
61e050e3c7e38575c741c61d38d45f98e6de6c1e — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago ea27765
Draft cached text rendering API.
2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs => src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs +2 -2
@@ 35,8 35,8 @@ import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.GL
import           Typograffiti.Glyph

data AllocatedRendering t = AllocatedRendering
  { arDraw    :: t -> V2 CInt -> IO ()
data AllocatedRendering = AllocatedRendering
  { arDraw    :: [TextTransform] -> V2 CInt -> IO ()
    -- ^ Draw the text with some transformation in some monad.
  , arRelease :: IO ()
    -- ^ Release the allocated draw function in some monad.

M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs => src/Typograffiti/Store.hs +66 -3
@@ 59,14 59,14 @@ makeDrawTextIndented lib filepath index fontsize features sampletext indent = do
    ft_Done_Face font

    drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs
    return $ drawLinesWrapper $ \string ->
    return $ drawLinesWrapper indent $ \string ->
        drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = string } features
  where x2 = (*2)

makeDrawTextIndented' a b c d e f =
    ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e f
    ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawTextIndented ft a b c d e f

makeDrawText a b c d e f = makeDrawTextIndented a b c d e f
makeDrawText a b c d e f = makeDrawTextIndented a b c d e f 4
makeDrawText' a b c d e = ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e

-- Note: May glitch upon ligatures.

@@ 109,3 109,66 @@ drawLinesWrapper indent cb string = do
--- Key by filepath & index
--- Maps to Harfbuzz & FreeType fonts,
--- as well as a list of atlases associated with glyphsets & fontfeatures.

data FontStore = FontStore {
    fontMap :: TMVar (Map (FilePath, GlyphSize, Int) Font),
    drawGlyphs :: Atlas -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> IO AllocatedRendering
    lib :: FT_Library
data Font = Font {
    harfbuzz :: HB.Font,
    freetype :: FT_Font,
    atlases :: TMVar [(IS.IntSet, Atlas)],

makeDrawTextIndentedCached store filepath index fontsize features sampletext indent = do
    s <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar $ fontMap store
    font <- case M.lookup (filepath, fontsize, index) a of
        Nothing -> allocFont store filepath index fontsize
        Just font -> return font

    let glyphs = map (codepoint . fst) $
            shape (harfbuzz font) defaultBuffer { text = sampletext } features
    let glyphset = IS.fromList $ map fromEnum glyphs

    a <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar $ atlases font
    atlas <- case [a' | (gs, a') <- a, glyphset `IS.isSubsetOf` gs] of
        (atlas:_) -> return atlas
        _ -> allocAtlas (atlases font) (freetype font) glyphset

    return $ drawLinesWrapper indent $ \string ->
        drawGlyphs store atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = string } features

allocFont FontStore {..} filepath index fontsize = do
    font <- ft_New_Face lib filepath index
    case fontsize of
        PixelSize w h -> ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes font (toEnum $ x2 w) (toEnum $ x2 h)
        CharSize w h dpix dpiy -> ft_Set_Char_Size font (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * w)
                                                    (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * h)
                                                    (toEnum dpix) (toEnum dpiy)

    bytes <- B.readFile filepath
    let font' = createFont $ createFace bytes $ toEnum $ fromEnum index

    atlases <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTMVar []
    let ret = Font font' font atlases
    liftIO $ atomically $ swapTMVar $ M.insert (filepath, fontsize, index) ret
    return ret

allocAtlas atlases font glyphset = do
    let glyphs = map toEnum $ IS.toList glyphset
    atlas <- allocAtlas (glyphRetriever font) glyphs

    liftIO $ atomically $ swapTMVar atlases $ ((glyphset, atlas):)
    return atlas

withFontStore cb = ft_With_FreeType $ \lib -> do
    store <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTMVar M.empty
    drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs

    cb $ FontStore store drawGlyphs lib

makeDrawTextCached a b c d e f = makeDrawTextIndentedCached a b c d e f 4
makeDrawAsciiIndentedCached a b c d e f =
    makeDrawTextIndentedCached a b c d e (map toEnum [32..126]) f
makeDrawAsciiCached a b c d e = makeDrawTextCached a b c d e $ map toEnum [32..126]