-- |
-- Module: Typograffiti
-- Copyright: (c) 2019 Schell Scivally
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@formation.ai>
-- This module provides the abstract functionality of a cached font atlas.
module Typograffiti
-- * $glyphs
GlyphSize (..)
, CharSize (..)
, charGlyphAction
-- * $atlas
, Atlas (..)
, asciiChars
-- * $cache
, WordCache (..)
, AllocatedRendering (..)
, loadWords
, unloadMissingWords
-- * $store
, Store
, RenderedGlyphs (..)
, GlyphRenderingData (..)
, getRendering
-- * Transforming allocated renderings
, Transform (..)
, move
, moveV2
, scale
, scaleV2
, rotate
) where
import Typograffiti.Atlas
import Typograffiti.Cache
import Typograffiti.Glyph
import Typograffiti.Store
import Typograffiti.Transform
-- | $glyphs
-- | $atlas
-- Typograffiti is in plain terms a cache of caches. Its core is the `Atlas`,
-- which is a collection of rasterized glyphs. These modules don't make any
-- assumptions as to what a glyph really is, though, which means you can use
-- Typograffiti for more than just rendering text. Indeed Typograffiti is great
-- for rendering anything that can be represented by contiguous strings. For
-- example - in tile-based games we often see the same formations again and again
-- where tiles repeat a given pattern. If these patterns can be recognized and
-- broken up into contiguous, two dimensional lists, then Typograffiti can cache
-- the renderings of these patterns for you, greatly improving your rendering
-- framerate.
-- | To keep things as general as possible this package abstracts out two
-- important concepts - rasterization and the rendering itself. Most low level
-- functions will take rasterization or rendering functions as arguments and
-- the low level types will have type variables representing the details of these
-- abstractions.
-- | If you simply want to use Typograffiti to display TTF fonts without writing
-- your own rasterizer or rendering functions I suggest you use the
-- typograffiti-freetype package (which provides freetype glyph rasterization)
-- along with either typograffiti-sdl or typograffiti-gl (which each provide
-- rendering services).
-- | $cache Collections of rasterized strings
-- | $store Collections of WordCaches for each file at a certain size