{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.MessagePack as MP
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import GHC.Real (infinity)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.Test
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Canary" $ do
it "runs fine" $ do
True `shouldBe` True
describe "Roundtrips" $ do
describe "converts MessagePack & back" $ do
prop "CharSet" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: CharSet')
prop "FontSet" $ \x -> let y = Prelude.map unPattern x
in MP.unpack (MP.pack y) `shouldBe` Just y
prop "LangSet" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: LangSet')
prop "ObjectSet" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: ObjectSet)
prop "Pattern" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: Pattern')
prop "Range" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: Range)
prop "StrSet" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: StrSet)
prop "Value" $ \x ->
MP.unpack (MP.pack x) `shouldBe` Just (x :: Value)
describe "through C datastructures" $ do
prop "StrSet" $ \x -> validStrSet x ==>
roundtrip testStrSet x `shouldBe` Just (x :: StrSet)
prop "CharSet" $ \x -> validCharSet' x ==>
roundtrip testCharSet x `shouldBe` Just (x :: CharSet')
prop "LangSet" $ \x -> validLangSet' x ==>
roundtrip testLangSet x `shouldBe` Just (x :: LangSet')
prop "Range" $ \x -> validRange x ==>
roundtrip testRange x `shouldBe` Just (x :: Range)
prop "Matrix" $ \x -> roundtrip testMatrix x `shouldBe`
Just (x :: (Double, Double, Double, Double))
prop "Value" $ \x -> validValue x ==>
roundtrip testValue x `shouldBe` Just (x :: Value)
prop "Trivial Pattern" $ \x -> validValue x ==>
let pat = Pattern' $ M.fromList [("test", [(Strong, x)])]
in roundtrip testPattern pat `shouldBe` Just pat
prop "Tuple Pattern" $ \(x, y) -> validValue x && validValue y ==>
let pat = Pattern' $ M.fromList [("a", [(Strong, x)]), ("b", [(Strong, y)])]
in roundtrip testPattern pat `shouldBe` Just pat
let toAscii :: Char -> Char
toAscii ch = toEnum $ fromEnum ch `mod` 128
prop "Random-key pattern" $ \x -> all (\y -> toAscii y /= '\0') x ==>
let pat = Pattern' $ M.fromList [(Txt.pack $ map toAscii $ take 17 x, [(Strong, ValueBool True)])]
in roundtrip testPattern pat `shouldBe` Just pat
prop "Pattern" $ \x -> validPattern' x ==>
roundtrip testPattern x `shouldBe` Just (x :: Pattern')
prop "FontSet" $ \x -> let y = filter validPattern $ Prelude.map unPattern x
in validFontSet y ==> roundtrip testFontSet y `shouldBe` Just y
describe "FontConfig Testsuite transliteration" $ do
it "All system fonts should have files" $ do
conf <- current
res <- fonts conf System
let files = getValue "file" `map` res :: [Maybe String]
all isJust files `shouldBe` True
it "Locale compare" $ do
S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-iq" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-ir" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ku-iq" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-ir" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ku-iq" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ku-ir" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ps-af" `cmp` S.singleton "ps-pk" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "ti-er" `cmp` S.singleton "ti-et" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-hk" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-mo" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-mo" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-mo" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-mo" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "zh-sg" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "mn-cn" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
S.singleton "pap-an" `cmp` S.singleton "pap-aw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
-- A couple additional ones so we know its not always responding with DifferentTerritory!
S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "mn-mn" `shouldBe` SameLang
S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "pap-an" `shouldBe` DifferentLang
it "Font weights" $ do
weightFromOpenTypeDouble (fromRational infinity) `shouldBe` 215
weightFromOpenType maxBound `shouldBe` 215
it "Name parsing" $ do
nameParse "sans\\-serif" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("family", [(Strong, ValueString "sans-serif")])
nameParse "Foo-10" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Foo")]),
-- NOTE: Equality derived from the pure-Haskell type is stricter than FontConfig's.
-- This subtest might fail in the future, not sure what to do about that.
("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 10)])
nameParse "Foo,Bar-10" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Foo"), (Strong, ValueString "Bar")]),
("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 10)])
nameParse "Foo:weight=medium" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Foo")]),
("weight", [(Strong, ValueDouble 100)])
nameParse "Foo:weight_medium" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Foo")]),
("weight", [(Strong, ValueDouble 100)])
nameParse ":medium" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)])
nameParse ":normal" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)])
nameParse ":weight=[medium bold]" `shouldBe` M.fromList [
("weight", [(Strong, ValueRange $ Range 100 200)])
describe "CSS Parsing" $ do
it "unicode-range" $ do
let parseCharSet' = IS.toList . fromMaybe IS.empty . parseCharSet
parseCharSet' "U+26" `shouldBe` [0x26]
parseCharSet' "U+26, U+42" `shouldBe` [0x26, 0x42]
parseCharSet' "U+0-7F" `shouldBe` [0x0..0x7f]
parseCharSet' "U+0025-00FF" `shouldBe` [0x0025..0x00ff]
parseCharSet' "U+4??" `shouldBe` [0x400..0x4ff]
parseCharSet' "U+0025-00FF, U+4??" `shouldBe` [0x0025..0x00ff] ++ [0x400..0x4ff]