Integrate Haskell Stylist for CSS debugging.
Export WebDriver interface.
Implement WebDriver forms, viewsource, & noops.
Implement forms in WebDriver API.
Allowing retrieving element info via WebDriver.
Add Webdriver noop for active element.
Allow searching for a descendant of a given element.
Add session/*/element WebDriver endpoint.
Expose CSS selector search in UI FIXME: build the linked pages.
Add support for querying elements by CSS selector.
Uses a fork of the hackage, altered to use as a lexer.
Parse web (or Gemini) pages & extract title.
Add noops for window (re)sizing, resorting to throwing errors.
Add WebDriver noops for frames.
Add noop stubs to control non-existant windows.
Allow navigating (tab) history.
Allow testing reloading of webpages.
Refactoring, allowing reading which URL was loaded.
Allow loading webpage, commit missing files.