
60f1ac451316e977e19f74edf8bf108a5b6c3c6e — Adrian Cochrane 3 years ago cf3d8d0
Handle case of no commandline arguments.

Restores previous session, or reads welcome page followed by links table.
3 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M src/Input.hs
M src/Render.hs
M src/main.c
M src/Input.hs => src/Input.hs +10 -0
@@ 272,3 272,13 @@ foreign export ccall c_writeLog :: CString -> StablePtr Session -> IO ()
c_writeLog c_path c_session = do
    path <- peekCString c_path
    withFile path AppendMode (\logfile -> deRefStablePtr c_session >>= writeLog logfile)

foreign export ccall c_lastVisited :: CString -> IO CString
c_lastVisited def = do
    path <- (</> "history.gmni") <$> getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
    exists <- doesFileExist path
    if not exists then return def else do
        file <- readFile path
        case map words $ lines file of
            (_:url:_):_ -> newCString url
            _ -> return def

M src/Render.hs => src/Render.hs +8 -1
@@ 147,10 147,13 @@ downloadAssets session mimes (StyleAssets _ assets) = do
    Dir.removeDirectoryRecursive dir `catch` ignoreError -- Clear cache.
    Dir.createDirectoryIfMissing True dir

    fetchURLs session mimes assets $ filterMIMEs mimes $ saveDownload nullURI dir
    -- Ensure core audio cues are saved with predictable names for UI layer to use.
    let assets' = nub $ (u "about:link.wav":u "about:bulletpoint.wav":assets)
    fetchURLs session mimes assets' $ filterMIMEs mimes $ saveDownload nullURI dir
    ignoreError :: IOError -> IO ()
    ignoreError _ = return ()
    u = fromMaybe (URI "about:" Nothing "invalid" "" "") . parseAbsoluteURI

filterMIMEs mimes cb download@(_, mime, _)
    | mime `elem` mimes = cb download

@@ 178,3 181,7 @@ c_renderDoc c_session c_page rewriteURLs = do
    B.toStrict ssml `useAsCString` \cstr -> do
        str <- peekCString cstr
        newCString str

foreign export ccall c_cachedir :: IO CString

c_cachedir = Dir.getXdgDirectory Dir.XdgCache "rhapsode" >>= newCString

M src/main.c => src/main.c +16 -6
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ void *c_fetchURL(struct session*, char*, struct page*, char*);
//struct page **c_fetchURLs(struct session*, struct page*, char**); // FIXME segfaults.
void c_freePage(struct page*);

void c_enableLogging(struct session*);
struct session *c_enableLogging(struct session*);
void c_writeLog(char*, struct session*);

char *c_renderDoc(struct session*, struct page*, _Bool);

@@ 35,6 35,8 @@ char **c_extractLinks(struct page*);
char **c_docLinksAndRendering(struct session*, struct page*, _Bool); // FIXME segfaults.
int c_ssmlHasMark(char*, char*);

char *c_lastVisited(char*);

/* espeak-ng integration. Based on the espeak-ng command source code. */
SNDFILE *fd_wav = NULL;
char *path_wav = NULL;

@@ 204,10 206,12 @@ char *select_link(char **links, char *command) {

    // Pass 3: Retrieve answer
    for (int i = 0; strcmp(links[i], " ") != 0; i += 3) {
        if (score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i]) &&
            score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i+1]) &&
            score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i+2])) continue;
        if (num_matches == 1) return links[i+2];
        if (command[0] != '\0') {// "" to read entire link table...
            if (score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i]) &&
                score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i+1]) &&
                score < levenshtein_distance(command, links[i+2])) continue;
            if (num_matches == 1) return links[i+2];

        // Communicate 
        printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", links[i+2], links[i], links[i+1]);

@@ 429,6 433,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    if (use_espeak) speak_err = speak_initialize();
    char *ssml, **links, *uri;
    if (optind >= argc) {
        // No URLs specified, restore previous session or goto about:welcome
        uri = c_lastVisited("about:welcome");
        goto read_uri;
    for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
        uri = argv[i];

@@ 439,7 448,7 @@ read_uri:
        else printf("%s\n", argv[i]);

        if (logpath != NULL) c_enableLogging(session);
        if (logpath != NULL) session = c_enableLogging(session);

        struct page *page = c_fetchURL(session, mimes, referer, uri);
        ssml = c_renderDoc(session, page, use_espeak);

@@ 448,6 457,7 @@ read_uri:
        if (logpath != NULL) c_writeLog(logpath, session);

        if (fd_ssml != NULL) fprintf(fd_ssml, "%s\n", ssml);
        if (read_keyboard && strcmp(uri, "about:welcome")) select_link(links, "");
        if (fd_links != NULL) write_links(fd_links, links);
        if (use_espeak & speak_err == 0) speak(ssml, "main", NULL);
        #ifdef WITH_SPEECHD