
109888197ec28150fb50ca6fed8325fdc134cdc5 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 36872a7
Incorporate Stylish HTML Conduit.

Improves clarity of Rhapsody's code and possibly helps someone else create their own browser.
2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

M rhapsode.cabal
M src/Main.hs
M rhapsode.cabal => rhapsode.cabal +1 -1
@@ 64,7 64,7 @@ executable rhapsode
        http-client, http-client-tls, bytestring,
        html-conduit, xml-conduit, text, containers,
        stylish-haskell >= 0.2.0, css-syntax
        stylish-haskell >= 0.2.0, css-syntax, stylish-html-conduit
  -- Directories containing source files.
  hs-source-dirs:      src

M src/Main.hs => src/Main.hs +19 -69
@@ 12,12 12,14 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C8
import qualified Text.HTML.DOM as HTML
import qualified Text.XML as XML
import           Data.Text as Txt (pack, unpack, Text(..), append)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet as CSS
import qualified Data.CSS.Style as Style
import qualified Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens as CSSTok
import qualified Data.HTML2CSS as H2C

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M

import DefaultCSS

@@ 38,83 40,31 @@ renderElLBS el = XML.renderLBS XML.def $ XML.Document {
        XML.documentEpilogue = []

cssPriorityAgent = 1
cssPriorityUser = 2
cssPriorityAuthor = 3

retreiveStyles html manager base = do
    css <- externalStyles html manager base
    return agentStyle -- $ authorStyle (css ++ internalStyles html) -- FIXME freezes
    style <- H2C.externalStyles authorStyle testMedia html loadURL
    return agentStyle -- FIXME Stylish Haskell freezes when I parse more.
    emptyStyle :: Style.QueryableStyleSheet MapPropertyParser
    emptyStyle = Style.queryableStyleSheet {Style.priority = cssPriorityAgent}
    agentStyle = CSS.parse emptyStyle $ Txt.pack userAgentCSS
    -- authorStyle = foldl CSS.parse $ agentStyle {Style.priority = cssPriorityAuthor}

externalStyles html manager base = go $ linkedStyles html
    where -- TODO parallelise loads
        go (link:links) = do
            request <- setUriRelative base link
            response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
            rest <- go links
            return (Txt.pack (C8.unpack $ HTTP.responseBody response) : rest)
        go [] = return []
    emptyStyle = Style.queryableStyleSheet
    agentStyle = H2C.cssPriorityAgent emptyStyle `CSS.parse` Txt.pack userAgentCSS
    authorStyle = H2C.internalStyles testMedia (H2C.cssPriorityAuthor agentStyle) html

linkedStyles (XML.Element (XML.Name "link" _ _) attrs _)
    | Just link <- "href" `M.lookup` attrs,
        Just "stylesheet" <- "rel" `M.lookup` attrs,
        testMedia attrs,
        Just uri <- parseURIReference $ Txt.unpack link = [uri]
linkedStyles (XML.Element _ _ children) =
    concat [linkedStyles el | XML.NodeElement el <- children]

internalStyles (XML.Element (XML.Name "style" _ _) attrs children)
    | testMedia attrs = [strContent children]
internalStyles (XML.Element _ _ children) =
    concat [internalStyles el | XML.NodeElement el <- children]
    loadURL url = do -- TODO parallelise.
        request <- setUriRelative base url
        response <- HTTP.httpLbs request manager
        return $ Txt.pack $ C8.unpack $ HTTP.responseBody response

testMedia attrs = media == Nothing || media == Just "speech"
    where media = "media" `M.lookup` attrs

strContent :: [XML.Node] -> Txt.Text
strContent (XML.NodeContent text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest
-- We do want to read in comments for CSS, just not for display.
strContent (XML.NodeComment text : rest) = text `Txt.append` strContent rest
strContent (XML.NodeElement (XML.Element _ _ children):rest) =
    strContent children `Txt.append` strContent rest
strContent (_:rest) = strContent rest
strContent [] = ""

stylizeEl = stylizeEl' Nothing Style.temp Nothing
stylizeEl' parent parentStyle previous stylesheet el@(XML.Element _ _ children) =
    XML.Element {
        XML.elementName = XML.Name "style" Nothing Nothing,
        XML.elementAttributes = innerStyle,
        XML.elementNodes = stylizeNodes (Just stylishEl) style Nothing stylesheet children
    } where
        style@(MPP innerStyle) = Style.cascade stylesheet stylishEl overrides parentStyle
        stylishEl = elToStylish el parent previous
        overrides = [] -- TODO parse style attribute
stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles (XML.NodeContent txt:nodes) =
    XML.NodeContent txt : stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles nodes
stylizeNodes up upStyle prev styles (XML.NodeElement el:nodes) =
    XML.NodeElement (stylizeEl' up upStyle prev styles el) :
        stylizeNodes up upStyle stylishEl styles nodes
    where stylishEl = Just $ elToStylish el up prev
stylizeNodes a b c d (_:nodes) = stylizeNodes a b c d nodes
stylizeNodes _ _ _ _ [] = []

elToStylish (XML.Element (XML.Name name _ _) attrs _) parent previous =
    Style.ElementNode {
        Style.name = name,
        Style.attributes = L.sort [
            Style.Attribute (XML.nameLocalName name) (Txt.unpack value)
            | (name, value) <- M.toList attrs
        Style.parent = parent,
        Style.previous = previous
stylizeEl styles html
        | XML.NodeElement el <- H2C.traverseStyles buildEl buildText styles html = el
        |otherwise = XML.Element name M.empty []
        buildEl (MPP attrs) children = XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element name attrs children
        buildText _ txt = XML.NodeContent txt
        name = XML.Name "style" Nothing Nothing

data MapPropertyParser = MPP (M.Map XML.Name Text)
instance Style.PropertyParser MapPropertyParser where