
7b6447629bdddb04c1f065c769ce345841d08ccc — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 547b185
Prepare to interpret functional pseudoclasses.
1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs +16 -12
@@ 15,6 15,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
-- | A compiled(?) CSS selector.
type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
type AttrsFunc = [Attribute] -> Bool
-- Mostly here for the sake of pseudoclasses.
data IL = Tagname Text | Fail

-- | Converts a parsed CSS selector into a callable function.
compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc

@@ 26,23 28,25 @@ compile (Sibling up sel) = indirect previous (compile up) $ compileInner sel

compileInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> SelectorFunc
compileInner sel = compileInner' $ lowerInner sel
compileInner' :: (Maybe Text, [(Text, String -> Bool)]) -> SelectorFunc
compileInner' (Just tag, attrs) = testTag tag $ testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attrs) matched
compileInner' (Nothing, attrs) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attrs) matched
compileInner' :: ([IL], [(Text, String -> Bool)]) -> SelectorFunc
compileInner' ((Tagname tag:tests), attrs) = testTag tag $ compileInner' (tests, attrs)
compileInner' ((Fail:_), _) = \_ -> False
compileInner' ([], attrs) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attrs) matched
compileAttrs :: [(Text, String -> Bool)] -> AttrsFunc
compileAttrs ((tag, test):attrs) = testAttr tag test $ compileAttrs attrs
compileAttrs [] = matched

lowerInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> (Maybe Text, [(Text, String -> Bool)])
lowerInner (Tag tag:sel) = (Just tag, snd $ lowerInner sel)
lowerInner (Id i:s) = (tag, ("id", hasWord $ unpack i):attrs) where (tag, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tag, ("class", hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tag, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Property prop test:s) = (tag, (prop, compileAttrTest test):attrs)
    where (tag, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> ([IL], [(Text, String -> Bool)])
lowerInner (Tag tag:sel) = (Tagname tag:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner sel
lowerInner (Id i:s) = (tests, ("id", hasWord $ unpack i):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tests, ("class", hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Property prop test:s) = (tests, (prop, compileAttrTest test):attrs)
    where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
-- psuedos, TODO handle argumented psuedoclasses.
lowerInner (Psuedoclass c _:s) =
        (tag, ("", hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tag, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner [] = (Nothing, [])
lowerInner (Psuedoclass c []:s) =
    (tests, ("", hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass _ _:_) = ([Fail], [])
lowerInner [] = ([], [])

compileAttrTest :: PropertyTest -> String -> Bool
compileAttrTest Exists = matched