
55731532baec4591f2055502054bc72407c65466 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 3 months ago e55c933
Get datepicker control working.

Had to drop support for selecting dates Before-Christ, Hourglass doesn't appear to support those.
M form.html => form.html +1 -0
@@ 17,6 17,7 @@
    <label><input type="url" name="site" />Homepage</label>
    <label><input type="number" name="numerator" />Numerator</label>
    <label><input type="range" min="1" max="42" name="denominator" />Denominator</label>
    <label><input type="date" name="published" />Published at</label>

M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs +21 -1
@@ 15,8 15,10 @@ import System.Directory (XdgDirectory(..), getXdgDirectory, doesFileExist,
import Text.HTML.Form (Form(..), Input(..))
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger (template, template', resolveSource, list')
import Text.HTML.Form.Query (renderQueryString, renderQuery')
import Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.Hourglass (timeData, modifyTime', timeParseOrNow,
        gSeqTo, gPad2)

import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal(..), toGVal, orderedDict, (~>))
import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal(..), toGVal, orderedDict, (~>), fromFunction)
import Text.Ginger.Html (html)

type Query = [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)]

@@ 122,6 124,24 @@ renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "number" } [] qs =
    template "number.html" form ix input qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "range" } [] qs =
    template "number.html" form ix input qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = n } [op] qs
    | Just v <- modifyTime' op $ get n qs = do
        -- TODO: Support other calendars
        v' <- timeParseOrNow v
        template' "gregorian.html" form ix input (set n (Txt.pack v) qs) $
            \x -> case x of
                "T" -> timeData v'
                "seqTo" -> fromFunction $ return . gSeqTo
                "pad2" -> fromFunction $ return . gPad2
                _ -> toGVal ()
    | otherwise = return Nothing
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = n } [] qs = do
    v' <- timeParseOrNow $ get n qs
    template' "gregorian.html" form ix input qs $ \x -> case x of -- TODO: Ditto
        "T" -> timeData v'
        "seqTo" -> fromFunction $ return . gSeqTo
        "pad2" -> fromFunction $ return . gPad2
        _ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input [keyboard] qs =
    renderInput form ix input [keyboard, ""] qs
renderInput form ix input [keyboard, ""] qs | Just (Just _) <- resolveSource path =

M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp/Ginger/Hourglass.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp/Ginger/Hourglass.hs +40 -16
@@ 1,7 1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.Hourglass(timeData, modifyTime) where
module Text.HTML.Form.WebApp.Ginger.Hourglass(
    timeData, modifyTime, modifyTime', timeParseOrNow, gSeqTo, gPad2) where

import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal(..), toGVal, ToGVal, orderedDict, (~>))
import Text.Ginger.GVal as V (GVal(..), toGVal, ToGVal, orderedDict, (~>), toInt)
import Text.Ginger.Html (unsafeRawHtml)
import Data.Hourglass
import Time.System (localDateCurrent)

@@ 11,7 12,6 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) -- For use with localDateCurrent

timeData :: LocalTime DateTime -> GVal a
timeData datetime = orderedDict [
    "epoch" ~> if dateYear date < 0 then "BCE" :: String else "CE",
    "year" ~> abs (dateYear date),
    ("month", enumG $ dateMonth date),
    "date" ~> dateDay date,

@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ timeData datetime = orderedDict [
    ("minute", enumG $ todMin $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),
    ("second", enumG $ todSec $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),
    ("nano", showG unwrapNanos $ todNSec $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),
    ("timezone", showG timezoneOffsetToMinutes $ localTimeGetTimezone datetime),
    ("zone", showG timezoneOffsetToMinutes $ localTimeGetTimezone datetime),
    "daysInMonth" ~> (dateYear date `daysInMonth` dateMonth date),
    ("monthStart", toGVal $ fromEnum $ getWeekDay date { dateDay = 1 })

