
94860b2edf2154be90a772add719a54168bbaa08 — Adrian Cochrane 8 months ago dbefdc0
Add docstrings everywhere!
M lib/FreeType/FontConfig.hs => lib/FreeType/FontConfig.hs +24 -3
@@ 1,4 1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Convert between FontConfig & FreeType types.
module FreeType.FontConfig(charIndex,
        fontCharSet, fontCharSetAndSpacing, fontQuery, fontQueryAll, fontQueryFace,
        FTFC_Instance(..), FTFC_Metrics(..), FTFC_Subpixel(..), FTFC_Glyph(..),

@@ 33,33 34,53 @@ import FreeType.Control.Subpixel (FT_LcdFilter, ft_Library_SetLcdFilter)
import FreeType.Core.Types
import FreeType.Exception (FtError(..))

-- | Maps a Unicode char to a glyph index. This function uses information from
-- several possible underlying encoding tables to work around broken fonts.
-- As a result, this function isn't designed to be used in performance sensitive areas;
-- results from this function are intended to be cached by higher level functions.
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h fcFreeTypeCharIndex" charIndex :: FT_Face -> Char -> Word

-- | Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars.
fontCharSet :: FT_Face -> CharSet'
fontCharSet arg = fromMessage0 $ fcFreeTypeCharSet arg

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeCharSet :: FT_Face -> Ptr Int -> CString

fontCharSetAndSpacing :: FT_Face -> (Int, CharSet')
fontCharSetAndSpacing arg = fromMessage0 $ fcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing arg
data Spacing = Mono -- ^ A font where all glyphs have the same width
    | Dual -- ^ The font has glyphs in precisely two widths
    | Proportional -- ^ The font has glyphs of many widths
    | SpacingError -- ^ Unexpected & invalid spacing value.
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)

-- | Scans a FreeType face and returns the set of encoded Unicode chars & the computed spacing type.
fontCharSetAndSpacing :: FT_Face -> (Spacing, CharSet')
fontCharSetAndSpacing arg = (toEnum spacing, chars)
  where (spacing, chars) = fromMessage0 $ fcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing arg

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing ::
    FT_Face -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Constructs a pattern representing the 'id'th face in 'file'.
-- The number of faces in 'file' is returned in 'count'.
fontQuery :: FilePath -> Int -> (Int, Pattern)
fontQuery a b = fromMessage0 $ flip withCString' a $ \a' -> fcFreeTypeQuery a' b

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeQuery ::
    CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Constructs patterns found in 'file', all patterns found in 'file' are added to 'set'.
-- The number of faces in 'file' is returned in 'count'.
-- The number of patterns added to 'set' is returned.
fontQueryAll :: FilePath -> (Int, Int, FontSet)
fontQueryAll a = fromMessage0 $ withCString' fcFreeTypeQueryAll a

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeQueryAll ::
    CString -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Constructs a pattern representing 'face'. 'file' and 'id' are used solely
-- as data for pattern elements (FC_FILE, FC_INDEX and sometimes FC_FAMILY).
fontQueryFace :: FT_Face -> FilePath -> Int -> Pattern
fontQueryFace a b c = fromMessage0 $ flip withCString' b $ \b' -> fcFreeTypeQueryFace a b' c
fontQueryFace a b c = fromMessage0 $ flip withCString' b $ \b' -> fcFreeTypeQueryFace a b' $ fromEnum c

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeQueryFace ::
    FT_Face -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs +1 -0
@@ 62,6 62,7 @@ instance MessagePack CharSet' where
instance Arbitrary CharSet' where
    arbitrary = CharSet' <$> IntSet.fromList <$> Prelude.map (succ . abs) <$> arbitrary

-- | Can this charset be processed by FontConfig?
validCharSet' :: CharSet' -> Bool
validCharSet' (CharSet' self) =
    not (IntSet.null self) && all (> 0) (IntSet.toList self)

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config.hs +19 -3
@@ 1,38 1,54 @@
-- | Load system fonts configuration.
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Config(Config', fini, version,
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Config(Config, fini, version,
        initLoadConfig, initLoadConfigAndFonts, initFonts, reinit, bringUptoDate,
        -- For the sake of Graphics.Font.Choose.Config.Accessors
        Config, fcConfigDestroy) where
        Config', fcConfigDestroy) where

import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, newForeignPtr)

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (throwBool, throwNull)

-- | Internal placeholder underlying `Config`.
data Config'
-- | holds the internal representation of a configuration.
type Config = ForeignPtr Config'

-- | Loads the default configuration file and returns the resulting configuration. Does not load any font information.
initLoadConfig :: IO Config
initLoadConfig = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy =<< throwNull =<< fcInitLoadConfig -- FIXME: What's proper memory-management here?

