@@ 2,9 2,9 @@
These would mostly need to be added to the interpretor.
* [ ] :not()
-* [ ] :dir()
+* [x] :dir()
* [ ] :is()
-* [ ] :lang()
+* [x] :lang()
* [ ] :nth-child()
* [ ] :nth-last-child()
* [ ] :nth-of-type()
@@ 1,59 0,0 @@
-# Provide API to lower non-functional psuedoclasses
-It may be simpler, though less featureful[1], to implement interactive
-psuedoclasses as if they were psuedoelements. That way when the style
-tree has been interacted, we can retrieve the altered styles rather than
-reapply the full stylesheet.
-Many other psuedoclasses are equivalent to other selectors, especially if the
-caller doesn't implement certain interactions.
-As such there should be a StyleSheet decorator that can be configure to perform
-these tasks.
-## Notes
-1. Rewriting psuedoclasses to psuedoelements would not allow a browser to support
-selectors like ":hover li" that are popularly used to create offline-interactive
-pages without JavaScript.
-However it is probably wise to discourage such patterns, as they do not
-communicate necessary state to accessibility tools.
-## Lowering Rules
-`:active` -> interactive
-`:any-link`, `:link` -> `:where([href], [src])`
-`:blank` -> `:where(input[value=""])`
-`:checked` -> `[checked]`
-`:default` -> UNSUPPORTED (forms)
-`:defined` -> UNSUPPORTED (custom elements)
-`:dir(_)` -> `:where([dir=_], [dir=_] *)`
-`:disabled` -> `[disabled]`
-`:empty` -> would need to be handled by XML Conduit Stylist.
-`:enabled` -> `:not([disabled])`
-`:first-child` -> `:nth-child(1)`
-`:first-of-type` -> `:nth-of-type(1)`
-`:fullscreen` -> Handled elsewhere.
-`:focus`, `:focus-visible` -> interactive
-`:focus-within` -> interactive
-`:host` -> UNSUPPORTED (custom elements)
-`:host()` -> UNSUPPORTED (custom elements)
-`:host-context()` -> UNSUPPORTED (custom elements)
-`:hover` -> interactive
-`:indeterminate` -> `[indeterminate]`
-`:in-range` -> UNSUPPORTED (forms)
-`:invalid` -> UNSUPPORTED (forms)
-`:lang(_)` -> `:where([lang|=_], [lang|=_] *)`
-`:last-child` -> `:nth-last-child(1)`, PROBABLY UNSUPPORTED
-`:last-of-type` -> `:nth-last-of-type(1)`, PROBABLY UNSUPPORTED
-`:only-child` -> `:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(1)`, PROBABLY UNSUPPORTED
-`:only-of-type` -> `:nth-of-type(1):nth-last-of-type(1)`, PROBABLY UNSUPPORTED
-`:optional` -> `:not([required])`
-`:out-of-range` -> UNSUPPORTED (forms)
-`:placeholder-shown` -> `:where(:not([value]), [value=""])`
-`:readonly` -> `[readonly]`
-`:read-write` -> `:not([readonly])`
-`:required` -> `[required]`
-`:root`, `:scope` -> `html`, or applied by XML Conduit stylist for more leniency.
-`:state()` -> UNSUPPORTED (custom elements), may want an alternative.
-`:target` -> `#_`, selected ID sourced from outside data.
-`:valid` -> UNSUPPORTED (forms)
-`:visited` -> requires special handling, with outside data.