Implement psuedoclass rewrite rules.
Substitute in counters for any CSS textual property, not just `content`.
Will be required by Rhapsode for navigational markers.
Implement whitespace collapse, togglable via white-space: pre/normal;
Parse & prepare to handle white-space: pre;
Fix compilation of Assets StyleSheets.
Provide utilities for rewriting CSS-referenced URLs.
Improve documentation, release version 1.2
Write reference documentation.
Request @import'd styles concurrently.
Let user & useragent styles query for a lack of author styles.
Introduce simplified html2css API
Which, now that these are implemented, lowers <style> to @media & <link rel=stylesheet> to @import.
Unittest conditional styles, add loadImports API to fit Rhapsode's use.
Test rules capturing of ConditionalStyleSheet.
Fix: ConditionalStyles reversed CSS precedance.
Fix precedence of conditional blocks (+API redesign)
Draft interpretor for @supports.
Media queries: fix popping two items off stack.
I forgot that FIFO reversed the order of the list.