@@ 65,32 65,34 @@ modifyTime "-zone" time = offsetTZ time (-30) -- TODO Include a timezone databas
modifyTime "+zone" time = offsetTZ time 30
modifyTime "now" _ = Just $ unsafePerformIO $ localDateCurrent
modifyTime op time
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "year:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "year=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtDate = date { dateYear = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "month:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "month=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtDate = date { dateMonth = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "date:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "date=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtDate = date { dateDay = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "hour:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtTime = time_ { todHour = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "minute:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "hour=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtTime = time_ {
            todHour = toEnum x + (if isAM then 0 else 12)
        } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "minute=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtTime = time_ { todMin = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "second:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "second=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtTime = time_ { todSec = toEnum x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "nano:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "nano=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        modLTime time $ \time' -> time' { dtTime = time_ { todNSec = NanoSeconds x } }
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "zone:" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
    | Just x' <- Txt.stripPrefix "zone=" op, Just x <- readMaybe $ Txt.unpack x' =
        Just $ localTimeSetTimezone (TimezoneOffset x) time
    date = dtDate $ localTimeUnwrap time
    time_ = dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap time
    isAM | todHour time_ == 24 = True
        | todHour time_ < 12 = True
        | otherwise = False
-- Written this way to avoid GHC complaining about us pattern-matching too much! Blasphemy!
modifyTime op time = case op of
    "-year" -> addPeriod' time mempty { periodYears = -1 }
    "+year" -> addPeriod' time mempty { periodYears = 1 }
    "epoch" -> modLTime time $ \time' -> time' {
        dtDate = (dtDate time') { dateYear = -dateYear (dtDate time') }
    "-month" -> addPeriod' time mempty { periodMonths = -1 }
    "+month" -> addPeriod' time mempty { periodMonths = 1 }
    "-date" -> addPeriod' time mempty { periodDays = -1 }

@@ 106,3 108,25 @@ offsetTZ :: Time t => LocalTime t -> Int -> Maybe (LocalTime t)
offsetTZ time mins = Just $ localTimeSetTimezone
    (TimezoneOffset $ timezoneOffsetToMinutes (localTimeGetTimezone time) + mins)

modifyTime' :: Txt.Text -> String -> Maybe String
modifyTime' op time
    | Just ret <- modifyTime op $ unsafePerformIO $ timeParseOrNow time =
        Just $ localTimePrint ISO8601_DateAndTime ret
    | otherwise = Nothing
timeParseOrNow :: String -> IO (LocalTime DateTime)
timeParseOrNow txt = case localTimeParse ISO8601_DateAndTime txt of
    Just ret -> return ret
    Nothing -> localDateCurrent

gSeqTo :: [(a, GVal m)] -> GVal m
gSeqTo [(_, from), (_, to)]
    | Just x <- toInt from, Just y <- toInt to = toGVal [x..y]
gSeqTo [(_, from), (_, than), (_, to)]
    | Just x <- toInt from, Just y <- toInt than, Just z <- toInt to = toGVal [x,y..z]
gSeqTo _ = toGVal ()

gPad2 :: [(a, GVal m)] -> GVal m
gPad2 [(_, x)] | Just y <- toInt x, y < 10 = toGVal $ '0':show x
    | Just y <- toInt x = toGVal $ show y
gPad2 _ = toGVal ()

M tpl/gregorian.html => tpl/gregorian.html +39 -39
@@ 5,67 5,67 @@
      .multi { display: flex }
      ul.control, .multi > ul {
        display: grid;
        gap: 5px;
        grid-template-columns: repeat(3, min-content);
        list-style-type: none;

    <p><a href="-year" title="Past year">↓</a>
        <a href="year/" title="Edit year">{{ year }}</a>
        <a href="+year" title="Next year">↑</a>
        <a href="epoch" title="Toggle BCE/CE">{{ epoch }}</a>
    <p><a href="-year{{Q}}" title="Past year">↓</a>
        <a href="year/{{Q}}" title="Edit year">{{ T.year }}</a>
        <a href="+year{{Q}}" title="Next year">↑</a>

