{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
-- Module: Gelatin.FreeType2
-- Copyright: (c) 2017 Schell Scivally
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- This module provides easy freetype2 font rendering using gelatin's
-- graphics primitives.
module Typograffiti
( allocAtlas
, GlyphSize (..)
, TypograffitiError (..)
, Atlas (..)
, asciiChars
, stringTris
) where
import Typograffiti.Atlas
import Typograffiti.Glyph
-- WordMap
-- Picture
-- | Constructs a 'TexturePictureT' of one word in all red.
-- V4ization can then be done using 'setReplacementV4' in the picture
-- computation, or by using 'redChannelReplacement' and passing that to the
-- renderer after compilation, at render time. Keep in mind that any new word
-- geometry will be discarded, since this computation does not return a new 'Atlas'.
-- For that reason it is advised that you load the needed words before using this
-- function. For loading words, see 'loadWords'.
-- This is used in 'freetypeFontRendering' to construct the geometry of each word.
-- 'freetypeFontRendering' goes further and stores these geometries, looking them up
-- and constructing a string of word renderers for each input 'String'.
-- :: MonadIO m
-- => Atlas
-- -- ^ The 'Atlas' from which to read font textures word geometry.
-- -> String
-- -- ^ The word to render.
-- -> m FontRendering
-- -- ^ Returns a textured picture computation representing the texture and
-- -- geometry of the input word.
--freetypePicture atlas@Atlas{..} str = do
-- eKerning <- withFreeType (Just atlasLibrary) $ hasKerning atlasFontFace
-- setTextures [atlasTexture]
-- let useKerning = either (const False) id eKerning
-- setGeometry $ triangles $ stringTris atlas useKerning str
-- Performance FontRendering
-- | Constructs a 'FontRendering' from the given color and string. The 'WordMap'
-- record of the given 'Atlas' is used to construct the string geometry, greatly
-- improving performance and allowing longer strings to be compiled and renderered
-- in real time. To create a new 'Atlas' see 'allocAtlas'.
-- Note that since word geometries are stored in the 'Atlas' 'WordMap' and multiple
-- renderers can reference the same 'Atlas', the returned 'FontRendering' contains a
-- clean up operation that does nothing. It is expected that the programmer
-- will call 'freeAtlas' manually when the 'Atlas' is no longer needed.
-- :: MonadIO m
-- => SomeProgram
-- -- ^ The V2(backend, to) use for compilation.
-- -> Atlas
-- -- ^ The 'Atlas' to read character textures from and load word geometry
-- -- into.
-- -> V4 Float
-- -- ^ The solid color to render the string with.
-- -> String
-- -- ^ The string to render.
-- -- This string can contain newlines, which will be respected.
-- -> m (FontRendering, V2 Float, Atlas)
-- -- ^ Returns the 'FontRendering', the size of the text and the new
-- -- 'Atlas' with the loaded geometry of the string.
--freetypeFontRendering b atlas0 color str = do
-- atlas <- loadWords b atlas0 str
-- let glyphw = glyphWidth $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
-- spacew = fromMaybe glyphw $ do
-- metrcs <- IM.lookup (fromEnum ' ') $ atlasMetrics atlas
-- let (x, _) = glyphAdvance metrcs
-- return $ fromIntegral x
-- glyphh = glyphHeight $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
-- spaceh = glyphh
-- isWhiteSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
-- renderWord :: [FontTransform] -> V2 Float -> String -> IO ()
-- renderWord _ _ "" = return ()
-- renderWord rs (V2 _ y) ('\n':cs) = renderWord rs (V2 0 (y + spaceh)) cs
-- renderWord rs (V2 x y) (' ':cs) = renderWord rs (V2 (x + spacew) y) cs
-- renderWord rs (V2 x y) cs = do
-- let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
-- rest = drop (length word) cs
-- case M.lookup word (atlasWordMap atlas) of
-- Nothing -> renderWord rs (V2 x y) rest
-- Just (V2 w _, r) -> do
-- let ts = [move x y, redChannelReplacementV4 color]
-- snd r $ ts ++ rs
-- renderWord rs (V2 (x + w) y) rest
-- rr t = renderWord t 0 str
-- measureString :: (V2 Float, V2 Float) -> String -> (V2 Float, V2 Float)
-- measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) "" = (V2 x y, V2 w h)
-- measureString (V2 x y, V2 w _) (' ':cs) =
-- let nx = x + spacew in measureString (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y) cs
-- measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) ('\n':cs) =
-- let ny = y + spaceh in measureString (V2 x ny, V2 w (max h ny)) cs
-- measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) cs =
-- let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
-- rest = drop (length word) cs
-- n = case M.lookup word (atlasWordMap atlas) of
-- Nothing -> (V2 x y, V2 w h)
-- Just (V2 ww _, _) -> let nx = x + ww
-- in (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y)
-- in measureString n rest
-- (szw, szh) = snd $ measureString (0,0) str
-- return ((return (), rr), V2 szw (max spaceh szh), atlas)