
argonaut-constellation.org/_posts/2022-12-22-nlnet.md -rw-r--r-- 2.0 KiB
01cbeef1 — Adrian Cochrane Publish Jaro's blogpost about inline text layout. 1 year, 7 months ago

#layout: post title: Haphaestus has NLnet Funding! author: Adrian Cochrane date: 2022-12-22 18:40:00+1300

I am excited to announce: Haphaestus TV web browser has received NLnet funding!

With this funding I have recruited a czech Jaro to help implement text layout accross a wide range of written languages. And this funding will help me dedicate more time to releasing a visual browser in reasonable time.

As part of this I am actively working to professionalize Rhapsode, Amphiarao, Haphaestus, & the entire "Argonaut Constellation"'s online presence which I've moved from a homeserver to a Xen VM at Rimu Hosting Auckland which'll help me share the management. Right now I'm deploying eMail & XMPP communication via Maddy & Snikket, then I'll start deploying start deploying SourceHut microservices for codehosting. Nothing too complex to manage, I want to be focusing on the client software!

Furthermore NLnet's partners will help us establish some organizational structure we can use to gather future funding. Which would hopefully be spent keeping Haphaestus functioning, enabling a more diverse range of devs to ensure computers work better for them, exploring similar projects, and funding upstream dependencies.

I am profoundly grateful to NLnet with all the assistance they & their partners can provide to help Haphaestus become the best it can be, whilst providing a solid foundation for future projects mine or others! Thank you!