
b0e7b8c41afdf55df3cceffc60c27446e2878da5 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 5237f62
Docs: Add qualifiers to Web Platform bloat numbers.

To head off nitpickers.
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M docs/Why?.md
M docs/Why?.md => docs/Why?.md +5 -0
@@ 44,6 44,11 @@ UEFI, USB 3.2, and POSIX specifications, all 8,754 published RFCs, everything
on Wikipedia's list of longest novels, and 6 copies of the Intel x86 manual

**Note:** Not all of those specifications actually apply to browsers, but vice
versa not all specifications that defines The Web Platform are created/published
via The W3C. I'm not sure how quite much those numbers reflect reality, but I've
seen their consequences.

The only people who can possibly implement enough of The Web to compete are
those who already have, and even that's no guarantee. Furthermore these efforts,
despite being open source, cannot be effectively audited nor (unless you're the