
dfce3326f7f5b2367df56675e92742b3d5f7fbc3 — Adrian Cochrane 4 months ago b52f329
Test @font-face parsing.
2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs
M test/Main.hs
M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +11 -4
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | A set of fonts to query, or resulting from a query.
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet(
        FontSet, validFontSet, fontSetList, fontSetMatch, fontSetSort, FontFaceParser(..)
        FontSet, validFontSet, fontSetList, fontSetMatch, fontSetSort, FontFaceParser(..), emptyParser
    ) where

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern hiding (map)

@@ 18,6 18,7 @@ import Stylist (StyleSheet(..))
import Stylist.Parse (parseProperties)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), serialize)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (intercalate)

@@ 81,6 82,9 @@ arg = flip withMessage
-- | `StyleSheet` wrapper to parse @font-face rules.
data FontFaceParser a = FontFaceParser { cssFonts :: FontSet, cssInner :: a}

emptyParser :: a -> FontFaceParser a
emptyParser = FontFaceParser []

parseFontFaceSrc :: [Token] -> [String]
parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":Ident name:RightParen:Comma:rest) =
    ("local:" ++ unpack name):parseFontFaceSrc rest

@@ 89,6 93,9 @@ parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":String name:RightParen:Comma:rest) =
parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":Ident name:RightParen:[]) = ["local:" ++ unpack name]
parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":String name:RightParen:[]) = ["local:" ++ unpack name]

parseFontFaceSrc (Function "url":String link:RightParen:toks) =
    parseFontFaceSrc (Url link:toks) -- TODO: Why's this needed?

parseFontFaceSrc (Url link:toks)
    | Comma:rest <- skipMeta toks = unpack link:parseFontFaceSrc rest
    | [] <- skipMeta toks = [unpack link]

@@ 118,7 125,7 @@ properties2font (("font-stretch", [start, end]):props)
        M.insert "width" [(Strong, v $ iRange x y)] $ properties2font props

properties2font (("font-weight", [tok]):props) | Just x <- parseFontWeight tok =
    M.insert "width" [(Strong, v x)] $ properties2font props
    M.insert "weight" [(Strong, v x)] $ properties2font props
properties2font (("font-weight", [start, end]):props)
    | Just x <- parseFontStretch start, Just y <- parseFontStretch end =
        M.insert "weight" [(Strong, v $ iRange x y)] $ properties2font props

@@ 133,13 140,13 @@ properties2font (("font-variation-settings", toks):props)
        M.insert "variable" [(Strong, v $ True)] $ properties2font props

properties2font (("unicode-range", toks):props)
    | Just chars <- parseCharSet $ unpack $ serialize toks =
    | Just chars <- parseCharSet $ unpack $ Txt.replace "/**/" "" $ serialize toks =
        M.insert "charset" [(Strong, v $ CharSet' chars)] $ properties2font props

-- Ignoring metadata & trusting in FreeType's broad support for fonts.
properties2font (("src", toks):props)
    | fonts@(_:_) <- parseFontFaceSrc toks, "" `notElem` fonts =
        M.insert "web-src" [(Strong, v $ intercalate "\t" fonts)] $ properties2font props
        M.insert "web-src" [(Strong, v f) | f <- fonts] $ properties2font props

properties2font (_:props) = properties2font props
properties2font [] = M.empty

M test/Main.hs => test/Main.hs +102 -1
@@ 19,6 19,7 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.Test
import qualified Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern as Pat
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(NVInteger), tokenize)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import qualified Stylist.Parse as CSS

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do

@@ 337,4 338,104 @@ main = hspec $ do
                ("width",[(Strong,ValueInt 100)])
        it "@font-face" $ do
            "I'm procrastinating this" `shouldBe` "I'm procrastinating this"
            let tRule = cssFonts . CSS.parse (emptyParser ())
            let tRule' = tRule . Txt.unlines
            let list2pat = M.fromList
            tRule "" `shouldBe` []
            tRule "@font-face {font-family: OpenSans}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "OpenSans")])
            tRule "@font-face {font-family: 'Open Sans'}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Open Sans")])

            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: condensed}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 75)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: expanded}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 125)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: ultra-expanded}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: 50%}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 50)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: 100%}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-stretch: 150%}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 150)])

            tRule "@font-face {font-weight: normal}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 80)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-weight: bold}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-weight: 100}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 0)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-weight: 900}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 210)])

            tRule "@font-face {font-feature-settings: normal}" `shouldBe` [list2pat []]
            tRule "@font-face {font-feature-settings: \"liga\" 0}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [(Strong, ValueString "liga")])
            tRule "@font-face {font-feature-settings: \"tnum\"}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [(Strong, ValueString "tnum")])
            tRule "@font-face {font-feature-settings: \"smcp\", \"zero\"}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [
                    (Strong, ValueString "smcp,zero") -- Is this right?

            tRule "@font-face {font-variation-settings: 'wght' 50}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-variation-settings: 'wght' 850}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-variation-settings: 'wdth' 25}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)])
            tRule "@font-face {font-variation-settings: 'wdth' 75}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)])

            tRule "@font-face {unicode-range: U+26}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("charset", [(Strong, ValueCharSet $ IS.fromList [0x26])])
            tRule "@font-face {unicode-range: U+0-7F}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("charset", [(Strong, ValueCharSet $ IS.fromList [0..0x7f])])
            tRule "@font-face {unicode-range: U+0025-00FF}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("charset", [(Strong, ValueCharSet $ IS.fromList [0x25..0xff])])
            tRule "@font-face {unicode-range: U+4??}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("charset", [(Strong, ValueCharSet $ IS.fromList [0x400..0x4ff])])
            tRule "@font-face {unicode-range: U+0025-00FF, U+4??}" `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                ("charset", [(Strong, ValueCharSet $ IS.fromList ([0x25..0xff] ++ [0x400..0x4ff]))])

            tRule' [
                "@font-face {",
                "  font-family: \"Trickster\";",
                "  src:",
                "    local(\"Trickster\"),",
                "    url(\"trickster-COLRv1.otf\") format(\"opentype\") tech(color-COLRv1),",
                "    url(\"trickster-outline.otf\") format(\"opentype\"),",
                "    url(\"trickster-outline.woff\") format(\"woff\");",
              ] `shouldBe` [list2pat [
                  ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Trickster")]),
                  ("web-src", [(Strong, ValueString "local:Trickster"),
                        (Strong, ValueString "trickster-COLRv1.otf"),
                        (Strong, ValueString "trickster-outline.otf"),
                        (Strong, ValueString "trickster-outline.woff")])