-- | Central infrastructure for implementing queryable stylesheets.
-- NOTE: This internal module isn't intended to be fully documented.
module Data.CSS.Style.Common(
RuleStore(..), StyleRule'(..), selector, properties, psuedoElement, styleRule',
Element(..), Attribute(..),
-- Re-exports
Text(..), StyleRule(..), Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..)
) where
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
-- | An inversely-linked tree of elements, to apply CSS selectors to.
data Element = ElementNode {
-- | The element's parent in the tree.
parent :: Maybe Element,
-- | The element's previous sibling in the tree.
previous :: Maybe Element,
-- | The element's name.
name :: Text,
-- | The element's attributes, in sorted order.
attributes :: [Attribute]
-- | A key-value attribute.
data Attribute = Attribute Text String deriving (Eq, Ord)
class RuleStore a where
new :: a
addStyleRule :: a -> Int -> StyleRule' -> a
lookupRules :: a -> Element -> [StyleRule']
type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
data StyleRule' = StyleRule' {
inner :: StyleRule,
compiledSelector :: SelectorFunc,
rank :: (Int, (Int, Int, Int), Int) -- This reads ugly, but oh well.
styleRule' :: StyleRule -> StyleRule'
styleRule' rule = StyleRule' {
inner = rule,
compiledSelector = \_ -> True,
rank = (0, (0, 0, 0), 0)
instance Eq StyleRule' where
a == b = inner a == inner b
instance Show StyleRule' where show a = show $ inner a
instance Ord StyleRule' where compare x y = rank x `compare` rank y
selector :: StyleRule' -> Selector
selector rule | StyleRule sel _ _ <- inner rule = sel
properties :: StyleRule' -> [(Text, [Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens.Token])]
properties rule | StyleRule _ props _ <- inner rule = props
psuedoElement :: StyleRule' -> Text
psuedoElement rule | StyleRule _ _ psuedo <- inner rule = psuedo