M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +2 -2
@@ 12,7 12,7 @@ import Text.HTML.Form
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
-import Text.XML (readFile, def)
+import qualified Text.HTML.DOM as HTML
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
main :: IO ()
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ main = do
n:anchor:_ -> (n, anchor)
[n] -> (n, "0")
[] -> ("form.html", "0")
- doc <- Text.XML.readFile def filename
+ doc <- HTML.readFile filename
runEnv 2018 $ servePage $ fromJust $ parseDocument doc $ Txt.pack ident
servePage :: Form -> Application
M bureaucromancy.cabal => bureaucromancy.cabal +4 -3
@@ 62,7 62,7 @@ library
import: warnings
-- Modules exported by the library.
- exposed-modules: Text.HTML.Form,
+ exposed-modules: Text.HTML.Form, Text.HTML.Form.Query,
Text.HTML.Form.WebApp, Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
@@ 73,7 73,8 @@ library
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=, ginger, file-embed-lzma, file-embed, mtl,
- bytestring, text, xml-conduit, network-uri, regex-tdfa, containers
+ bytestring, text, xml-conduit, network-uri, regex-tdfa, containers,
+ filepath
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
@@ 97,7 98,7 @@ executable bureaucromancy
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
base ^>=,
- bureaucromancy, warp, wai, http-types, text, xml-conduit
+ bureaucromancy, warp, wai, http-types, text, html-conduit
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app
M src/Text/HTML/Form.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form.hs +26 -27
@@ 9,7 9,6 @@ import Text.XML.Cursor
import Text.XML (Document, Name(..), Node(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
-import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (singleton)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Function (on)
@@ 33,7 32,7 @@ data Form = Form {
data Input = Input {
-- Core attributes
- label :: Node,
+ label :: Text,
description :: Node,
inputType :: Text,
dirname :: Text,
@@ 144,11 143,9 @@ queryInputs form = (allInputs >=> inForm) form
nestedInForm x = listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "form") x) == Just form
parseInput :: Cursor -> Maybe Input
parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
- label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
- listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
- elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
- description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
- elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
+ label = fromMaybe (attr "name" el "") $ fmap text label',
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "title" el "") $ fmap node $
+ elByID (attr "aria-describedby" el "") `orElse` label',
inputType = attr "type" el "text",
value = attr "value" el "",
inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
@@ 192,12 189,10 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
| _:_ <- laxElement "textarea" el = Just Input {
inputType = "<textarea>",
- label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
- listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
- elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
- description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
- elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
- value = Txt.concat $ (descendant >=> content) el,
+ label = fromMaybe (attr "name" el "") $ fmap text label',
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "title" el "") $ fmap node $
+ elByID (attr "aria-describedby" el "") `orElse` label',
+ value = text el,
inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
autofocus = hasAttr "autofocus" el,
@@ 244,9 239,7 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
| _:_ <- laxElement "button" el = Just Input {
-- Fallingback to the input itself as its label allow for
-- the full richness of its children to be rendered!
- label = fromMaybe (node el) $ fmap node $
- listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
- elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
+ label = fromMaybe (text el) $ fmap text label',
description = fromMaybe (node el) $ fmap node $
elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
@@ 286,10 279,8 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
| _:_ <- laxElement "select" el = Just Input {
inputType = "<select>",
- label = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "name" el "") $ fmap node $
- listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el) *>
- elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el ""),
- description = fromMaybe (mkEl "") $ fmap node $
+ label = fromMaybe (attr "name" el "") $ fmap text label',
+ description = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "title" el "") $ fmap node $
elByID $ attr "aria-describedby" el "",
inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on",
@@ 325,7 316,8 @@ parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input {
elByAttr k v = listToMaybe $ (root >=> descendant >=> attributeIs k v) el
elByID = elByAttr "id"
- mkEl txt = NodeContent txt
+ label' = elByAttr "for" (attr "id" el "") `orElse`
+ listToMaybe $ (ancestor >=> laxElement "label") el
parseOptions :: Cursor -> [OptionGroup]
parseOptions el = [parseGroup opt
| opt <- (descendant >=> laxElements ["option", "optgroup"] >=>
@@ 342,17 334,16 @@ parseOptions el = [parseGroup opt
| otherwise = OptGroup "" True [] -- Shouldn't happen!
