@@ 4,14 4,15 @@ module Text.HTML.Form (Form(..), Input(..), parseElement, parseDocument) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Text.XML.Cursor
-import Text.XML (Document, Name)
+import Text.XML (Document, Name(..), Node(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
-import Network.URI (parseURIReference, URI, nullURI)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
-import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.List (singleton)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+import Data.Function (on)
+import Network.URI (parseURIReference, URI, nullURI)
import Text.Regex.TDFA (Regex, defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text (compile)
@@ 30,6 31,8 @@ data Form = Form {
data Input = Input {
-- Core attributes
+ label :: Node,
+ description :: Node,
inputType :: Text,
dirname :: Text,
inputName :: Text,
@@ 48,7 51,7 @@ data Input = Input {
formValidate :: Bool,
formTarget :: Maybe Text,
inputMode :: Text,
- list :: [(Text, Text)],
+ list :: [OptionGroup],
-- Validation
range :: (Maybe Text, Maybe Text),
step :: Maybe Text,
@@ 61,17 64,41 @@ data Input = Input {
title :: Text,
size :: Maybe Int,
fileData :: FileSelector,
- imageData :: ImageData
+ imageData :: ImageData,
+ textArea :: TextArea
+data OptionGroup = OptGroup {
+ optsLabel :: Text,
+ optsDisabled :: Bool,
+ subopts :: [Option]
+data Option = Option {
+ optLabel :: Text,
+ optValue :: Text,
+ optSelected :: Bool,
+ optDisabled :: Bool
data FileSelector = FileSelector {
fileAccept :: [Text],
fileCapture :: Text
+defaultFileData :: FileSelector
+defaultFileData = FileSelector [] ""
data ImageData = ImageData {
imgAlt :: Maybe Text,
imgSize :: (Maybe Int, Maybe Int),
imgSrc :: Maybe Text
+defaultImageData :: ImageData
+defaultImageData = ImageData Nothing (Nothing, Nothing) Nothing
+data TextArea = TextArea {
+ autocorrect :: Bool,
+ rows :: Maybe Int,
+ spellcheck :: Maybe Bool,
+ textwrap :: Maybe Bool
+defaultTextArea :: TextArea
+defaultTextArea = TextArea True Nothing Nothing Nothing
attr :: Text -> Cursor -> Text -> Text
attr n el def | [ret] <- n `laxAttribute` el = ret
@@ 99,18 126,27 @@ parseElement el | _:_ <- laxElement "form" el = Just Form {
| otherwise = Nothing
+root :: Axis
+root = singleton . last . ancestor
+laxElements :: [Text] -> Axis
+laxElements ns = checkName (\x -> or [
+ on (==) Txt.toCaseFold n $ nameLocalName x | n <- ns])
queryInputs :: Cursor -> [Cursor]
queryInputs form = (allInputs >=> inForm) form
- allInputs = last' ancestor >=> descendant >=> laxElement "input"
- inForm = check nestedInForm &++
- check (\x -> laxAttribute "form" x == laxAttribute "id" form)
+ allInputs = root >=> descendant >=> laxElements [
+ "input", "textarea", "button", "select"]
+ inForm = check (\x ->
+ laxAttribute "form" x == laxAttribute "id" form ||
+ nestedInForm x)
nestedInForm x = listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "form") x) == Just form
- last' f x | ret:_ <- reverse $ f x = [ret]
- | otherwise = []
- f &++ g = \x -> nub (f x ++ g x)
parseInput :: Cursor -> Maybe Input
parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
+ label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
+ listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
+ elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
+ elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
inputType = attr "type" el "text",
value = attr "value" el "",
inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
@@ 129,7 165,7 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
formValidate = not $ hasAttr "formnovalidate" el,
formTarget = mAttr "formtarget" el,
inputMode = attr "inputmode" el "text",
- list = [], -- TODO
+ list = fromMaybe [] $ fmap parseOptions (elByID =<< mAttr "list" el),
range = (mAttr "min" el, mAttr "max" el),
step = mAttr "step" el,
lengthRange = (attr'' "minlength" el readMaybe "",
@@ 149,9 185,166 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
imgSize = (attr'' "width" el readMaybe "",
attr'' "height" el readMaybe ""),
imgSrc = mAttr "src" el
- }
+ },
+ textArea = defaultTextArea
+ | _:_ <- laxElement "textarea" el = Just Input {
+ inputType = "<textarea>",
+ label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
+ listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
+ elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
+ elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
+ value = Txt.concat $ (descendant >=> content) el,
+ inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
+ autofocus = hasAttr "autofocus" el,
+ size = attr'' "cols" el readMaybe "",
+ dirname = attr "dirname" el "",
+ disabled = hasAttr "disabled" el,
+ lengthRange = (attr'' "minLength" el readMaybe "",
+ attr'' "maxLength" el readMaybe ""),
+ inputName = attr "name" el "",
+ placeholder = attr "placeholder" el "",
+ readonly = hasAttr "readonly" el,
+ required = hasAttr "required" el,
+ title = attr "title" el "",
+ inputMode = attr "inputMode" el "text",
+ textArea = TextArea {
+ autocorrect = attr "autocorrect" el "on" /= "off",
+ rows = attr'' "rows" el readMaybe "",
+ spellcheck = attr' "spellcheck" el (\x -> case x of
+ "true" -> Just True
+ "false" -> Just False
+ "default" -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing) "default",
+ textwrap = attr' "wrap" el (\x -> case x of
+ "hard" -> Just True
+ "soft" -> Just False
+ "off" -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just False) "soft"
+ },
+ checked = True,
+ multiple = False,
+ formAction = Nothing,
+ formEnctype = Nothing,
+ formMethod = Nothing,
+ formValidate = False,
+ formTarget = Nothing,
+ list = [],
+ range = (Nothing, Nothing),
+ step = Nothing,
+ pattern = Nothing,
+ fileData = defaultFileData,
+ imageData = defaultImageData
+ }
+ | _:_ <- laxElement "button" el = Just Input {
+ -- Fallingback to the input itself as its label allow for
+ -- the full richness of its children to be rendered!
