
dfb515ef6cc5a645e2d96120d34514ca146dcb57 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 2 months ago 3ca6576 main
Segfault fixes.
M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs +3 -0
@@ 9,6 9,7 @@ import Data.Word (Word32)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)

@@ 93,3 94,5 @@ foreign import ccall "my_FcCharSetIterDone" fcCharSetIterDone :: Word32 -> Bool

thawCharSet_ :: IO CharSet_ -> IO CharSet
thawCharSet_ cb = bracket (throwNull <$> cb) fcCharSetDestroy thawCharSet
thawCharSet' :: Ptr CharSet_ -> IO CharSet
thawCharSet' = thawCharSet_ . peek

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs +10 -10
@@ 243,23 243,23 @@ foreign import ccall "FcFontMatch" fcFontMatch ::
-- otherwise the results will not be correct.
fontSort :: Config -> Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSort config pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
    withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> withNewCharSet $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
        ret <- fcFontSort config' pattern' trim csp' res'
        throwPtr res' $ do
            x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure $ throwNull ret
            y <- thawCharSet $ throwNull csp'
            return (x, y)
    withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
            ret <- fcFontSort config' pattern' trim csp' res'
            throwPtr res' $ do
                x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure ret
                y <- thawCharSet' csp'
                return (x, y)
-- | Variant of `fontSort` which operates upon current configuration.
fontSort' :: Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSort' pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $ withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
    withNewCharSet $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
    alloca $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
        ret <- fcFontSort nullPtr pattern' trim csp' res'
        throwPtr res' $ do
            x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure $ throwNull ret
            y <- thawCharSet $ throwNull csp'
            x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure ret
            y <- thawCharSet' csp'
            return (x, y)
foreign import ccall "FcFontSort" fcFontSort ::
    Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Bool -> CharSet_ -> Ptr Word8 -> IO FontSet_
    Config_ -> Pattern_ -> Bool -> Ptr CharSet_ -> Ptr Word8 -> IO FontSet_

-- | Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat,
-- elements of pat not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +2 -2
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (throwFalse, throwNull)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (pokeElemOff, sizeOf)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, allocaArray)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)

@@ 46,7 46,7 @@ foreign import ccall "FcFontSetAdd" fcFontSetAdd :: FontSet_ -> Pattern_ -> IO B

withFontSets :: [FontSet] -> (Ptr FontSet_ -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
withFontSets fontss cb = let n = length fontss in
    allocaBytes (sizeOf (undefined :: FontSet_) * n) $ \fontss' ->
    allocaArray n $ \fontss' ->
        withFontSets' fontss 0 fontss' $ cb fontss' n
withFontSets' :: [FontSet] -> Int -> Ptr FontSet_ -> IO a -> IO a
withFontSets' [] _ _ cb = cb

M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet/API.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet/API.hs +15 -9
@@ 60,18 60,24 @@ foreign import ccall "FcFontSetMatch" fcFontSetMatch ::
-- the return value from multiple `fontSort` calls, applications cannot modify
-- these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with pattern to
-- `fontRenderPrepare` which combines them into a complete pattern.
fontSetSort :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> CharSet -> Maybe FontSet
fontSetSort config fontss pattern trim csp = unsafePerformIO $
fontSetSort :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSetSort config fontss pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n ->
        withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> withCharSet csp $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
        withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
            ret' <- fcFontSetSort config' fontss' n pattern' trim csp' res'
            throwPtr res' $ thawFontSet_ $ pure ret'
            throwPtr res' $ do
                x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure ret'
                y <- thawCharSet' csp'
                return (x, y)
-- | Variant of `fontSetSort` operating upon registered default `Config`.
fontSetSort' :: [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> CharSet -> Maybe FontSet
fontSetSort' fontss pattern trim csp = unsafePerformIO $
fontSetSort' :: [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet)
fontSetSort' fontss pattern trim = unsafePerformIO $
    withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n -> withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
        withCharSet csp $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
        alloca $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
            ret' <- fcFontSetSort nullPtr fontss' n pattern' trim csp' res'
            throwPtr res' $ thawFontSet_ $ pure ret'
            throwPtr res' $ do
                x <- thawFontSet_ $ pure ret'
                y <- thawCharSet' csp'
                return (x, y)
foreign import ccall "FcFontSetSort" fcFontSetSort :: Config_ -> Ptr FontSet_
    -> Int -> Pattern_ -> Bool -> CharSet_ -> Ptr Word8 -> IO FontSet_
    -> Int -> Pattern_ -> Bool -> Ptr CharSet_ -> Ptr Word8 -> IO FontSet_

M fontconfig-pure.cabal => fontconfig-pure.cabal +1 -1
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@ name:                fontconfig-pure
-- PVP summary:      +-+------- breaking API changes
--                   | | +----- non-breaking API additions
--                   | | | +--- code changes with no API change

-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
synopsis:            Pure-functional language bindings to FontConfig