-- | Loads the default configuration file and builds information about the available fonts. Returns the resulting configuration.
initLoadConfigAndFonts :: IO Config
initLoadConfigAndFonts = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy =<< throwNull =<< fcInitLoadConfigAndFonts -- FIXME: What's proper memory-management here?

-- | Loads the default configuration file and the fonts referenced therein and sets the default configuration to that result.
-- Returns whether this process succeeded or not. If the default configuration has already been loaded, this routine does nothing and returns True.
initFonts :: IO ()
initFonts = throwBool =<< fcInit
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcFini" fini :: IO ()

-- | Returns the version number of the library.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcGetVersion" version :: Int

-- | Forces the default configuration file to be reloaded and resets the default configuration.
-- Returns False if the configuration cannot be reloaded (due to configuration file errors,
-- allocation failures or other issues) and leaves the existing configuration unchanged. Otherwise returns True.
reinit :: IO ()
reinit = throwBool =<< fcInitReinitialize

-- | Checks the rescan interval in the default configuration, checking the configuration
-- if the interval has passed and reloading the configuration if when any changes are detected.
-- Returns False if the configuration cannot be reloaded (see `reinit`). Otherwise returns True.
bringUptoDate :: IO ()
bringUptoDate = throwBool =<< fcInitBringUptoDate

foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcInitLoadConfig" fcInitLoadConfig :: IO (Ptr Config')
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts" fcInitLoadConfigAndFonts :: IO (Ptr Config')
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcInit" fcInit :: IO Bool
-- | Internal ForeignPtr destructor for `Config`.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h &FcConfigDestroy" fcConfigDestroy :: FunPtr (Ptr Config' -> IO ())

foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcInitReinitialize" fcInitReinitialize :: IO Bool

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config/Accessors.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Config/Accessors.hs +98 -6
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Config.Accessors(
        configCreate, setCurrent, current, uptodate, home, enableHome, buildFonts,
        configDirs, fontDirs, configFiles, cacheDirs, fonts, rescanInterval,
        setRescanInterval, appFontAddFile, appFontAddDir, appFontClear, substituteWithPat,
        setRescanInterval, appFontAddFile, appFontAddDir, appFontClear, substitute,
        fontMatch, fontSort, fontRenderPrepare, fontList, filename, parseAndLoad,
        parseAndLoadFromMemory, sysroot, setSysroot, SetName(..), MatchKind(..)
    ) where

@@ 25,128 25,211 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (throwBool, throwNull)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.FFI (peekCString', fromMessageIO0,
                withMessage, withForeignPtr', fromMessage0, fromMessage)

-- | Creates an empty configuration.
configCreate :: IO Config
configCreate = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy =<< throwNull =<< fcConfigCreate
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigCreate" fcConfigCreate :: IO (Ptr Config')

-- | Sets the current default configuration to config. Implicitly calls FcConfigBuildFonts
-- if necessary, and FcConfigReference() to inrease the reference count in config since 2.12.0.
setCurrent :: Config -> IO ()
setCurrent conf = throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf fcConfigSetCurrent
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigSetCurrent" fcConfigSetCurrent :: Ptr Config' -> IO Bool

-- | Returns the current default configuration.
current :: IO Config
current = newForeignPtr fcConfigDestroy =<< throwNull =<< fcConfigReference nullPtr
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigReference" fcConfigReference :: Ptr Config' -> IO (Ptr Config')

-- | Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether any of them has
-- been modified since the configuration was created.
uptodate :: Config -> IO Bool
uptodate conf = withForeignPtr conf fcConfigUptoDate
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigUptoDate" fcConfigUptoDate :: Ptr Config' -> IO Bool

-- | Return the current user's home directory, if it is available & if using it is enabled.
home :: String
home = peekCString' fcConfigHome
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigHome" fcConfigHome :: CString

-- | If given True, then Fontconfig will use various files which are specified
-- relative to the user's home directory (using the ~ notation in the configuration).
-- When its False, then all use of the home directory in these contexts will be disabled.
-- The previous setting of the value is returned.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigEnableHome" enableHome :: Bool -> IO Bool

