloat (CSSTok.NVInteger i) = fromInteger i
-cssFloat (CSSTok.NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n
-instance Style.PropertyParser MapPropertyParser where
- temp = MPP M.empty
- inherit _ = Style.temp
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-volume" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
- | kw `elem` ["silent", "x-soft", "soft", "medium", "loud", "x-loud"] = addAttr self "volume" kw
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-volume" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "volume" "medium"
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-rate" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle percentages
- | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = addAttr self "rate" kw
- | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = addAttr self "rate" "default"
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
- | kw `elem` ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] = addAttr self "pitch" kw
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "pitch" "medium"
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit, CSSTok.Ident "absolute"] =
- addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Ident "absolute", CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
- addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-pitch" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
- addAttr self "pitch" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit False
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
- | kw `elem` ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] = addAttr self "range" kw
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident "initial"] = addAttr self "range" "medium"
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit, CSSTok.Ident "absolute"] =
- addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Ident "absolute", CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
- addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit True
- longhand _ (MPP self) "voice-range" [CSSTok.Dimension _ n unit] =
- addAttr self "range" $ lowerHz (cssFloat n) unit False
- longhand _ self _ [CSSTok.Ident "inherit"] = Just self -- Imply the inheritance
- longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+ buildNode self children = self {children = children}
+ buildText _ txt = Style.temp {content = txt}
+styleToSSML StyleTree {speak = False} =
+ XML.Element (XML.Name "blank" Nothing Nothing) M.empty []
+styleToSSML self = buildEl0 "prosody" [
+ ("volume", volume self),
+ ("rate", rate self),
+ ("pitch", serializePitch $ pitch self),
+ ("range", serializePitch $ range self)
+ ] $ buildEl0 "emphasis" [("level", stress self)] $
+ buildEl0 "say-as" [("interpret-as", speakAs self)] $
+ buildEl0 "tts:style" [
+ ("field", maybeBool (punctuation self) "punctuation" "punctuation"),
+ ("mode", maybeBool (punctuation self) "all" "none")
+ ] $ buildVoices (voice self) (
+ XML.NodeContent (content self) :
+ map (\node -> XML.NodeElement $ styleToSSML node) (children self)
+ )
+serializePitch Inherit = Nothing
+serializePitch (Pitch kw) = Just kw
+serializePitch (Absolute "khz" n) = serializePitch $ Absolute "hz" (1000 * n)
+serializePitch (Absolute _ n) | n < 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
+serializePitch (Relative "khz" n) = serializePitch $ Relative "hz" (1000 * n)
+serializePitch (Relative _ n) | n < 0 = Just $ Txt.pack (show n ++ "hz")
+ | otherwise = Just $ Txt.pack ("+" ++ show n ++ "hz")
+maybeBool (Just True) truthy _ = Just truthy
+maybeBool (Just False) _ falsy = Just falsy
+maybeBool Nothing _ _ = Nothing
+maybeCast (Just n) = Just $ Txt.pack $ show n
+maybeCast Nothing = Nothing
+buildVoice (Voice name) children = buildEl "voice" [("name", Just name)] children
+buildVoice (VoicePattern age gender variant) children = buildEl "voice" [
+ ("age", maybeCast age),
+ ("gender", Just gender),
+ ("variant", maybeCast variant)
+ ] children
+buildVoices Nothing = buildEl "blank" []
+buildVoices (Just voice) = buildVoice voice
+---- XML Output Utils
+buildEl name attrs elChildren =
+ XML.Element (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) (attrsFromList attrs) elChildren
+buildEl0 name attrs child = buildEl name attrs [XML.NodeElement child]
+attrsFromList ((name, Just value):attrs) =
+ M.insert (XML.Name name Nothing Nothing) value $ attrsFromList attrs
+attrsFromList ((_, Nothing):attrs) = attrsFromList attrs
+attrsFromList [] = M.empty
+stripEmptyEls (XML.Element name attrs elChildren) =
+ XML.Element name attrs $ stripEmptyNodes elChildren
+stripEmptyNodes (XML.NodeElement el@(XML.Element _ attrs elChildren ):nodes)
+ | M.null attrs = stripEmptyNodes (elChildren ++ nodes)
+ | otherwise = XML.NodeElement (stripEmptyEls el) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
+stripEmptyNodes (XML.NodeContent txt : nodes) = -- strip whitespace
+ XML.NodeContent (collapseSpaces txt) : stripEmptyNodes nodes
+stripEmptyNodes (node:nodes) = stripEmptyNodes nodes
+stripEmptyNodes [] = []
+collapseSpaces txt
+ | txt == "" = "" -- Avoids errors from head/tail tests.
