
32909aaaf7dbcd3d9ce96d381f60f39dd4e9fc6d — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 4729cb4
Various (attempted) crash fixes.
7 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

M rhapsode.cabal
M src/Input.hs
M src/Links.hs
D src/MimeInfo.hs
M src/Render.hs
M src/SpeechStyle.hs
M src/Types.hs
M rhapsode.cabal => rhapsode.cabal +5 -4
@@ 54,18 54,19 @@ library
  exposed-modules: CExports, Input, Links, Render, Types
  -- Modules included in this library.
  other-modules:       SSML, SpeechStyle, MimeInfo
  other-modules:       SSML, SpeechStyle
  -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
  -- other-extensions:    
  -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <=4.12, directory, bytestring,
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <=4.12, directory >= 1.3.2, bytestring,
        html-conduit, xml-conduit, text, containers, data-default-class,
        stylist >= 2.4 && <3, css-syntax, xml-conduit-stylist >= 2.3 && <3, scientific,
        async, hurl >= 1.5, filepath, temporary,
        file-embed >= 0.0.9 && < 0.1, time, text-trie >= 0.2.5, parallel >= 1
        async, hurl >= 2, filepath, temporary,
        file-embed >= 0.0.9 && < 0.1, time,
        text-trie >= 0.2.5, parallel >= 1, strict >= 0.4
  -- Directories containing source files.
  hs-source-dirs:      src

M src/Input.hs => src/Input.hs +11 -12
@@ 32,7 32,6 @@ import Data.FileEmbed

-- For history
import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

-- For C API
import Types

@@ 53,8 52,8 @@ fetchDocument http referer mime URI { uriScheme = "app:", uriPath = appID } = do
    return referer -- TODO play an error or success sound
fetchDocument http referer mime uri = fetchURL' http mime uri >>= parseDocument' referer http

parseDocument' ref sess resp@(_, mime, _) = do
    page <- parseDocument ref sess resp >>= logHistory
parseDocument' ref@Page {visitedURLs = hist} sess resp@(_, mime, _) = do
    page <- parseDocument ref sess resp >>= logHistory hist
    apps' <- appsForMIME sess mime
    return $ attachHistory $ page { pageMIME = mime, apps = apps' }

@@ 134,24 133,21 @@ pageForDoc uri doc = do
            if not hasAltStyle then authorStyle else
                parse (conditionalStyles uri "document") <$> Txt.readFile path

    hist <- newEmptyMVar
    return Page {Types.url = uri, html = doc, css = styles,
        -- These fields are all blank, to be filled in later by logHistory & parseDocument'
        pageTitle = "", pageMIME = "", apps = [],
        backStack = [], forwardStack = [], visitedURLs = hist}
        backStack = [], forwardStack = [], visitedURLs = Trie.empty}

logHistory ret@Page {Types.url = url', html = doc, visitedURLs = hist} = do
logHistory hist ret@Page {Types.url = url', html = doc} = do
    dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
    now <- getCurrentTime
    let title = Txt.unpack $ getTitle $ XML.documentRoot doc
    appendFile (dir </> "history.gmni") $ intercalate " " [
    appendFile (dir </> "history.gmni") $ '\n' : intercalate " " [
        "=>", uriToStr' url', show now, title

    modifyMVar_ hist $ return . Trie.insert (Txt.pack $ uriToStr' url') ()

    return ret { pageTitle = title, visitedURLs = hist }
    return ret { pageTitle = title, visitedURLs = Trie.insert (Txt.pack $ uriToStr' url') () hist}
    getTitle (XML.Element "title" _ childs) = Txt.concat [txt | XML.NodeContent txt <- childs]
    getTitle (XML.Element "h1" _ childs) = Txt.concat [txt | XML.NodeContent txt <- childs]

@@ 264,9 260,12 @@ c_fetchURL c_session c_mimes c_referer c_uri = do
    doc <- fetchDocument session referer (words mimes) uri'
    newStablePtr doc

foreign export ccall c_enableLogging :: StablePtr Session -> IO ()
foreign export ccall c_enableLogging :: StablePtr Session -> IO (StablePtr Session)

c_enableLogging c_session = deRefStablePtr c_session >>= enableLogging
c_enableLogging c_session = do
    ret <- deRefStablePtr c_session >>= enableLogging
    freeStablePtr c_session
    newStablePtr ret

foreign export ccall c_writeLog :: CString -> StablePtr Session -> IO ()

M src/Links.hs => src/Links.hs +3 -5
@@ 3,13 3,13 @@ module Links(extractLinks, linkToText, Link(..), c_extractLinks) where

import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Network.MIME.Info as MIME
import Network.URI
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, append, pack, replace, strip)
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as FTxt
import Data.Maybe

import Types
import MimeInfo
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Array

