Move :root handling into interpretor.
Test counters() handling against longhand rather than shorthand.
Because that's where it'll be passed
Start testing counters implementations, fix syntactic shorthand lowering for counter[s]() functions.
Release new Haskell Stylist & XML Conduit Stylist!
XML Conduit Stylist changed to abstract away Haskell Stylist's breaking datastructure changes.
Correct pseudoclass to pseudoelement rewrites to apply to only rightmost selector.
I previously got the semantics of my datastructures backwards: the head is the rightmost selector.
Lower psuedoclasses & namespaces throughout CSS selectors.
Previously I just applied to them to the rightmost.
Rewrite parsed namespaces according to @namespace rules.
Correct legacy :before/:after syntax.
Support lowering single-arg psuedoclasses.
Implement psuedoclass rewrite rules.
Substitute in counters for any CSS textual property, not just `content`.
Will be required by Rhapsode for navigational markers.
Implement whitespace collapse, togglable via white-space: pre/normal;
Parse & prepare to handle white-space: pre;
Fix compilation of Assets StyleSheets.
Provide utilities for rewriting CSS-referenced URLs.
Improve documentation, release version 1.2
Write reference documentation.
Request @import'd styles concurrently.