
b52f3294e5b7747d088a1d7da359aac85ca69683 — Adrian Cochrane 7 months ago 824601b
Test CSS property parsing!
3 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M fontconfig-pure.cabal
M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs
M test/Main.hs
M fontconfig-pure.cabal => fontconfig-pure.cabal +1 -1
@@ 147,4 147,4 @@ test-suite fontconfig-pure-test
        base ^>=,
        hspec, QuickCheck,
        msgpack, containers, text
        msgpack, containers, text, css-syntax, stylist-traits

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs +66 -15
@@ 24,12 24,12 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Weight

import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseUnorderedShorthand', parseOperands)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.Maybe as Mb (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Char (isAscii)
import Prelude as L

@@ 155,13 155,13 @@ parseFontFeatures :: [Token] -> ([(String, Int)], Bool, [Token])
parseFontFeatures (String feat:toks) | feature@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack feat = case toks of
    Comma:toks' -> let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):feats, b, tail')
    Ident "on":Comma:toks' -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "on":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], True, toks')
    Ident "on":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], L.null toks', toks')
    Ident "off":Comma:toks' -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "off":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], True, toks')
    Ident "off":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], L.null toks', toks')
    Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks' ->
        let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, fromEnum x):feats, b, tail')
    Number _ (NVInteger x):toks' -> ([(feature, fromEnum x)], True, toks')
    _ -> ([], False, String feat:toks)
    Number _ (NVInteger x):toks' -> ([(feature, fromEnum x)], L.null toks', toks')
    _ -> ([(feature, 1)], L.null toks, toks)
parseFontFeatures toks = ([], False, toks)

-- | Parse OpenType variables from CSS syntax.

@@ 177,14 177,14 @@ parseLength super len unit = convert (nv2double len) unit
    convert = c
    c x "pt" = x -- Unit FontConfig expects!
    c x "pc" = x/6 `c` "in"
    c x "in" = x/72 `c` "pt"
    c x "Q" = x/40 `c` "cm"
    c x "mm" = x/10 `c` "cm"
    c x "cm" = x/2.54 `c` "in"
    c x "px" = x/96 `c` "in" -- Conversion factor during early days of CSS, got entrenched.
    c x "pc" = (x/6) `c` "in"
    c x "in" = (x/72) `c` "pt"
    c x "Q" = (x/40) `c` "cm"
    c x "mm" = (x/10) `c` "cm"
    c x "cm" = (x/2.54) `c` "in"
    c x "px" = (x/96) `c` "in" -- Conversion factor during early days of CSS, got entrenched.
    c x "em" = x * super
    c x "%" = x/100 `c` "em"
    c x "%" = (x/100) `c` "em"
    c _ _ = 0/0 -- NaN

-- | Parse the CSS font-stretch property.

@@ 239,11 239,30 @@ instance PropertyParser Pattern' where
            Pattern' <$> set "size" Strong y self
    longhand super self "font-size" [Percentage x y] =
        longhand super self "font-size" [Dimension x y "%"]
    -- NOTE: Approximate implementation, caller should supply a real one!
    longhand (Pattern' super) (Pattern' self) "font-size" [Ident x] =
        let y = 10 :: Double in Pattern' <$> case x of
            -- NOTE: If a caller wants to be more precise about the base size (a.k.a `y`)
            -- they should parse it themselves!
            "xx-small" -> set "size" Strong (3/5*y) self
            "x-small" -> set "size" Strong (3/4*y) self
            "small" -> set "size" Strong (8/9*y) self
            "medium" -> set "size" Strong y self
            "large" -> set "size" Strong (6/5*y) self
            "x-large" -> set "size" Strong (3/2*y) self
            "xx-large" -> set "size" Strong (2*y) self
            "xxx-large" -> set "size" Strong (3*y) self
            -- NOTE: Spec encourages a more complex formula, caller should implement!
            "smaller" -> set "size" Strong (getSize super/1.2) self
            "larger" -> set "size" Strong (getSize super*1.2) self
            _ -> Nothing

    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-style" [Ident "initial"] = Pattern' <$> seti "slant" Strong 0 self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-style" [Ident "normal"] = Pattern' <$> seti "slant" Strong 0 self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-style" [Ident "italic"] = Pattern' <$> seti "slant" Strong 100 self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-style" [Ident "oblique"] = Pattern' <$> seti "slant" Strong 110 self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-style" [Ident "oblique", Dimension _ _ unit]
        | unit `elem` Txt.words "deg grad rad turn" = Pattern' <$> seti "slant" Strong 110 self

    -- Conversion between CSS scale & FontConfig scale is non-trivial, use lookuptable.
    -- FIXME: Use Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Weight!