+ | isSpace $ Txt.head txt = " " `Txt.append` collapseSpaces (Txt.stripStart txt)
+ | isSpace $ Txt.last txt = collapseSpaces (Txt.stripEnd txt) `Txt.append` " "
+ | otherwise = Txt.unwords $ Txt.words txt
+renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
+ XML.documentPrologue = XML.Prologue [] Nothing [],
+ XML.documentRoot = stripEmptyEls el,
+ XML.documentEpilogue = []
+ }
@@ 0,0 1,163 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module StyleTree(
+ StyleTree(..), Pitch(..), Voice(..)
+ ) where
+import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
+import Data.Map
+import qualified Data.HTML2CSS as H2C
+import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
+import Data.Text
+import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
+data Pitch = Pitch Text | Absolute Text Float | Relative Text Float | Inherit
+parsePitch [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["x-low", "low", "medium", "high", "x-high"] = Just $ Pitch kw
+parsePitch [Ident "initial"] = Just $ Pitch "medium"
+parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit, Ident "absolute"]
+ | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Absolute unit $ cssFloat n
+parsePitch [Ident "absolute", Dimension _ n unit]
+ | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Absolute unit $ cssFloat n
+parsePitch [Dimension _ n unit]
+ | unit `elem` ["hz", "khz"] = Just $ Relative unit $ cssFloat n
+parsePitch _ = Nothing
+data Voice = Voice Text | VoicePattern (Maybe Integer) Text (Maybe Integer)
+genders = ["male", "female", "neutral"]
+parseVoice (Ident "child":toks) = parseVoice (Number "6" (NVInteger 6):toks)
+parseVoice (Ident "young":toks) = parseVoice (Number "24" (NVInteger 24):toks)
+parseVoice (Ident "old":toks) = parseVoice (Number "75" (NVInteger 75):toks)
+parseVoice [Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
+ | v >= 1 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw $ Just v
+parseVoice [Ident kw] | kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern Nothing kw Nothing
+parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw, Number _ (NVInteger v)]
+ | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders && v >= 1 =
+ Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw (Just v)
+parseVoice [Number _ (NVInteger age), Ident kw]
+ | age >= 0 && kw `elem` genders = Just $ VoicePattern (Just age) kw Nothing
+data Pause = Pause {
+ strength :: Maybe Text,
+ time :: Maybe Text
+parsePause [Ident kw]
+ | kw `elem` ["none", "x-weak", "weak", "medium", "strong", "x-strong"] = Just Pause {
+ strength = Just kw, time = Nothing
+ }
+parsePause toks@[Dimension _ _ unit] | unit `elem` ["s", "ms"] = Just Pause {
+ strength = Nothing, time = Just $ serialize toks
+ }
+parsePause _ = Nothing
+data Cue = Cue {src :: Text, cueVolume :: Float} | NoCue
+parseCue [Url source] = Just $ Cue source 0
+parseCue [Url source, Dimension _ n "dB"] = Just $ Cue source $ cssFloat n
+parseCue [Ident "none"] = Just NoCue
+parseCue _ = Nothing
+data StyleTree = StyleTree {
+ voice :: Maybe Voice,
+ volume :: Maybe Text,
+ rate :: Maybe Text,
+ pitch :: Pitch,
+ range :: Pitch,
+ speak :: Bool,
+ speakAs :: Maybe Text,
+ punctuation :: Maybe Bool,
+ stress :: Maybe Text,
+ pauseBefore :: Pause,
+ pauseAfter :: Pause,
+ restBefore :: Pause,
+ restAfter :: Pause,
+ children :: [StyleTree],
+ content :: Text
+instance Style.PropertyParser StyleTree where
+ temp = StyleTree {
+ voice = Nothing,
+ volume = Nothing,
+ rate = Nothing,
+ pitch = Inherit,
+ range = Inherit,
+ speak = True,
+ speakAs = Nothing,
+ punctuation = Nothing,
+ stress = Nothing,
+ pauseBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
+ pauseAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
+ restBefore = Pause Nothing Nothing,
+ restAfter = Pause Nothing Nothing,
+ children = [],
+ content = ""
+ }
+ inherit _ = Style.temp
+ shorthand _ "pause" [a, b] | Just _ <- parsePause [a], Just _ <- parsePause [b] =
+ [("pause-before", [a]), ("pause-after", [b])]
+ shorthand _ "pause" v | Just _ <- parsePause v =
+ [("pause-before", v), ("pause-after", v)]
+ shorthand _ "rest" [a, b] | Just _ <- parsePause [a], Just _ <- parsePause [b] =
+ [("rest-before", [a]), ("rest-after", [b])]
+ shorthand _ "rest" v | Just _ <- parsePause v =
+ [("rest-before", v), ("rest-after", v)]
+ --shorthand _ "cue" (a:b@(Dimension _ _ _):c) | Just _ <- parseCue [a, b], Just _ <- parseCue c =
+ -- [("cue-before", [a, b]), ("cue-after", c)]
+ --shorthand _ "cue" (a:b) | Just _ <- parseCue [a], Just _ <- parseCue b =
+ -- [("cue-before", [a]), ("cue-after", c)]
+ --shorthand _ "cue" v | Just _ <- parseCue v =
+ -- [("cue-before", v), ("cue-after", v)]
+ shorthand self key value | Just _ <- Style.longhand self self key value = [(key, value)]
+ | otherwise = []
+ longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
+ | kw `elem` ["silent", "x-soft", "soft", "medium", "loud", "x-loud"] =
+ Just self {volume = Just kw}
+ longhand _ self "voice-volume" [Ident "initial"] = Just self {volume = Just "medium"}
+ longhand _ self "voice-rate" [Ident kw] -- TODO handle offsets
+ | kw `elem` ["x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast"] = Just self {rate = Just kw}
+ | kw `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just self {rate = Just "default"}
+ longhand _ self "voice-pitch" toks = parsePitch toks >>= \val -> Just self {pitch = val}
+ longhand _ self "voice-range" toks = parsePitch toks >>= \val -> Just self {range = val}
+ longhand _ self "speak" [Ident "never"] = Just self {speak = False}
+ longhand _ self "speak" [Ident kw] | kw `elem` ["always", "initial"] = Just self {speak = True}
+ longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident kw] |
+ kw `elem` ["normal", "initial"] = Just self {speakAs = Nothing}
+ longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "spell-out"] = Just self {speakAs = Just "characters"}
+ longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "digits"] = Just self {speakAs = Just "tts:digits"}
+ longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "literal-punctuation"] = Just self {punctuation = Just True}
+ longhand _ self "speak-as" [Ident "no-punctuation"] = Just self {punctuation = Just False}
+ longhand _ self "voice-family" [Ident "preserve"] = Just self
+ longhand _ self "voice-family" toks = parseVoice toks >>= \val -> Just self {voice = Just val}
+ longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident kw]
+ | kw `elem` ["strong", "moderate", "none", "reduced"] = Just self {stress = Just kw}
+ longhand _ self "voice-stress" [Ident "normal"] = Just self {stress = Just "moderate"}
+ longhand _ self "pause-before" toks = parsePause toks >>= \val -> Just self {pauseBefore = val}
+ longhand _ self "pause-after" toks = parsePause toks >>= \val -> Just self {pauseAfter = val}
+ longhand _ self "rest-before" toks = parsePause toks >>= \val -> Just self {restBefore = val}
+ longhand _ self "rest-after" toks = parsePause toks >>= \val -> Just self {restAfter = val}
+ longhand _ self _ [Ident "inherit"] = Just self
+ longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+---- Helpers
+cssFloat :: NumericValue -> Float
+cssFloat (NVInteger i) = fromInteger i
+cssFloat (NVNumber n) = toRealFloat n