+ label = fromMaybe (node el) $ fmap node $
+ listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
+ elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
+ description = fromMaybe (node el) $ fmap node $
+ elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
+ autofocus = hasAttr "autofocus" el,
+ disabled = hasAttr "disabled" el,
+ formAction = if hasAttr "formaction" el
+ then attr' "formaction" el (parseURIReference . Txt.unpack) ""
+ else Nothing,
+ formEnctype = mAttr "formenctype" el,
+ formMethod = mAttr "formmethod" el,
+ formValidate = not $ hasAttr "formnovalidate" el,
+ formTarget = mAttr "formtarget" el,
+ inputName = attr "name" el "",
+ -- Popover buttons should be handled by HTML engine, not form engine.
+ inputType = attr "type" el "submit",
+ value = attr "value" el "",
+ title = attr "title" el "",
+ -- Placeholder makes sense as a place to put the label...
+ placeholder = Txt.concat $ (descendant >=> content) el,
+ dirname = "",
+ inputAutocomplete = "",
+ checked = False, -- Switch to true for the activated button!
+ readonly = False,
+ multiple = False,
+ inputMode = "",
+ list = [],
+ range = (Nothing, Nothing),
+ step = Nothing,
+ lengthRange = (Nothing, Nothing),
+ pattern = Nothing,
+ required = False,
+ size = Nothing,
+ fileData = defaultFileData,
+ imageData = defaultImageData,
+ textArea = defaultTextArea
+ }
+ | _:_ <- laxElement "select" el = Just Input {
+ inputType = "<select>",
+ label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
+ listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
+ elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
+ elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
+ inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
+ autofocus = hasAttr "autofocus" el,
+ disabled = hasAttr "disabled" el,
+ multiple = hasAttr "multiple" el,
+ inputName = attr "name" el "",
+ required = hasAttr "required" el,
+ size = attr'' "size" el readMaybe "",
+ list = parseOptions el,
+ title = attr "title" el "",
+ dirname = "",
+ value = "", -- Sourced from list...
+ checked = True,
+ readonly = False,
+ formAction = Nothing,
+ formEnctype = Nothing,
+ formMethod = Nothing,
+ formValidate = False,
+ formTarget = Nothing,
+ inputMode = "",
+ range = (Nothing, Nothing),
+ step = Nothing,
+ lengthRange = (Nothing, Nothing),
+ pattern = Nothing,
+ placeholder = "",
+ fileData = defaultFileData,
+ imageData = defaultImageData,
+ textArea = defaultTextArea
+ }
| otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ elByAttr k v = listToMaybe $ (root >=> descendant >=> attributeIs k v) el
+ elByID = elByAttr "id"
+ mkEl txt = NodeContent txt
+parseOptions :: Cursor -> [OptionGroup]
+parseOptions el = [parseGroup opt
+ | opt <- (descendant >=> laxElements ["option", "optgroup"] >=>
+ checkNot (parent >=> laxElement "optgroup")) el]
+ where
+ checkNot test = check (not . bool . test)
+ parseGroup opt
+ | _:_ <- laxElement "option" opt =
+ OptGroup "" False [parseOption opt False]
+ | _:_ <- laxElement "optgroup" opt = OptGroup {
+ optsLabel = attr "label" opt "",
+ optsDisabled = hasAttr "disabled" opt,
+ subopts = [parseOption o $ hasAttr "disabled" opt | o <- child opt]
+ }
+ | otherwise = OptGroup "" True [] -- Shouldn't happen!
+ parseOption opt disabledOverride = Option {
+ optLabel = attr "label" opt text,
+ optValue = attr "value" opt text,
+ optSelected = hasAttr "selected" opt,
+ optDisabled = hasAttr "disabled" opt || disabledOverride
+ } where text = Txt.concat $ (descendant >=> content) opt
read' :: Read a => Text -> a
read' = read . Txt.unpack