@@ 273,14 292,46 @@ instance PropertyParser Pattern' where
        | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Pattern' <$> unset' "fontfeatures" self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-feature-settings" toks
        | (features, True, []) <- parseFontFeatures toks = Pattern' <$>
            set "fontfeatures" Strong (intercalate "," $ L.map fst features) self
            sets "fontfeatures" Strong (L.map fst features) self

    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-variation-settings" [Ident k]
        | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Pattern' <$> unset' "variable" self
    longhand _ (Pattern' self) "font-variation-settings" toks
        | (_, True, []) <- parseFontVars toks = Pattern' <$> set "variable" Strong True self
        | (vars , True, []) <- parseFontVars toks =
            Pattern' <$> (set "variable" Strong True =<<
                set "fontvariations" Strong (intercalate "," $ L.map fst vars) self)

    longhand _ (Pattern' s) "font-stretch" [tok]
        | Just x <- parseFontStretch tok = Pattern' <$> seti "width" Strong x s

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

    shorthand self "font" toks = case parseOperands toks of
        (a:b:c:d:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c,d] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:c:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b,c] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:b:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a,b] -> inner ret toks'
        (a:toks') | ret@(_:_) <- unordered [a] -> inner ret toks'
        toks' -> inner [] toks'
        unordered operands =
          let ret = parseUnorderedShorthand' self [
                        "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-stretch"
                    ] operands
          in if ("", []) `elem` ret then [] else ret -- Check for errors!
        inner ret (sz:[Delim '/']:height:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" sz,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "line-height" height,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", sz):("line-height", height):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner ret (sz:family)
            | Just _ <- longhand self self "font-size" sz,
              Just _ <- longhand self self "font-family" $ concat family =
                ("font-size", sz):("line-height", [Ident "initial"]):
                    ("font-family", concat family):ret
            | otherwise = []
        inner _ _ = []

    shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
        | otherwise = []

M test/Main.hs => test/Main.hs +197 -0
@@ 16,6 16,9 @@ import GHC.Real (infinity)

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.Test
import qualified Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern as Pat
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(NVInteger), tokenize)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do

@@ 133,6 136,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueRange $ Range 100 200)])
    describe "CSS Parsing" $ do
        -- Taking test cases from MDN!
        it "unicode-range" $ do
            let parseCharSet' = IS.toList . fromMaybe IS.empty . parseCharSet
            parseCharSet' "U+26" `shouldBe` [0x26]

@@ 141,3 145,196 @@ main = hspec $ do
            parseCharSet' "U+0025-00FF" `shouldBe` [0x0025..0x00ff]
            parseCharSet' "U+4??" `shouldBe` [0x400..0x4ff]
            parseCharSet' "U+0025-00FF, U+4??" `shouldBe` [0x0025..0x00ff] ++ [0x400..0x4ff]
        it "font-stretch" $ do
            let parseFontStretch' = Pat.parseFontStretch . Ident
            let parseFontStretch_ = Pat.parseFontStretch . Percentage "" . NVInteger
            parseFontStretch' "condensed" `shouldBe` Just 75
            parseFontStretch' "expanded" `shouldBe` Just 125
            parseFontStretch' "ultra-expanded" `shouldBe` Just 200
            parseFontStretch_ 50 `shouldBe` Just 50
            parseFontStretch_ 100 `shouldBe` Just 100
            parseFontStretch_ 150 `shouldBe` Just 150
        it "font-weight" $ do
            let parseFontWeight' = Pat.parseFontWeight . Ident
            let parseFontWeight_ = Pat.parseFontWeight . Number "" . NVInteger
            parseFontWeight' "normal" `shouldBe` Just 80
            parseFontWeight' "bold" `shouldBe` Just 200
            parseFontWeight_ 100 `shouldBe` Just 0
            parseFontWeight_ 900 `shouldBe` Just 210
        it "font-feature-settings" $ do
            Pat.parseFontFeatures [String "liga", Number "0" $ NVInteger 0] `shouldBe` ([
                ("liga", 0)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontFeatures [String "tnum"] `shouldBe` ([
                ("tnum", 1)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontFeatures [String "tnum"] `shouldBe` ([
                ("tnum", 1)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontFeatures [String "scmp", Comma, String "zero"] `shouldBe` ([
                ("scmp", 1),
                ("zero", 1)
              ], True, [])
        it "font-variation-settings" $ do
            Pat.parseFontVars [String "wght", Number "50" $ NVInteger 50] `shouldBe` ([
                ("wght", 50)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontVars [String "wght", Number "850" $ NVInteger 850] `shouldBe` ([
                ("wght", 850)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontVars [String "wdth", Number "25" $ NVInteger 25] `shouldBe` ([
                ("wdth", 25)
              ], True, [])
            Pat.parseFontVars [String "wdth", Number "75" $ NVInteger 75] `shouldBe` ([
                ("wdth", 75)
              ], True, [])
        it "To FontConfig pattern" $ do
            let tProp k v =
                  longhand temp temp k $ filter (/= Whitespace) $ tokenize v
            let list2pat' = Pattern' . M.fromList
            let list2pat = Just . list2pat'