        <a href="-month" title="Past month">↓</a>
        {{ month }}
        <a href="+month" title="Next month">↑</a>
        <a href="-month{{Q}}" title="Past month">↓</a>
        {{ T.month }}
        <a href="+month{{Q}}" title="Next month">↑</a>

        <a href="-date" title="Past day">↓</a>
        {{ date }}
        <a href="+date" title="Next day">↑</a>
        <a href="-date{{Q}}" title="Past day">↓</a>
        {{ T.date }}
        <a href="+date{{Q}}" title="Next day">↑</a>

        <a href="-hour" title="Past hour">↓</a>
        {{ hour }}
        <a href="+hour" title="Next hour">↑</a>
        <a href="-hour{{Q}}" title="Past hour">↓</a>
        {{ T.hour|pad2 }}
        <a href="+hour{{Q}}" title="Next hour">↑</a>
        <a href="-minute" title="Past minute">↓</a>
        {{ minute }}
        <a href="+minute" title="Next minute">↑</a>
        <a href="meridiem" title="Toggle AM/PM">{{ meridiem }}</a>
        <a href="-minute{{Q}}" title="Past minute">↓</a>
        {{ T.minute|pad2 }}
        <a href="+minute{{Q}}" title="Next minute">↑</a>
        <a href="meridiem{{Q}}" title="Toggle AM/PM">{{ T.meridiem }}</a>

        <a href="-zone" title="Previous timezone">↓</a>
        {{ zone }}
        <a href="+zone" title="Next zone">↑</a></p>
    <p><a href="now" title="Select current date & time">Now</a></a>
        <a href="-zone{{Q}}" title="Previous timezone">↓</a>
        {{ T.zone }}
        <a href="+zone{{Q}}" title="Next zone">↑</a></p>
    <p><a href="now{{Q}}" title="Select current date & time">Now</a></a>

    <div class="multi">
        <li><a href="month:0">January</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:1">Febuary</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:2">March</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:3">April</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:4">May</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:5">June</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:6">July</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:7">August</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:8">September</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:9">October</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:10">November</a></li>
        <li><a href="month:11">December</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=0{{Q}}">January</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=1{{Q}}">Febuary</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=2{{Q}}">March</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=3{{Q}}">April</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=4{{Q}}">May</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=5{{Q}}">June</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=6{{Q}}">July</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=7{{Q}}">August</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=8{{Q}}">September</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=9{{Q}}">October</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=10{{Q}}">November</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=11{{Q}}">December</a></li>

      <ul style="grid-template-columns: repeat(7, min-content)">
        {% for i in 1|seqTo(daysInMonth) %}
          <li {% if i == 1 %}style="grid-column: {{ monthStart }}"{% endif %}>
            <a href="date:{{ i }}">{{ i }}</a>
        {% for i in 1|seqTo(T.daysInMonth) %}
          <li {% if i == 1 %}style="grid-column: {{ T.monthStart }}"{% endif %}>
            <a href="date={{ i }}{{Q}}">{{ i }}</a>
        {% endfor %}

      <ul>{% for i in 1|seqTo(12) %}
        <li><a href="hour:{{ i }}">{{ i }}:{{ minute }}</a></li>
        <li><a href="hour={{ i }}{{Q}}">{{ i|pad2 }}:{{ T.minute|pad2 }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
      <ul>{% for i in 0|seqTo(60, 5) %}
        <li><a href="minute:{{ i }}">{{ hour }}:{{ i|pad(2) }}</a></li>
      <ul>{% for i in 0|seqTo(5, 55) %}
        <li><a href="minute={{ i }}{{Q}}">{{ T.hour|pad2 }}:{{ i|pad2 }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
</section>{%- endblock -%}