-- | Builds the set of available fonts for the given configuration.
-- Note that any changes to the configuration after this call
-- (through parseAndLoad or parseAndLoadFromMemory) have indeterminate effects.
-- (On the other hand, application fonts can still be modified through
-- appFontAddFile, appFontAddDir and appFontClear).
buildFonts :: Config -> IO ()
buildFonts conf = throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf fcConfigBuildFonts
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigBuildFonts" fcConfigBuildFonts :: Ptr Config' -> IO Bool

-- | Returns the list of font directories specified in the configuration files.
-- Does not include any subdirectories.
configDirs :: Config -> IO [String]
configDirs conf =
    fromMessageIO0 $ \len -> withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> fcConfigGetConfigDirs conf' len
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigGetConfigDirs :: Ptr Config' -> Ptr Int -> IO CString

-- | Returns the list of font directories. This includes the configured font directories
-- along with any directories below those in the filesystem.
fontDirs :: Config -> IO [String]
fontDirs conf =
    fromMessageIO0 $ \len -> withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> fcConfigGetFontDirs conf' len
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigGetFontDirs :: Ptr Config' -> Ptr Int -> IO CString

-- | Returns the list of known configuration files used to generate given config.
configFiles :: Config -> IO [String]
configFiles conf =
    fromMessageIO0 $ \len -> withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> fcConfigGetConfigFiles conf' len
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigGetConfigFiles :: Ptr Config' -> Ptr Int -> IO CString

-- | returns a string list containing all of the directories that fontconfig will
-- search when attempting to load a cache file for a font directory.
cacheDirs :: Config -> IO [String]
cacheDirs conf =
    fromMessageIO0 $ \len -> withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> fcConfigGetCacheDirs conf' len
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigGetCacheDirs :: Ptr Config' -> Ptr Int -> IO CString

data SetName = System | App deriving Eq
-- | Which set of fonts to retrieve.
data SetName = System -- ^ Fonts installed into the OS.
    | App -- ^ Fonts provided by this process.
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum)
-- | Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified by set.
fonts :: Config -> SetName -> IO FontSet
fonts conf setname =
    fromMessageIO0 $ \len -> withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> fcConfigGetFonts conf' (setname == System) len
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigGetFonts :: Ptr Config' -> Bool -> Ptr Int -> IO CString

-- | Returns the interval between automatic checks of the configuration (in seconds) specified
-- in config. The configuration is checked during a call to FcFontList when this interval has
-- passed since the last check. An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.
rescanInterval :: Config -> IO Int
rescanInterval = flip withForeignPtr fcConfigGetRescanInterval
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigGetRescanInterval" fcConfigGetRescanInterval ::
        Ptr Config' -> IO Int

-- | Sets the rescan interval. An interval setting of zero disables automatic checks.
setRescanInterval :: Config -> Int -> IO ()
setRescanInterval conf period =
    throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf (flip fcConfigSetRescanInterval period)
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigSetRescanInterval" fcConfigSetRescanInterval ::
        Ptr Config' -> Int -> IO Bool

-- | Adds an application-specific font to the configuration.
appFontAddFile :: Config -> FilePath -> IO ()
appFontAddFile conf file = throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf (\conf' ->
        withCString file $ \file' -> fcConfigAppFontAddFile conf' file')
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigAppFontAddFile" fcConfigAppFontAddFile ::
        Ptr Config' -> CString -> IO Bool

-- | Scans the specified directory for fonts, adding each one found to the application-specific set of fonts.
appFontAddDir :: Config -> FilePath -> IO ()
appFontAddDir conf file = throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf (\conf' ->
        withCString file $ \file' -> fcConfigAppFontAddDir conf' file')
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigAppFontAddDir" fcConfigAppFontAddDir ::
        Ptr Config' -> CString -> IO Bool

-- | Clears the set of application-specific fonts.
appFontClear :: Config -> IO ()
appFontClear = flip withForeignPtr fcConfigAppFontClear
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigAppFontClear" fcConfigAppFontClear ::
        Ptr Config' -> IO ()

data MatchKind = MatchPattern | MatchFont deriving Eq
substituteWithPat :: Config -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
substituteWithPat conf p (Just p_pat) kind =