            tProp "font-family" "Georgia, serif" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                    ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Georgia"), (Strong, ValueString "serif")])
            tProp "font-family" "\"Gill Sans\", sans-serif" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                    ("family", [
                        (Strong, ValueString "Gill Sans"),
                        (Strong, ValueString "sans-serif")
            tProp "font-family" "sans-serif" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "sans-serif")])
            tProp "font-family" "serif" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "serif")])
            tProp "font-family" "cursive" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "cursive")])
            tProp "font-family" "system-ui" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "system-ui")])

            tProp "font-size" "1.2em" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 12)])
            tProp "font-size" "x-small" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 7.5)])
            tProp "font-size" "smaller" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 8.333333333333334)])
            tProp "font-size" "12px" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble $ 0.125/72)])
            tProp "font-size" "80%" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 8)])

            tProp "font-style" "normal" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 0)])
            tProp "font-style" "italic" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)])
            tProp "font-style" "oblique" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 110)])
            tProp "font-style" "oblique 40deg" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 110)])

            tProp "font-weight" "normal" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 80)])
            tProp "font-weight" "bold" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)])
            tProp "font-weight" "lighter" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 0)])
            tProp "font-weight" "bolder" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)])
            tProp "font-weight" "100" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 0)])
            tProp "font-weight" "900" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 210)])

            tProp "font-feature-settings" "normal" `shouldBe` list2pat []
            tProp "font-feature-settings" "\"liga\" 0" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [(Strong, ValueString "liga")])
            tProp "font-feature-settings" "\"tnum\"" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [(Strong, ValueString "tnum")])
            tProp "font-feature-settings" "\"smcp\", \"zero\"" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("fontfeatures", [
                    (Strong, ValueString "smcp"),
                    (Strong, ValueString "zero")

            tProp "font-variation-settings" "'wght' 50" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)]),
                ("fontvariations", [(Strong, ValueString "wght")])
            tProp "font-variation-settings" "'wght' 850" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)]),
                ("fontvariations", [(Strong, ValueString "wght")])
            tProp "font-variation-settings" "'wdth' 25" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)]),
                ("fontvariations", [(Strong, ValueString "wdth")])
            tProp "font-variation-settings" "'wdth' 75" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("variable", [(Strong, ValueBool True)]),
                ("fontvariations", [(Strong, ValueString "wdth")])

            tProp "font-stretch" "condensed" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 75)])
            tProp "font-stretch" "expanded" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 125)])
            tProp "font-stretch" "ultra-expanded" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)])
            tProp "font-stretch" "50%" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 50)])
            tProp "font-stretch" "100%" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)])
            tProp "font-stretch" "150%" `shouldBe` list2pat [
                ("width", [(Strong, ValueInt 150)])

            let tShort :: PropertyParser p => Txt.Text -> Txt.Text -> p
                tShort k v = let temp' = temp in
                    foldl (\self (key, val) ->
                            fromMaybe self $ longhand (inherit temp') self key val)
                        temp' $ shorthand temp' k $ filter (/= Whitespace) $ tokenize v
            tShort "font" "1.2em 'Fira Sans', sans-serif" `shouldBe` list2pat' [
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 12)]),
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Fira Sans"), (Strong, ValueString "sans-serif")])
            tShort "font" "italic 1.2em 'Fira Sans', serif" `shouldBe` list2pat' [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)]),
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 12)]),
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "Fira Sans"), (Strong, ValueString "serif")]),
                ("weight",[(Strong,ValueInt 80)]), ("width",[(Strong,ValueInt 100)])
            tShort "font" "italic bold 16px cursive" `shouldBe` list2pat' [
                ("slant", [(Strong, ValueInt 100)]),
                ("size", [(Strong, ValueDouble 2.3148148148148147e-3)]),
                ("weight", [(Strong, ValueInt 200)]),
                ("family", [(Strong, ValueString "cursive")]),
                ("width",[(Strong,ValueInt 100)])
        it "@font-face" $ do
            "I'm procrastinating this" `shouldBe` "I'm procrastinating this"