parseOption opt disabledOverride = Option {
- optLabel = attr "label" opt text,
- optValue = attr "value" opt text,
+ optLabel = attr "label" opt $ text opt,
+ optValue = attr "value" opt $ text opt,
optSelected = hasAttr "selected" opt,
optDisabled = hasAttr "disabled" opt || disabledOverride
- } where text = Txt.concat $ (descendant >=> content) opt
+ }
-read' :: Read a => Text -> a
-read' = read . Txt.unpack
parseDocument :: Document -> Text -> Maybe Form
parseDocument doc n
- | Txt.all isDigit n = parseElement (forms doc' !! read' n)
+ | Just n' <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack n, n' < length (forms doc') =
+ parseElement (forms doc' !! n')
| el:_ <- (forms >=> attributeIs "name" n) doc' = parseElement el
| otherwise = Nothing
@@ 364,3 355,11 @@ rightToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
rightToMaybe (Right x) = Just x
instance Eq Cursor where
a == b = node a == node b
+orElse :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+orElse ret@(Just _) _ = ret
+orElse _ ret = ret
+infixr 0 `orElse`
+text :: Cursor -> Text
+text = Txt.concat . (descendant >=> content)
+mkEl :: Text -> Node
+mkEl = NodeContent
M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs +20 -10
@@ 3,24 3,34 @@ module Text.HTML.Form.WebApp (renderPage, Form(..)) where
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text as Txt
+import Data.Text.Encoding as Txt
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.HTML.Form (Form(..), Input(..))
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger (template)
+import Text.HTML.Form.Query (renderQueryString)
renderPage :: Form -> [Text] -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] -> IO (Maybe Text)
-renderPage form (n:ix:path) query
- | Just ix' <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack ix, ix' < Prelude.length inputs' =
- renderInput form (inputs' !! ix') path query
- | input:_ <- inputs' = renderInput form input (ix:path) query
- where inputs' = Prelude.filter (\x -> inputName x == n) $ inputs form
-renderPage form [n] query
- | input:_ <- Prelude.filter (\x -> inputName x == n) $ inputs form =
- renderInput form input [] query
+renderPage form (n:path) query
+ | Just ix <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack n, ix < Prelude.length (inputs form) =
+ renderInput form (inputs form !! ix) path query
+renderPage form [] _ = return $ Just $ Txt.concat [
+ "<a href='/0?", Txt.pack $ renderQueryString form, "'>Start!</a>"]
renderPage _ _ _ = return Nothing
renderInput :: Form -> Input -> [Text] -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] ->
IO (Maybe Text)
-renderInput form input@Input {inputType = "checkbox"} [] q =
- template "checkbox" form input q
+renderInput form input@Input {inputType = "checkbox", inputName = k', value = v'}
+ [] qs
+ | (utf8 k', Just $ utf8 v') `Prelude.elem` qs =
+ template "checkbox.html" form input qs [
+ q | q@(k, v) <- qs, k /= utf8 k', v /= Just (utf8 v')]
+ | v' == "", (utf8 k', Nothing) `Prelude.elem` qs =
+ template "checkbox.html" form input qs [
+ q | q@(k, v) <- qs, k /= utf8 k', v /= Nothing]
+ | otherwise =
+ template "checkbox.html" form input qs ((utf8 k', Just $ utf8 v'):qs)
renderInput _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
+utf8 :: Text -> ByteString
+utf8 = Txt.encodeUtf8
D tpl/.keep => tpl/.keep +0 -0