-- | Which pattern modifications to apply during `substituteWithPat`.
data MatchKind = MatchPattern -- ^ Applies pattern operations.
    | MatchFont -- ^ Applies font operations.
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum)
-- | Performs the sequence of pattern modification operations tagged by `kind`.
-- If kind is MatchPattern then those tagged as pattern operations are applied,
-- else if kind is MatchFont those tagged as font operations are applied
-- & p_pat is used for &lt;test&gt; elements with target=pattern.
substitute :: Config -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern -> MatchKind -> Pattern
substitute conf p (Just p_pat) kind =
    fromMessage0 $ flip withForeignPtr' conf $ \conf' -> flip withMessage [p, p_pat] $ \msg len -> 
        fcConfigSubstituteWithPat conf' msg len (kind == MatchFont)
substituteWithPat conf p Nothing kind =
substitute conf p Nothing kind =
    fromMessage0 $ flip withForeignPtr' conf $ \conf' -> flip withMessage [p] $ \msg len ->
        fcConfigSubstituteWithPat conf' msg len (kind == MatchFont)
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcConfigSubstituteWithPat ::
    Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> Bool -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result
-- of fontRenderPrepare for that font and the provided pattern.
fontMatch :: Config -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
fontMatch conf pat = fromMessage $ flip withMessage pat $ withForeignPtr' fcFontMatch conf
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontMatch :: Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Returns the list of fonts sorted by closeness to p.
-- If trim is FcTrue, elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage
-- not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided.
-- The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned.
-- The returned FcFontSet references FcPattern structures which may be shared by the
-- return value from multiple FcFontSort calls, applications must not modify these patterns.
fontSort :: Config -> Pattern -> Bool -> Maybe (FontSet, CharSet')
fontSort conf pat trim = fromMessage $ (flip withMessage pat $ withForeignPtr' fcFontSort conf) trim
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontSort ::
    Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> Bool -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Creates a new pattern consisting of elements of font not appearing in pat, elements of pat
-- not appearing in font and the best matching value from pat for elements appearing in both.
-- The result is passed to FcConfigSubstituteWithPat with kind FcMatchFont and then returned.
fontRenderPrepare :: Config -> Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
fontRenderPrepare conf pat font = fromMessage0 $ flip withMessage [pat, font] $
        withForeignPtr' fcFontRenderPrepare conf
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontRenderPrepare ::
    Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Selects fonts matching p, creates patterns from those fonts containing only
-- the given objects and returns the set of unique such patterns.
fontList :: Config -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontList conf pat os = fromMessage0 $ flip withMessage (pat, os) $ withForeignPtr' fcFontList conf
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontList :: Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Given the specified external entity name, return the associated filename. This provides
-- applications a way to convert various configuration file references into filename form.
-- An empty name indicates that the default configuration file should be used;
-- which file this references can be overridden with the FONTCONFIG_FILE environment variable.
-- Next, if the name starts with ~, it refers to a file in the current users home directory.
-- Otherwise if the name doesn't start with '/', it refers to a file in the default config dir;
-- the built-in default directory can be overridden with the FONTCONFIG_PATH environment variable.
-- The result of this function is affected by the FONTCONFIG_SYSROOT environment variable
-- or equivalent functionality.
filename :: Config -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
filename conf path =
    peekCString =<< withForeignPtr conf (\_ -> withCString path $ fcConfigGetFilename)
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigFilename" fcConfigGetFilename ::
    CString -> IO CString -- FIXME: Recent docs say it's "Get" now...

-- | Walks the configuration in 'path' and constructs the internal representation in 'conf'.
-- Any include files referenced from within 'path' will be loaded and parsed.
-- If 'complain' is False, no warning will be displayed if 'path' does not exist.
-- Error and warning messages will be output to stderr.
-- Throws an exception if some error occurred while loading the file, either a parse error,
-- semantic error or allocation failure. After all configuration files or strings have been loaded,
-- with FcConfigParseAndLoad inclusive-or FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory,
-- call FcConfigBuildFonts to build the font database.
parseAndLoad :: Config -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
parseAndLoad conf path complain =
    throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf (\conf' -> withCString path $ \path' ->
        fcConfigParseAndLoad conf' path' complain)
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigParseAndLoad" fcConfigParseAndLoad ::
    Ptr Config' -> CString -> Bool -> IO Bool
-- | Walks the configuration in 'buf' and constructs the internal representation in 'conf'.
-- Any includes files referenced from within 'buf' will be loaded and dparsed.
-- If 'complain' is False, no warning will be displayed if 'file' does not exist.
-- Error and warning messages will be output to stderr.
-- Throws an exception if fsome error occurred while loading the file, either a parse error,
-- semantic error or allocation failure. After all configuration files or strings have been loaded,
-- with FcConfigParseAndLoad inclusive-or FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory,
-- call FcConfigBuildFonts to build the font database.
parseAndLoadFromMemory :: Config -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
parseAndLoadFromMemory conf buf complain =
    throwBool =<< withForeignPtr conf (\conf' -> withCString buf $ \buf' ->

