module Network.URI.XDG.DesktopEntry(launchApp) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath
import Network.URI
import System.Process (spawnCommand)
import Network.URI.XDG.Ini
import Network.URI.XDG.MimeApps (split, fromMaybe')
launchApp :: [String] -- ^ The locale to use
-> URI -- ^ The URI to have it open.
-> String -- ^ The .desktop ID
-> IO (Maybe String) -- ^ The localized name of the application
launchApp locales uri desktopID = do
app <- readDesktopID desktopID
let grp = "desktop entry"
let name = fromMaybe desktopID $ iniLookupLocalized locales grp "name" app
case (iniLookup grp "type" app, iniLookup grp "exec" app) of
(Just "Application", Just exec) ->
catch (execApp uri exec name app) execFailed
_ -> return Nothing
readDesktopID desktopID = do
dirs <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_DIRS"
let dirs' = split ':' $ fromMaybe' "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/" dirs
filepaths <- forM (filter (/= "") dirs') $ \dir -> do
exists <- doesFileExist (dir </> "applications" </> desktopID)
if exists then
return $ Just (dir </> "applications" </> desktopID)
return Nothing -- TODO? Handle cases where - = subdirectory path?
case catMaybes filepaths of
(filepath:_) -> do
source <- readFile filepath
let metadata = (" ", ["filename", filepath]) -- Used by %k macro
return (parseIni source)
[] -> return []
-- Capitals usually means supports multiple arguments,
-- but HURL doesn't support making use of that.
macros uri@URI {uriScheme="file:", uriPath=f} ('%':'f':cmd) x = esc f ++ macros uri cmd x
macros uri@URI {uriScheme="file:", uriPath=f} ('%':'F':cmd) x = esc f ++ macros uri cmd x
macros uri ('%':'u':cmd) x = esc uri ++ macros uri cmd x
macros uri ('%':'U':cmd) x = esc uri ++ macros uri cmd x
macros uri ('%':'i':cmd) (app, name)
| Just icon <- iniLookup "desktop entry" "icon" app =
"--icon " ++ esc icon ++ macros uri cmd (app, name)
| otherwise = macros uri cmd (app, name)
macros uri ('%':'c':cmd) (app, name) = esc name ++ macros uri cmd (app, name)
macros uri ('%':'k':cmd) (app, name)
| Just file <- iniLookup " " "filename" app = esc file ++ macros uri cmd (app, name)
| otherwise = macros uri cmd (app, name)
macros uri ('%':'%':cmd) x = '%' : macros uri cmd x
macros uri (c:cmd) x = c : macros uri cmd x
macros _ [] _ = []
esc txt = '\'' : esc' (show txt)
esc' ('\'':cs) = '\\' : '\'' : esc' cs
esc' (c:cs) = c : esc' cs
esc' [] = "'"
execApp :: URI -> String -> String -> INI -> IO (Maybe String)
execApp uri exec name app = do
spawnCommand $ macros uri exec (app, name)
return $ Just name
execFailed :: IOError -> IO (Maybe String)
execFailed _ = return Nothing