M rhapsode.cabal => rhapsode.cabal +7 -3
@@ 61,11 61,15 @@ library
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base >=4.9 && <5, directory >= 1.3.2, bytestring,
+ file-embed >= 0.0.9 && < 0.1, time, parallel >= 1,
+ -- HTML parsing, SSML output
html-conduit, xml-conduit, text, containers, data-default-class,
- network-uri,
+ -- Networking
+ network-uri, async, hurl >= 2, filepath, temporary,
+ -- CSS
stylist >= 2.4 && <3, css-syntax, xml-conduit-stylist >= 2.3 && <3, scientific,
- async, hurl >= 2, filepath, temporary,
- file-embed >= 0.0.9 && < 0.1, time, parallel >= 1, process
+ -- Voice2Json input
+ process, aeson >= 1.5 && <1.6, unordered-containers
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
M src/Links.hs => src/Links.hs +29 -4
@@ 22,16 22,19 @@ import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.Directory -- For locating links.xml, suggestions.gmni
import System.FilePath
-import System.IO (hPrint, stderr) -- For error reporting
+import System.IO (hPrint, stderr, hGetContents) -- For error reporting, Voice2Json
-- For suggestions.gmni
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (nub, intercalate)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
--- For Voice2Json's sentences.ini
+-- For Voice2Json
import Data.Char
-import System.Process (callProcess)
+import System.Process
+import Data.Aeson
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
data Link = Link {
label :: Text,
@@ 249,6 252,10 @@ c_extractLinks c_page c_v2jProfile = do
text2cstring txt = FTxt.withCStringLen txt $ \s -> (peekCStringLen s >>= newCString)
+--- C helper functions
foreign export ccall c_formatLink :: CString -> CString -> CString -> IO CString
c_formatLink c_label c_title c_url = do
@@ 273,10 280,28 @@ c_formatLink c_label c_title c_url = do
prosody attrs txt = el "prosody" attrs [NodeContent txt]
style field mode inner = el "tts:style" [("field", field), ("mode", mode)] [NodeElement inner]
+--- For Voice2JSON
foreign export ccall c_dataDir :: CString -> IO CString
--- | Used to find Voice2Json profile
c_dataDir c_subdir = do
subdir <- peekCString c_subdir
cache <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
newCString (cache </> subdir)
+foreign export ccall c_recognizeIntent :: CString -> IO CString
+c_recognizeIntent c_profile = do
+ profile <- peekCString c_profile
+ (_, Just pipe, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "voice2json" [
+ "--profile", profile,
+ "transcribe-stream",
+ "-c", "1"]){std_out = CreatePipe}
+ (_, Just out, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "voice2json" [
+ "--profile", profile,
+ "recognize-intent"]){std_in = UseHandle pipe, std_out = CreatePipe}
+ intent <- LBS.hGetContents out
+ let transcript = case decode intent of
+ Just (Object obj) | Just (String txt) <- "text" `HM.lookup` obj -> unpack txt
+ _ -> ""
+ newCString transcript
M src/main.c => src/main.c +18 -6
@@ 36,9 36,11 @@ void c_writeLog(char*, struct session*);
char *c_renderDoc(struct session*, struct page*, _Bool);
char **c_extractLinks(struct page*, char *v2jProfile);
char **c_docLinksAndRendering(struct session*, struct page*, _Bool); // FIXME segfaults.
int c_ssmlHasMark(char*, char*);
char *c_formatLink(char *label, char *title, char *url);
char *c_dataDir(char *subdir);
+char *c_recognizeIntent(char *profile); // For better JSON & subprocess APIs.
char *c_lastVisited(char*);
@@ 219,11 221,12 @@ char *select_link(char **links, const char *command) {
struct termios stored_settings, no_echo;
int read_keyboard = 1;
-int speak_finalize(char *ssml, char **links, char **out_link) {
+int speak_finalize(char *ssml, char *v2j_profile, char **links, char **out_link) {
while (read_keyboard) {
if (out_link != NULL && *out_link != NULL) return 0;
- if (getc(stdin) == '\033') {
+ char ch = getc(stdin);
+ if (ch == '\033') {
char mark[200];
char fallback[200];
@@ 285,15 288,24 @@ int speak_finalize(char *ssml, char **links, char **out_link) {
speak(ssml, paragraph_no > 0 ? mark : NULL, NULL);
+ } else if (ch == ' ' && v2j_profile != NULL && *v2j_profile != '\0') {
+ char *line = c_recognizeIntent(v2j_profile);
+ if (out_link != NULL) *out_link = select_link(links, line);
+ free(line);
} else {
// Read in a line
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &stored_settings);
- char *line = NULL;
- size_t len = 0;
+ char buffer[512];
+ buffer[0] = ch;
+ putchar(ch);
+ char *line = buffer + 1;
+ size_t len = 512;
if (getline(&line, &len, stdin) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read stdin line!\n");
else if (out_link != NULL)
- *out_link = select_link(links, line);
+ *out_link = select_link(links, buffer);
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &no_echo);
@@ 510,7 522,7 @@ read_uri:
speak_err = espeak_ng_Synchronize();
if (speak_err == 0) select_link(links, "");
- if (use_espeak & speak_err == 0) speak_err = speak_finalize(ssml, links, &uri);
+ if (use_espeak & speak_err == 0) speak_err = speak_finalize(ssml, v2j_profile, links, &uri);
if (uri != NULL) goto read_uri;