
3659b6d7e3757b42412ceb150d2dded1c67c1e1b — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 122e097 + e050209
Merge branch 'master' of git.nzoss.org.nz:alcinnz/rhapsode
1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +14 -4
@@ 12,8 12,18 @@ Forms will be rendered as ordinary elements and be navigated to as a link. Once 
## Why?
Because I want The Web to be "universal", for browsers to have the slack they need to present it however best suits their users and the devices they use. Rhapsode demonstrates HTML/CSS's capabilities this way.

## Writing webpages for Rhapsode
See the wiki for webdev documentation.

* Make sure your webpage is readable without JavaScript or ideally CSS.
* Make good use of `<main>` and `<label>` tags, and the `alt`/`longdesc` attributes.
* [Optional] Write your own CSS for Rhapsode by adhearing to the (retired) [CSS Speech Module](https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-speech/)
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## Installation/Running
1. Install `espeak-ng`, `zlib1g-dev`, `ghc`, and `cabal-install`. (Debian package names listed here)
2. From within the git repository, run `cabal install`. This'll compile Rhapsode and all it's other dependencies.
3. (OPTIONAL) Add `~/.cabal/bin/` to your path if it isn't already.
4. Run Rhapsode with `cabal run https://example.com/ | espeak-ng -mb1`, where "https://example.com/" can/should be replaced any valid URL. Or if you followed step 3, you can replace "cabal run" with "rhapsode".

Currently Rhapsode is outputting SSML markup, which is why the output is piped into eSpeak NG. The `-m` flag tells espeak to interpret the SSML. The `b1` flag tells it that the output is in UTF-8, without it eSpeak may stumble through the reading. See `espeak-ng --help` for more options.

It is a known issue that audio cues aren't being played and eSpeak may read out some of the SSML markup rather than follow it's instructions. These'll be easily fixed once eSpeak NG is embedded into the Rhapsode executable.

## Contributing
You can contributed code or register "issues" to Haskell Stylist by contacting me (Adrian Cochrane) via mastodon or email. Or you can sign up for an account on the NZ OSS GitLab.
If you're contributing code you can link me to where you're hosting your git fork, or send a patch file. Or if you simply to ask for more features or fixes don't hesitate to contact me!
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