
484b1482a58e27db9fc806dd1d95b2e880b06a03 — Adrian Cochrane 8 months ago 94860b2
Test & fix langset comparisons.
3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose.hs
M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs
M test/Main.hs
M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose.hs +2 -1
@@ 4,7 4,8 @@ module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose(
        initLoadConfig, initLoadConfigAndFonts, initFonts, reinit, bringUptoDate,
        CharSet, ord, chr, parseCharSet, CharSet'(..), validCharSet',
        module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet,
        module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet,
        LangSet, LangSet'(..), LangComparison(..), validLangSet, validLangSet',
        cmp, cmp', has, defaultLangs, langs, normalize, langCharSet,
        module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet,
        Pattern, Pattern'(..), Binding(..), validPattern, validPattern',
        setValue, setValues, getValue, getValues, equalSubset, defaultSubstitute,

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs +11 -10
@@ 2,10 2,9 @@
-- | Languages supported by different fonts.
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet(
        LangSet, LangSet'(..), module S, LangComparison(..), validLangSet, validLangSet',
        cmp, has, defaultLangs, langs, normalize, langCharSet) where
        cmp, cmp', has, defaultLangs, langs, normalize, langCharSet) where

import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set as S hiding (valid)

import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..))

@@ 32,7 31,7 @@ instance Hashable LangSet' where

-- | Can the given LangSet be processed by FontConfig?
validLangSet :: LangSet -> Bool
validLangSet x = all validLang x && not (null x)
validLangSet x = all validLang x && not (Prelude.null x)
-- | Can the given LangSet' be processed by FontConfig?
validLangSet' :: LangSet' -> Bool
validLangSet' = validLangSet . unLangSet

@@ 47,21 46,23 @@ instance Arbitrary LangSet' where
    arbitrary = LangSet' <$> S.fromList <$> listOf (elements $ S.toList $ unStrSet langs)

-- | The result of `cmp`.
data LangComparison = SameLang -- ^ The locales share any language and territory pair
    | SameTerritory -- ^ The locales share a language but differ in which territory that language is for
    | DifferentLang -- ^ The locales share no languages in common
data LangComparison = DifferentLang -- ^ The locales share no languages in common
    | SameLang -- ^ The locales share any language and territory pair
    | DifferentTerritory -- ^ The locales share a language but differ in which territory that language is for
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
i2cmp :: Int -> LangComparison
i2cmp 0 = DifferentLang
i2cmp 1 = SameLang
i2cmp 2 = SameTerritory
i2cmp 2 = DifferentTerritory
i2cmp _ = throw ErrOOM

-- | Compares language coverage for the 2 given LangSets.
cmp :: LangSet' -> LangSet' -> LangComparison
cmp a b | valid a && valid b = i2cmp $ withMessage fcLangSetCompare [a, b]
cmp' :: LangSet' -> LangSet' -> LangComparison
cmp' a b | valid a && valid b = i2cmp $ withMessage fcLangSetCompare [a, b]
    | otherwise = DifferentLang
  where valid = validLangSet'
cmp :: LangSet -> LangSet -> LangComparison
cmp a b = LangSet' a `cmp'` LangSet' b

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcLangSetCompare :: CString -> Int -> Int

M test/Main.hs => test/Main.hs +32 -0
@@ 8,7 8,9 @@ import Test.QuickCheck

import Data.MessagePack as MP
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.Test

@@ 64,3 66,33 @@ main = hspec $ do
                roundtrip testPattern x `shouldBe` Just (x :: Pattern')
            prop "FontSet" $ \x -> let y = filter validPattern $ Prelude.map unPattern x
                in validFontSet y ==> roundtrip testFontSet y `shouldBe` Just y
    describe "FontConfig Testsuite transliteration" $ do
        it "All system fonts should have files" $ do
            conf <- current
            res <- fonts conf System
            let files = getValue "file" `map` res :: [Maybe String]
            all isJust files `shouldBe` True
        it "Locale compare" $ do
            S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-iq" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-ir" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ku-am" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ku-iq" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-ir" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ku-iq" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ku-ir" `cmp` S.singleton "ku-tr" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ps-af" `cmp` S.singleton "ps-pk" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "ti-er" `cmp` S.singleton "ti-et" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-hk" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-mo" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-cn" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-mo" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-hk" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-mo" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-sg" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-mo" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "zh-sg" `cmp` S.singleton "zh-tw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "mn-cn" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            S.singleton "pap-an" `cmp` S.singleton "pap-aw" `shouldBe` DifferentTerritory
            -- A couple additional ones so we know its not always responding with DifferentTerritory!
            S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "mn-mn" `shouldBe` SameLang
            S.singleton "mn-mn" `cmp` S.singleton "pap-an" `shouldBe` DifferentLang