@@ 24,7 24,6 @@ import System.IO (hPrint, stderr) -- For error reporting
import Data.Trie.Text (Trie)
import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
import Data.List (nub, intercalate)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)

data Link = Link {

@@ 140,7 139,6 @@ readBookmarks = do
-- Hopefully this'll help surfers rely less on YouTube, et al's hueristics.
updateSuggestions :: Page -> IO ()
updateSuggestions page = do
    hist <- readMVar $ visitedURLs page
    let links = extractLinks $ html page
    let domain = maybe "" show $ uriAuthority $ url page

@@ 149,10 147,10 @@ updateSuggestions page = do
    exists <- doesFileExist path
    suggestions <- if not exists then return [] else do
        file <- Prelude.readFile path
        return [line' | line <- lines file, line'@(_:uri':_) <- [words line], not (pack uri' `Trie.member` hist)]
        return [line' | line <- lines file, line'@(_:uri':_) <- [words line], not (pack uri' `Trie.member` visitedURLs page)]

    let suggestions' = suggestions ++ nub [["=>", uri', domain] | link <- links,
            let uri' = uriToString id (href link) "", not (pack uri' `Trie.member` hist)]
            let uri' = uriToString id (href link) "", not (pack uri' `Trie.member` visitedURLs page)]

    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
    Prelude.writeFile path $ unlines $ map unwords suggestions'

D src/MimeInfo.hs => src/MimeInfo.hs +0 -146
@@ 1,146 0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module MimeInfo(readMimeInfo, mimeInfoCached) where

import Network.URI.Fetch (Application(..))
import Network.URI

import Text.XML as XML
import Data.Text (Text, append, unpack, pack)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.IO (hPrint, stderr)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)

import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
import Data.Trie.Text (Trie)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Char (toLower)

readMimeInfo :: [String] -> String -> IO Application
readMimeInfo locales mime = do
    dirs <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_DIRS"
    homedir <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_HOME"
    let dirs' = fromMaybe' "~/.local/share/" homedir :
            split ':' (fromMaybe' "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/" dirs)

    files <- forM dirs' $ \dir -> do
        let file = dir </> mime <.> "xml"
        exists <- doesFileExist file
        if exists then (Just <$> XML.readFile def file) `catch` handleBadXML else return Nothing

    return $ case catMaybes files of
        file:_ -> readMimeInfo' locales mime $ documentRoot file
        [] -> Application {
            name = mime,
            icon = URI "xdg-icon:" Nothing (replace '/' '-' mime </> genericIcon mime) "" "",
            description = "",
            appId = mime

readMimeInfo' locales mime el = Application {
        name = readEl "comment" Nothing mime,
        icon = nullURI {
            uriScheme = "xdg-icon:",
            uriPath = readEl "icon" (Just "name") (replace '/' '-' mime) </>
                readEl "generic-icon" (Just "name") (genericIcon mime)
        description = readEl "expanded-acronym" Nothing $ readEl "acronym" Nothing mime,
        appId = mime
    readEl key attr fallback
        | (val:_) <- [v | l <- locales ++ [""], v <- maybeToList $ lookup key els] = unpack val
        | otherwise = fallback
      where els = readEl' (pack key) attr $ elementNodes el
    readEl' key Nothing (NodeElement (Element name attrs childs):sibs)
        | key == nameLocalName name = (lang attrs, nodesText childs) : readEl' key Nothing sibs
    readEl' key attr'@(Just attr) (NodeElement (Element name attrs _):sibs)
        | key == nameLocalName name, Just val <- Name key namespace Nothing `M.lookup` attrs =
            (lang attrs, val) : readEl' key attr' sibs
    readEl' key attr (_:sibs) = readEl' key attr sibs
    readEl' _ _ [] = []

    namespace = Just "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info"
    lang = unpack . fromMaybe "" . M.lookup "{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"

(+++) = append
nodesText :: [Node] -> Text
nodesText (NodeElement (Element _ attrs children):nodes) = nodesText children +++ nodesText nodes
nodesText (NodeContent text:nodes) = text +++ nodesText nodes
nodesText (_:nodes) = nodesText nodes
nodesText [] = ""

genericIcon mime = let (group, _) = break (== '/') mime in  group ++ "-x-generic"

handleBadXML err@(InvalidXMLFile _ _) = hPrint stderr err >> return Nothing

fromMaybe' a (Just "") = a
fromMaybe' _ (Just a) = a
fromMaybe' a Nothing = a

split b (a:as) | a == b = [] : split b as
        | (head':tail') <- split b as = (a:head') : tail'
split _ [] = [[]]

replace old new (c:cs) | c == old = new:replace old new cs
    | otherwise = c:replace old new cs
replace _ _ [] = []

---- Pseudo-pure, caching API

{-# NOINLINE mimeInfoCached #-}
mimeInfoCached :: String -> Application
mimeInfoCached = unsafePerformIO $ do
    (locales, _) <- rfc2616Locale
    cache <- newMVar Trie.empty :: IO (MVar (Trie Application))
    return $ \mime -> unsafePerformIO $ modifyMVar cache $ inner (pack mime) locales
    inner mime _ cache | Just val <- mime `Trie.lookup` cache = return (cache, val)
    inner mime locales cache = do
        ret <- readMimeInfo locales $ unpack mime
        return (Trie.insert mime ret cache, ret)

