M bureaucromancy.cabal => bureaucromancy.cabal +1 -1
@@ 52,7 52,7 @@ build-type: Simple
extra-doc-files: CHANGELOG.md
-- Extra source files to be distributed with the package, such as examples, or a tutorial module.
--- extra-source-files:
+extra-source-files: tpl/**/*.html, i18n/*.txt
common warnings
ghc-options: -Wall
D i18n/en => i18n/en +0 -0
A i18n/en.txt => i18n/en.txt +63 -0
@@ 0,0 1,63 @@
+# Colour Pallet
+Slate: Slate
+Gray: Gray
+Zinc: Zinc
+Neutral: Neutral
+Stone: Stone
+Red: Red
+Orange: Orange
+Amber: Amber
+Yellow: Yellow
+Lime: Lime
+Green: Green
+Emerald: Emerald
+Teal: Teal
+Cyan: Cyan
+Sky: Sky
+Blue: Blue
+Indigo: Indigo
+Violet: Violet
+Fuchsia: Fuchsia
+Pink: Pink
+Rose: Rose
+# Error messages
+err required: Required!
+err format: Invalid format!
+err min chars: Must be at least %0 characters!
+err max chars: Must be at most %0 characters!
+err min: Must be at least %0!
+err max: Must be at most %0!
+err increments: Must be in increments of %0 from %1!
+err colour: Invalid colour value!
+err email: Obviously invalid email address, needs an '@'!
+err number: Invalid number!
+err URL: Invalid web address!
+err time: Invalid time format!
+errored: Please correct errors listed in sidebar before submitting this form!
+# Months
+January: January
+February: February
+March: March
+April: April
+May: May
+June: June
+July: July
+August: August
+September: September
+October: October
+November: November
+December: December
+# Keyboard
+# Other
+Start!: Start!
+Now: Now
+Upload: Upload
+to: to
+Restore defaults: Restore defaults
M src/Text/HTML/Form/I18n.hs => src/Text/HTML/Form/I18n.hs +18 -19
@@ 1,10 1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Text.HTML.Form.I18n(strings, i18n, stringsJSON) where
+module Text.HTML.Form.I18n(strings, i18n, i18n', i18n2, stringsJSON) where
import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir, makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8Lenient)
-import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
+import Data.Text (unpack, pack, strip, replace)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import System.FilePath (dropExtension)
import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
import Data.Aeson.Key as K
@@ 19,11 20,17 @@ bs2str :: ByteString -> String
bs2str = unpack . decodeUtf8Lenient
strings :: String -> [(String, String)]
-strings = fromMaybe [] . flip lookup [(k, parseKVs $ bs2str v) | (k, v) <- files]
+strings = fromMaybe [] .
+ lookup [(dropExtension k, parseKVs $ bs2str v) | (k, v) <- files]
i18n :: String -> String -> String
i18n lang key = fromMaybe key $ lookup key $ strings lang
+i18n' :: Show a => String -> String -> a -> String
+i18n' lang key subs = replace' "%0" (show subs) $ i18n lang key
+i18n2 :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> String -> a -> b -> String
+i18n2 lang key subs1 subs2 = replace' "%1" (show subs2) $ i18n' lang key subs1
stringsJSON :: String -> Value
stringsJSON = Object . KM.fromList . map inner . strings
where inner (k, v) = (K.fromString k, String $ pack v)
@@ 33,21 40,13 @@ stringsJSON = Object . KM.fromList . map inner . strings
parseKVs :: String -> [(String, String)]
-parseKVs = map inner . filter (isPrefixOf "#") . filter null . map strip . lines
- where inner line = let (key, val) = break (==':') line in (strip key, strip val)
+parseKVs = map inner . filter (isPrefixOf "#") . filter null . map strip' . lines
+ where inner line = let (k, v) = break (==':') line in (strip' k, strip' v)
-- | Removes any whitespace at the start or end of a string
-strip :: String -> String
-strip = lstrip . rstrip
--- | Same as 'strip', but applies only to the left side of the string.
-lstrip :: String -> String
-lstrip s = case s of
- [] -> []
- (x:xs) -> if elem x " \t\r\n"
- then lstrip xs
- else s
--- | Same as 'strip', but applies only to the right side of the string.
-rstrip :: String -> String
-rstrip = reverse . lstrip . reverse
+strip' :: String -> String
+strip' = unpack . strip . pack
+-- | Substitutes one string for another
+replace' :: String -> String -> String -> String
+replace' needle alt = unpack . replace (pack needle) (pack alt) . pack