@@ 154,12 237,21 @@ parseAndLoadFromMemory conf buf complain =
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory"
    fcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory :: Ptr Config' -> CString -> Bool -> IO Bool

-- | Obtains the system root directory in 'conf' if available.
-- All files (including file properties in patterns) obtained from this 'conf'
-- are relative to this system root directory.
sysroot :: Config -> IO String
sysroot conf = peekCString =<< withForeignPtr conf fcConfigGetSysRoot
-- FIXME: Upgrade GHC so I can use const pointers!
foreign import ccall "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcConfigGetSysRoot" fcConfigGetSysRoot ::
    Ptr Config' -> IO CString

-- | Set 'root' as the system root directory. All file paths used or created with this 'conf'
-- (including file properties in patterns) will be considered or made relative to this 'root'.
-- This allows a host to generate caches for targets at build time.
-- This also allows a cache to be re-targeted to a different base directory if 'FcConfigGetSysRoot'
-- is used to resolve file paths. When setting this on the current config this causes
-- changing current config (calls FcConfigSetCurrent()).
setSysroot :: Config -> String -> IO ()
setSysroot conf root =
    withForeignPtr conf $ \conf' -> withCString root $ fcConfigSetSysRoot conf'

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +13 -0
@@ 24,11 24,15 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range (iRange)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value (ToValue(..), Value)

-- | holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the results of listing available fonts.
type FontSet = [Pattern]

-- | Can the FontSet be processed by FontConfig?
validFontSet :: FontSet -> Bool
validFontSet = all validPattern

-- | holds a list of patterns; these are used to return the results of listing available fonts.
-- If the fontset is invalid, 
fontSetList :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontSetList a b c d | all validFontSet b =
    fromMessage0 $ arg d $ arg c $ arg b $ withForeignPtr' fcFontSetList a

@@ 38,6 42,8 @@ foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontSetList ::
        Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> CString -> Int -> CString -> Int ->
        Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern and returns the result
-- of `fontRenderPrepare` for that font and the provided pattern.
fontSetMatch :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Maybe FontSet
fontSetMatch a b c | all validFontSet b && validPattern c =
        fromMessage $ arg c $ arg b $ withForeignPtr' fcFontSetMatch a

@@ 46,6 52,12 @@ fontSetMatch a b c | all validFontSet b && validPattern c =
foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontSetMatch ::
        Ptr Config' -> CString -> Int -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Returns the list of fonts from sets sorted by closeness to pattern.
-- If True is passed, elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage
-- not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided.
-- The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned alongside the fontset.

-- Returns an empty CharSet & Nothing upon error, or invalid inputs.
fontSetSort :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> (Maybe FontSet, CharSet')
fontSetSort a b c d | all validFontSet b && validPattern c =
        fromMessage0 $ flip withForeignPtr' a $ \a' ->

@@ 58,6 70,7 @@ foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFontSetSort ::
--- Utilities
-- | Variation of `withMessage` that's proving to be more concise.
arg :: MessagePack a => a -> (CString -> Int -> b) -> b
arg = flip withMessage

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Internal/FFI.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Internal/FFI.hs +18 -3
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.FFI(

import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(fromObject), pack, unpack, Object(ObjectStr))
import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString, peekCString)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, free)

@@ 22,6 22,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict, fromStrict, ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Decode a MessagePack packet whilst throwing textually-specified exceptions.
unpackWithErr :: MessagePack a => ByteString -> Maybe a
unpackWithErr bs = case unpack bs of
    Just (ObjectStr err) |

@@ 29,19 30,25 @@ unpackWithErr bs = case unpack bs of
    Just x -> fromObject x
    Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Encode data via MessagePack to pass to an impure C function.
withMessageIO :: MessagePack a => (CString -> Int -> IO b) -> a -> IO b
withMessageIO cb a = unsafeUseAsCStringLen (toStrict $ pack a) (uncurry cb)

-- | Encode data via MessagePack to pass to a pure C function.
withMessage :: MessagePack a => (CString -> Int -> b) -> a -> b
withMessage inner arg = unsafePerformIO $ withMessageIO (\x -> return . inner x) arg

-- | Decode data via MessagePack returned from a pure C function.
fromMessage :: MessagePack a => (Ptr Int -> CString) -> Maybe a
fromMessage inner = unpackWithErr $ fromStrict $ unsafePerformIO $ do
    unsafePackMallocCStringLen . swap =<< withPtr (throwNull . inner)