---- Locales

rfc2616Locale :: IO ([String], [String])
rfc2616Locale = do
    locales <- forM ["LANGUAGE", "LC_ALL", "LC_MESSAGES", "LANG"] lookupEnv
    let posix = split ':' $ firstJust locales "en_US"
    let ietf = mapMaybe toRFC2616Lang posix
    return (explode ietf, explode posix)

toRFC2616Lang "C" = Nothing
toRFC2616Lang ('C':'.':_) = Nothing
toRFC2616Lang ('C':'@':_) = Nothing
toRFC2616Lang lang = case toRFC2616Lang' lang of
    "" -> Nothing
    lang' -> Just lang'

toRFC2616Lang' ('_':cs) = '-' : toRFC2616Lang' cs
toRFC2616Lang' ('.':_) = []
toRFC2616Lang' ('@':_) = []
toRFC2616Lang' (c:cs) = toLower c : toRFC2616Lang' cs
toRFC2616Lang' [] = []

-- Makes sure to include the raw languages, and not just localized variants.
extractLangs :: [String] -> [String]
extractLangs (locale:locales) | (lang:_) <- split '-' locale = lang : extractLangs locales
extractLangs (_:locales) = extractLangs locales
extractLangs [] = []

explode :: [String] -> [String]
explode locales = locales ++ [l | l <- extractLangs locales, l `notElem` locales]

firstJust (Just a:_) _ | a /= "" = a
firstJust (_:maybes) fallback = firstJust maybes fallback
firstJust [] fallback = fallback

M src/Render.hs => src/Render.hs +1 -3
@@ 38,7 38,6 @@ import           Control.Exception (catch)
--- For psuedoclasses
import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector as CSSSel
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar)

-- Internal Rhapsode Subcomponents
import SpeechStyle

@@ 166,9 165,8 @@ foreign export ccall c_renderDoc :: StablePtr Session -> StablePtr Page -> Bool 
c_renderDoc c_session c_page rewriteURLs = do
    session <- deRefStablePtr c_session
    page <- deRefStablePtr c_page
    hist <- readMVar $ visitedURLs page
    css' <- retreiveStyles session $ css page
    let pseudoFilter = rhapsodePseudoFilter (Types.url page) hist
    let pseudoFilter = rhapsodePseudoFilter (Types.url page) $ visitedURLs page
    qCSS <- if rewriteURLs then do
        assets <- downloadAssets session [

M src/SpeechStyle.hs => src/SpeechStyle.hs +2 -3
@@ 9,8 9,7 @@ import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe)

import Text.Read (readMaybe) -- to parse <progress> into a more international textual representation.
import MimeInfo (mimeInfoCached) -- to correct label of rel=alternate links.
import Network.URI.Fetch as App (Application(..))
import Network.MIME.Info as MIME

data Unit' = Unit' Text Float
data SpeechStyle = SpeechStyle {

@@ 199,7 198,7 @@ parseStrings (Function "-rhaps-percentage":String num:String denom:RightParen:to
    readNum :: Text -> Float
    readNum = fromMaybe (0.0) . readMaybe . unpack
parseStrings (Function "-rhaps-filetype":String mime:RightParen:toks) =
    append (pack $ App.name $ mimeInfoCached $ unpack mime) <$> parseStrings toks
    append (pack $ MIME.name $ mimeInfo $ unpack mime) <$> parseStrings toks
parseStrings [] = Just ""
parseStrings _ = Nothing

M src/Types.hs => src/Types.hs +6 -6
@@ 14,10 14,10 @@ import Network.URI.Fetch (Application(..))
import Data.Trie.Text (Trie)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Parallel (par)
import qualified System.IO.Strict as Strict

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.StablePtr

@@ 34,22 34,22 @@ data Page = Page {
    backStack :: [(String, URI)],
    forwardStack :: [(String, URI)],
    -- Probably don't need an MVar here, but let's be safe!
    visitedURLs :: MVar (Trie ())
    visitedURLs :: Trie ()

foreign export ccall c_initialReferer :: IO (StablePtr Page)

loadVisited :: IO (MVar (Trie ()))
loadVisited :: IO (Trie ())
loadVisited = do
    dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "rhapsode"
    let path = dir </> "history.gmni"
    exists <- doesFileExist path

    if exists then do
        file <- Prelude.readFile path
        file <- Strict.readFile path -- Can't leave this file locked when I'll shortly append to it!
        let hist = Trie.fromList [(Txt.pack uri, ()) | _:uri:_ <- map words $ lines file]
        hist `par` newMVar hist
    else newMVar Trie.empty
        hist `par` return hist
    else return Trie.empty

c_initialReferer = do
    cwd <- getCurrentDirectory