
df331116aaad55c0d68b5667e84e78003179daf1 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 8d9fafb
Bugfix: generate correct anchor for <summary> links.

I'm pushing & popping to the path as a stack, but the anchor is right -> child. Needs to be reversed.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M src/Links.hs
M src/Links.hs => src/Links.hs +1 -1
@@ 51,7 51,7 @@ extractMisc [] = []

extractEl path el@(Element (Name "details" _ _) _ childs) =
    [Link (nodesText summary' $ nodesText childs "") "+" nullURI {
        uriFragment = '#':'.':intercalate "." (map show path)
        uriFragment = '#':'.':intercalate "." (map show $ reverse path)
    } | NodeElement summary@(Element (Name "summary" _ _) _ summary') <- childs]
extractEl path el@(Element _ _ children) =
    extractElAttr el "href" ++