-- | Decode data via MessagePack returned from a pure C function,
-- throwing exceptions upon failed decodes.
fromMessage0 :: MessagePack a => (Ptr Int -> CString) -> a
fromMessage0 = fromJust . fromMessage

-- | Decode data via MessagePack returned from an impure C function.
fromMessageIO :: MessagePack a => (Ptr Int -> IO CString) -> IO (Maybe a)
fromMessageIO inner = do
    (a, b) <- withPtr $ \ptr -> do

@@ 49,22 56,30 @@ fromMessageIO inner = do
    bs <- unsafePackMallocCStringLen (b, a)
    return $ unpackWithErr $ fromStrict bs

-- | Decode data via MessagePack returned from an impure C function,
-- throwing exceptions upon failed decodes.
fromMessageIO0 :: MessagePack a => (Ptr Int -> IO CString) -> IO a
fromMessageIO0 inner = fromJust <$> fromMessageIO inner

-- | Pass a string to a pure C function.
withCString' :: (CString -> a) -> String -> a
withCString' inner = unsafePerformIO . flip withCString (return . inner)

-- | Return a string from a pure C function
peekCString' :: CString -> String
peekCString' ptr = unsafePerformIO $ do
peekCString' ptr | ptr /= nullPtr = unsafePerformIO $ do
    ret <- peekCString ptr
    free ptr
    return ret
  | otherwise = ""

-- | Unwrap a foreign pointer to pass to a pure C function.
withForeignPtr' :: (Ptr a -> b) -> ForeignPtr a -> b
withForeignPtr' inner arg = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr arg $ return . inner

-- I don't want to pull in all of inline-c for this util!
-- I don't want to pull in all of inline-c for JUST this util!
-- | Pass a transient pointer to an impure C function,
-- for its value to be returned alongside that functions' return value.
withPtr :: (Storable a) => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (a, b)
withPtr f = do
  alloca $ \ptr -> do

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs +27 -1
@@ 7,6 7,7 @@ module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet(
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..))
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), elements, listOf)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.StrSet (StrSet(..))

@@ 18,13 19,24 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.FFI (withMessage, fromMessage0, withCS
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result
import Control.Exception (throw)

-- | A set of language names (each of which include language and an optional territory).
-- They are used when selecting fonts to indicate which languages the fonts need to support.
-- Each font is marked, using language orthography information built into fontconfig,
-- with the set of supported languages.
type LangSet = Set String
-- | Wrapper around LangSet adding useful typeclasses
newtype LangSet' = LangSet' { unLangSet :: LangSet } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

instance Hashable LangSet' where
    hashWithSalt salt (LangSet' self) = hashWithSalt salt self

-- | Can the given LangSet be processed by FontConfig?
validLangSet :: LangSet -> Bool
validLangSet x = all validLang x && not (null x)
-- | Can the given LangSet' be processed by FontConfig?
validLangSet' :: LangSet' -> Bool
validLangSet' = validLangSet . unLangSet
-- | Can the given language code be processed by FontConfig?
validLang :: String -> Bool
validLang = (`elem` unStrSet langs)

@@ 34,13 46,18 @@ instance MessagePack LangSet' where
instance Arbitrary LangSet' where
    arbitrary = LangSet' <$> S.fromList <$> listOf (elements $ S.toList $ unStrSet langs)

data LangComparison = SameLang | SameTerritory | DifferentLang
-- | The result of `cmp`.
data LangComparison = SameLang -- ^ The locales share any language and territory pair
    | SameTerritory -- ^ The locales share a language but differ in which territory that language is for
    | DifferentLang -- ^ The locales share no languages in common
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
i2cmp :: Int -> LangComparison
i2cmp 0 = DifferentLang
i2cmp 1 = SameLang
i2cmp 2 = SameTerritory
i2cmp _ = throw ErrOOM

-- | Compares language coverage for the 2 given LangSets.
cmp :: LangSet' -> LangSet' -> LangComparison
cmp a b | valid a && valid b = i2cmp $ withMessage fcLangSetCompare [a, b]
    | otherwise = DifferentLang

@@ 48,6 65,9 @@ cmp a b | valid a && valid b = i2cmp $ withMessage fcLangSetCompare [a, b]

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcLangSetCompare :: CString -> Int -> Int

-- | returns True if `a` contains every language in `b`.
-- `a`` will contain a language from `b` if `a` has exactly the language,
-- or either the language or `a` has no territory.
has :: LangSet' -> String -> LangComparison
has a b | validLangSet' a && validLang b =
        i2cmp $ flip withCString' b $ withMessage fcLangSetHasLang a

