
547de9d70601c69f5c57b03230bdac4565e0f206 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 3 months ago 34609ea
Add support for variations upon the date input!
3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs
M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp/Ginger/Hourglass.hs
M tpl/gregorian.html
M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp.hs +19 -15
@@ 32,24 32,28 @@ renderPage form [] _ = return $ Just $ Right $ Txt.concat [
    "<a href='/0/?", Txt.pack $ renderQueryString form, "'>Start!</a>"]
renderPage _ _ _ = return Nothing

isCalType :: Text -> Bool
isCalType = flip L.elem ["date", "datetime-local", "datetime", "month", "time"]
renderInput :: Form -> Int -> Input -> [Text] -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] ->
    IO (Maybe (Either Query Text))
renderInput form ix input [""] qs = renderInput form ix input [] qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = name } ["year", p] qs
    | Just t <- modifyTime' (Txt.pack $ "year/" ++ Txt.unpack p) $ get name qs = do
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = ty, inputName = name } ["year", p] qs
    | isCalType ty,
      Just t <- modifyTime' (Txt.pack $ "year/" ++ Txt.unpack p) $ get name qs = do
        t' <- timeParseOrNow t
        template' "cal/year-numpad.html" form ix input (set name (Txt.pack t) qs) $
            \prop -> case prop of
                "T" -> timeData t'
                _ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = name } ["zone", p] qs = do
    t <- timeParseOrNow $ get name qs
    let Elapsed (Seconds t') = timeGetElapsed $ localTimeToGlobal t
    template' "cal/timezone.html" form ix input qs $ \prop -> case prop of
        "T" -> timeData t
        "zones" -> tzdata t' $ unEscapeString $ Txt.unpack p
        "continents" -> continents
        _ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = ty, inputName = name } ["zone", p] qs
    | isCalType ty = do
        t <- timeParseOrNow $ get name qs
        let Elapsed (Seconds t') = timeGetElapsed $ localTimeToGlobal t
        template' "cal/timezone.html" form ix input qs $ \prop -> case prop of
            "T" -> timeData t
            "zones" -> tzdata t' $ unEscapeString $ Txt.unpack p
            "continents" -> continents
            _ -> toGVal ()
renderInput form ix input@Input { multiple = True } [p] qs
    | '=':v' <- Txt.unpack p,
            (utf8 $ inputName input, Just $ utf8' v') `Prelude.elem` qs =

@@ 141,8 145,8 @@ renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "number" } [] qs =
    template "number.html" form ix input qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "range" } [] qs =
    template "number.html" form ix input qs
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = n } [op] qs
    | Just v <- modifyTime' op $ get n qs = do
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = ty, inputName = n } [op] qs
    | isCalType ty, Just v <- modifyTime' op $ get n qs = do
        -- TODO: Support other calendars
        v' <- timeParseOrNow v
        template' "gregorian.html" form ix input (set n (Txt.pack v) qs) $

@@ 151,10 155,10 @@ renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = n } [op] qs
                "seqTo" -> fromFunction $ return . gSeqTo
                "pad2" -> fromFunction $ return . gPad2
                _ -> toGVal ()
    | otherwise = return Nothing
renderInput form ix input@Input { inputType = "date", inputName = n } [] qs = do
    | isCalType ty = return Nothing
renderInput f ix input@Input { inputType = ty, inputName = n } [] qs | isCalType ty = do
    v' <- timeParseOrNow $ get n qs
    template' "gregorian.html" form ix input qs $ \x -> case x of -- TODO: Ditto
    template' "gregorian.html" f ix input qs $ \x -> case x of -- TODO: Ditto
        "T" -> timeData v'
        "seqTo" -> fromFunction $ return . gSeqTo
        "pad2" -> fromFunction $ return . gPad2

M src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp/Ginger/Hourglass.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/WebApp/Ginger/Hourglass.hs +2 -1
@@ 21,7 21,8 @@ timeData datetime = orderedDict [
        _ -> "PM",
    ("hour", enumG $ case todHour $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime of
        x | x <= 12 -> x
        x -> x - 12),
        24 -> 12
        x -> x - 11),
    ("minute", enumG $ todMin $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),
    ("second", enumG $ todSec $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),
    ("nano", showG unwrapNanos $ todNSec $ dtTime $ localTimeUnwrap datetime),

M tpl/gregorian.html => tpl/gregorian.html +18 -0
@@ 12,17 12,23 @@

    <p><a href="-year{{Q}}" title="Past year">↓</a>
        {% if input.inputType != "time" %}
        <a href="year/{{Q}}" title="Edit year">{{ T.year }}</a>
        <a href="+year{{Q}}" title="Next year">↑</a>

        <a href="-month{{Q}}" title="Past month">↓</a>
        {{ T.month }}
        <a href="+month{{Q}}" title="Next month">↑</a>
        {% endif %}

        {% if input.inputType != "month" %}
        {% if input.inputType != "time" %}
        <a href="-date{{Q}}" title="Past day">↓</a>
        {{ T.date }}
        <a href="+date{{Q}}" title="Next day">↑</a>
        {% endif %}

        {% if input.inputType != "date" %}
        <a href="-hour{{Q}}" title="Past hour">↓</a>
        {{ T.hour|pad2 }}
        <a href="+hour{{Q}}" title="Next hour">↑</a>

@@ 32,12 38,17 @@
        <a href="+minute{{Q}}" title="Next minute">↑</a>
        <a href="meridiem{{Q}}" title="Toggle AM/PM">{{ T.meridiem }}</a>

        {% if input.inputType != "datetime-local" && input.inputType != "time" %}
        <a href="-zone{{Q}}" title="Previous timezone">↓</a>
        <a href="zone/{{Q}}">{{ T.zone }}</a>
        <a href="+zone{{Q}}" title="Next zone">↑</a></p>
        {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    <p><a href="now{{Q}}" title="Select current date & time">Now</a></a>

    <div class="multi">
      {% if input.inputType != "time" %}
        <li><a href="month=0{{Q}}">January</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=1{{Q}}">Febuary</a></li>

@@ 52,7 63,10 @@
        <li><a href="month=10{{Q}}">November</a></li>
        <li><a href="month=11{{Q}}">December</a></li>
      {% endif %}

      {% if input.inputType != "month" %}
      {% if input.inputType != "time" %}
      <ul style="grid-template-columns: repeat(7, min-content)">
        {% for i in 1|seqTo(T.daysInMonth) %}
          <li {% if i == 1 %}style="grid-column: {{ T.monthStart }}"{% endif %}>

@@ 60,12 74,16 @@
        {% endfor %}
      {% endif %}

      {% if input.inputType != "date" %}
      <ul>{% for i in 1|seqTo(12) %}
        <li><a href="hour={{ i }}{{Q}}">{{ i|pad2 }}:{{ T.minute|pad2 }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
      <ul>{% for i in 0|seqTo(5, 55) %}
        <li><a href="minute={{ i }}{{Q}}">{{ T.hour|pad2 }}:{{ i|pad2 }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
      {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
</section>{%- endblock -%}