@@ 52,7 52,13 @@ extractMisc [] = []
extractEl path el@(Element (Name "details" _ _) _ childs) =
[Link (nodesText summary' $ nodesText childs "") "+" nullURI {
uriFragment = '#':'.':intercalate "." (map show $ reverse path)
- } | NodeElement summary@(Element (Name "summary" _ _) _ summary') <- childs]
+ } | NodeElement summary@(Element (Name "summary" _ _) _ summary') <- childs] ++
+ extractNodes (0:path) childs
+-- Special case for showing Appstream metadata of compatible apps.
+-- Fallback for incompatible package manager UIs.
+extractEl (Element "{https://specifications.freedesktop.org/metainfo/1.0}url" attrs childs)
+ | Just label <- attrs `M.lookup `"{https://specifications.freedesktop.org/metainfo/1.0}type",
+ Just url <- parseAbsoluteURI $ nodesText childs "" = [Link label "" url]
extractEl path el@(Element _ _ children) =
extractElAttr el "href" ++
extractElAttr el "longdesc" ++
@@ 0,0 1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module MimeInfo(readMimeInfo, mimeInfoCached) where
+import Types (Application(..))
+import Network.URI
+import Text.XML as XML
+import Data.Text (Text, append, unpack, pack)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.IO (hPrint, stderr)
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Control.Exception (catch)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybeToList, fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Trie.Text as Trie
+import Data.Trie.Text (Trie)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+readMimeInfo :: [String] -> String -> IO Application
+readMimeInfo locales mime = do
+ dirs <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_DIRS"
+ homedir <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_HOME"
+ let dirs' = fromMaybe' "~/.local/share/" homedir :
+ split ':' (fromMaybe' "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/" dirs)
+ files <- forM dirs' $ \dir -> do
+ let file = dir </> mime <.> "xml"
+ exists <- doesFileExist file
+ if exists then (Just <$> XML.readFile def file) `catch` handleBadXML else return Nothing
+ return $ case catMaybes files of
+ file:_ -> readMimeInfo' locales mime $ documentRoot file
+ [] -> Application {
+ name = mime,
+ icon = URI "xdg-icon:" Nothing (replace '/' '-' mime </> genericIcon mime) "" "",
+ description = "",
+ appId = mime
+ }
+readMimeInfo' locales mime el = Application {
+ name = readEl "comment" Nothing mime,
+ icon = nullURI {
+ uriScheme = "xdg-icon:",
+ uriPath = readEl "icon" (Just "name") (replace '/' '-' mime) </>
+ readEl "generic-icon" (Just "name") (genericIcon mime)
+ },
+ description = readEl "expanded-acronym" Nothing $ readEl "acronym" Nothing mime,
+ appId = mime
+ }
+ where
+ readEl key attr fallback
+ | (val:_) <- [v | l <- locales ++ [""], v <- maybeToList $ lookup key els] = unpack val
+ | otherwise = fallback
+ where els = readEl' (pack key) attr $ elementNodes el
+ readEl' key Nothing (NodeElement (Element name attrs childs):sibs)
+ | key == nameLocalName name = (lang attrs, nodesText childs) : readEl' key Nothing sibs
+ readEl' key attr'@(Just attr) (NodeElement (Element name attrs _):sibs)
+ | key == nameLocalName name, Just val <- Name key namespace Nothing `M.lookup` attrs =
+ (lang attrs, val) : readEl' key attr' sibs
+ readEl' key attr (_:sibs) = readEl' key attr sibs
+ readEl' _ _ [] = []
+ namespace = Just "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info"
+ lang = unpack . fromMaybe "" . M.lookup "{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang"
+(+++) = append
+nodesText :: [Node] -> Text
+nodesText (NodeElement (Element _ attrs children):nodes) = nodesText children +++ nodesText nodes
+nodesText (NodeContent text:nodes) = text +++ nodesText nodes
+nodesText (_:nodes) = nodesText nodes
+nodesText [] = ""
+genericIcon mime = let (group, _) = break (== '/') mime in group ++ "-x-generic"
+handleBadXML err@(InvalidXMLFile _ _) = hPrint stderr err >> return Nothing
+fromMaybe' a (Just "") = a
+fromMaybe' _ (Just a) = a
+fromMaybe' a Nothing = a
+split b (a:as) | a == b = [] : split b as
+ | (head':tail') <- split b as = (a:head') : tail'
+split _ [] = [[]]
+replace old new (c:cs) | c == old = new:replace old new cs
+ | otherwise = c:replace old new cs
+replace _ _ [] = []
+---- Pseudo-pure, caching API
+mimeInfoCached :: [String] -> IO (String -> Application)
+mimeInfoCached locales = do
+ cache <- newMVar Trie.empty :: IO (MVar (Trie Application))
+ return $ \mime -> unsafePerformIO $ modifyMVar cache $ inner (pack mime)
+ where
+ inner mime cache | Just val <- mime `Trie.lookup` cache = return (cache, val)
+ inner mime cache = do
+ ret <- readMimeInfo locales $ unpack mime
+ return (Trie.insert mime ret cache, ret)