@@ 55,21 75,27 @@ has a b | validLangSet' a && validLang b =

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcLangSetHasLang :: CString -> Int -> CString -> Int

-- | Returns a string set of the default languages according to the environment variables on the system.
-- This function looks for them in order of FC_LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG then.
-- If there are no valid values in those environment variables, "en" will be set as fallback.
defaultLangs :: StrSet
defaultLangs = fromMessage0 fcGetDefaultLangs

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcGetDefaultLangs :: Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Returns a string set of all languages.
langs :: StrSet
langs = fromMessage0 fcGetLangs

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcGetLangs :: Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Returns a string to make lang suitable on fontconfig.
normalize :: String -> String
normalize = peekCString' . withCString' fcLangNormalize

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcLangNormalize :: CString -> CString

-- | Returns the CharSet for a language.
langCharSet :: String -> CharSet'
langCharSet a | validLang a = fromMessage0 $ withCString' fcLangGetCharSet a
    | otherwise = CharSet' CS.empty

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/ObjectSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/ObjectSet.hs +2 -0
@@ 1,6 1,8 @@
-- | Which properties of a font do we want to read?
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet(ObjectSet) where

-- | Holds a list of pattern property names; it is used to indicate which
-- properties are to be returned in the patterns from FcFontList.
type ObjectSet = [String]

-- NOTE: Already has all the typeclass instances I want, including MessagePack!

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs +21 -0
@@ 34,8 34,11 @@ import Data.Maybe as Mb (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Char (isAscii)
import Prelude as L

-- | Holds both patterns to match against the available fonts, as well as the information about each font.
type Pattern = M.Map Text [(Binding, Value)]
-- | Wrapper around `Pattern` supporting useful typeclasses.
data Pattern' = Pattern' { unPattern :: Pattern } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)
-- | The precedance for a field of a Pattern.
data Binding = Strong | Weak | Same deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Show, Generic)

instance Hashable Binding where

@@ 64,6 67,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Pattern' where
instance Arbitrary Binding where
    arbitrary = elements [Strong, Weak] -- Same doesn't roundtrip!

-- | Does the pattern hold a value we can process?
validPattern :: Pattern -> Bool
validPattern self = not (M.null self) &&
        all (validValue . snd) (concat $ M.elems self) &&

@@ 73,19 77,25 @@ validPattern self = not (M.null self) &&
        all (not . Txt.elem '\0') (M.keys self) &&
        all (Txt.all isAscii) (M.keys self) &&
        all (\k -> Txt.length k < 18) (M.keys self)
-- | Variant of `validPattern` which applies to the `Pattern'` wrapper.
validPattern' :: Pattern' -> Bool
validPattern' = validPattern . unPattern

-- | Replace a field with a singular type-casted value.
setValue :: ToValue v => Text -> Binding -> v -> Pattern -> Pattern
setValue key strength v self = setValues key strength [v] self
-- | Replace a field with multiple type-casted values.
setValues :: ToValue v => Text -> Binding -> [v] -> Pattern -> Pattern
setValues key strength vs self = M.insert key [(strength, toValue v) | v <- vs] self

-- | Retrieve a field's primary type-casted value.
getValue :: ToValue v => Text -> Pattern -> Maybe v
getValue key self = fromValue . snd =<< listToMaybe =<< M.lookup key self
-- | Retrieve a field's type-casted values.
getValues :: ToValue v => Text -> Pattern -> [v]
getValues key self = Mb.mapMaybe (fromValue . snd) $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key self

-- | Returns whether the given patterns have exactly the same values for all of the given objects.
equalSubset :: Pattern -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> Bool
equalSubset a b os | validPattern a && validPattern b =
    case withMessage fcPatternEqualSubset [toObject a, toObject b, toObject os] of

@@ 96,23 106,31 @@ equalSubset a b os | validPattern a && validPattern b =

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcPatternEqualSubset :: CString -> Int -> Int

-- | Supplies default values for underspecified font patterns:
-- Patterns without a specified style or weight are set to Medium
-- Patterns without a specified style or slant are set to Roman
-- Patterns without a specified pixel size are given one computed from any specified point size (default 12), dpi (default 75) and scale (default 1).
defaultSubstitute :: Pattern -> Pattern
defaultSubstitute a | validPattern a = fromMessage0 $ withMessage fcDefaultSubstitute a
    | otherwise = a

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcDefaultSubstitute :: CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Converts name from the standard text format described above into a pattern.
nameParse :: String -> Pattern
nameParse = fromMessage0 . withCString' fcNameParse

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcNameParse :: CString -> Ptr Int -> CString

-- | Converts the given pattern into the standard text format described above.
nameUnparse :: Pattern -> String
nameUnparse a | validPattern a = peekCString' $ withMessage fcNameUnparse a
    | otherwise = ""

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcNameUnparse :: CString -> Int -> CString

-- | Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier
-- See https://fontconfig.pages.freedesktop.org/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcpatternformat.html for full details.
nameFormat :: Pattern -> String -> String
nameFormat a b
    | validPattern a = peekCString' $ flip withCString' b $ withMessage fcNameFormat a

@@ 146,6 164,7 @@ parseFontFeatures (String feat:toks) | feature@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack feat = cas
    _ -> ([], False, String feat:toks)
parseFontFeatures toks = ([], False, toks)

-- | Parse OpenType variables from CSS syntax.
parseFontVars :: [Token] -> ([(String, Double)], Bool, [Token])
parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:Comma:toks) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
    let (vars, b, tail') = parseFontVars toks in ((var, nv2double x):vars, b, tail')

@@ 168,6 187,7 @@ parseLength super len unit = convert (nv2double len) unit
    c x "%" = x/100 `c` "em"
    c _ _ = 0/0 -- NaN

-- | Parse the CSS font-stretch property.
parseFontStretch :: Token -> Maybe Int -- Result in percentages
parseFontStretch (Percentage _ x) = Just $ fromEnum $ nv2double x
parseFontStretch (Ident "ultra-condensed") = Just 50

@@ 183,6 203,7 @@ parseFontStretch (Ident "ultra-expanded") = Just 200
parseFontStretch _ = Nothing

-- Conversion between CSS scale & FontConfig scale is non-trivial, use lookuptable.
-- | Parse the CSS font-weight property.
parseFontWeight :: Token -> Maybe Int
parseFontWeight (Ident k) | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just 80
parseFontWeight (Ident "bold") = Just 200

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Range.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Range.hs +2 -1
@@ 9,7 9,7 @@ import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

-- | Matches a numeric range.
-- | Matches a numeric range, bounded by 2 floating point numbers.
data Range = Range Double Double deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord, Generic)
-- | Matches an integral range.
iRange :: Int -> Int -> Range

@@ 30,5 30,6 @@ instance Arbitrary Range where
        return $ Range a $ a + abs b + 1
instance Hashable Range

-- | Can FontConfig process this range?
validRange :: Range -> Bool
validRange (Range start end) = start < end

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs +2 -1
@@ 73,6 73,7 @@ instance Arbitrary Value where
        ValueRange <$> arbitrary

-- | Can the value be processed by FontConfig?
validValue :: Value -> Bool
validValue (ValueString "") = False
validValue (ValueString x) = '\0' `notElem` x

@@ 81,7 82,7 @@ validValue (ValueLangSet x) = validLangSet x
validValue (ValueRange x) = validRange x
validValue _ = True

-- | Coerces compiletime types to runtime types.
-- | Coerces compiletime types to or from runtime types.
class ToValue x where
    toValue :: x -> Value
    fromValue :: Value -> Maybe x

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Weight.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Weight.hs +11 -0
@@ 3,11 3,22 @@
module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Weight(weightFromOpenTypeDouble,
        weightToOpenTypeDouble, weightFromOpenType, weightToOpenType) where

-- | Returns an double value to use with FC_WEIGHT, from an double in the 1..1000 range,
-- resembling the numbers from OpenType specification's OS2 usWeight numbers,
-- which are also similar to CSS font-weight numbers.
-- If input is negative, zero, or greater than 1000, returns -1.
-- This function linearly interpolates between various FC_WEIGHT_* constants.
-- As such, the returned value does not necessarily match any of the predefined constants.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble"
    weightFromOpenTypeDouble :: Double -> Double
-- | the inverse of FcWeightFromOpenType. If the input is less than FC_WEIGHT_THIN
-- or greater than FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK, returns -1.
-- Otherwise returns a number in the range 1 to 1000.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcWeightToOpenTypeDouble"
    weightToOpenTypeDouble :: Double -> Double
-- | Like weightFromOpenTypeDouble but with integer arguments. Use the other function instead.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcWeightFromOpenType"
    weightFromOpenType :: Int -> Int
-- | Like weightToOpenTypeDouble but with integer arguments. Use the other function instead.
foreign import capi "fontconfig/fontconfig.h FcWeightToOpenType" 
    weightToOpenType :: Int -> Int