
ea2776515902b233a93bd4e3d768ce66c28a6073 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago 9ed93aa
Draft public API akin to existing Typograffiti API.
4 files changed, 485 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M src/Typograffiti/Atlas.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs
D src/Typograffiti/Glyph.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Atlas.hs => src/Typograffiti/Atlas.hs +180 -0
@@ 0,0 1,180 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module:     Typograffiti.Atlas
-- Copyright:  (c) 2018 Schell Scivally
-- License:    MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- This module provides a font-character atlas to use in font rendering with
-- opengl.
module Typograffiti.Atlas where

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except                              (MonadError (..))
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Maybe                                        (fromMaybe)
import           Data.IntMap                                       (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap                                       as IM
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed                               (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed                               as UV
import           Foreign.Marshal.Utils                             (with)
import           Graphics.GL.Core32
import           Graphics.GL.Types
import           FreeType.Core.Types                               as BM
import           FreeType.Support.Bitmap                           as BM
import           FreeType.Support.Bitmap.Internal                  as BM
import           Linear

import           Typograffiti.GL
import           Typograffiti.Glyph
import           Typograffiti.Utils

--- Atlas

data GlyphMetrics = GlyphMetrics {
    glyphTexBB :: (V2 Int, V2 Int),
    glyphTexSize :: V2 Int,
    glyphSize :: V2 Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data Atlas = Atlas {
    atlasTexture :: GLuint,
    atlasTextureSize :: V2 Int,
    atlasMetrics :: IntMap GlyphMetrics,
    atlasFilePath :: FilePath
} deriving (Show)

emptyAtlas t = Atlas t 0 mempty ""

data AtlasMeasure = AM {
    amWH :: V2 Int,
    amXY :: V2 Int,
    rowHeight :: Int,
    amMap :: IntMap (V2 Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq)

emptyAM :: AtlasMeasure
emptyAM = AM 0 (V2 1 1) 0 mempty

spacing :: Int
spacing = 1

glyphRetriever font glyph = do
    ft_Load_Glyph font (fromIntegral $ fromEnum glyph) FT.FT_LOAD_RENDER
    font' <- peek font
    slot <- peek $ frGlyph font'
    return (gsrBitmap slot, gsrMetrics slot)

measure cb maxw am@AM{..} glyph
    | Just _ <- IM.lookup (fromEnum glyph) amMap = return am
    | otherwise = do
        let V2 x y = amXY
            V2 w h = amWH
        (bmp, _) <- cb glyph
        let bw = fromIntegral $ bWidth bmp
            bh = fromIntegral $ bRows bmp
            gotoNextRow = (x + bw + spacing >= maxw)
            rh = if gotoNextRow then 0 else max bh rowHeight
            nx = if gotoNextRow then 0 else x + bw + spacing
            nw = max w (x + bw + spacing)
            nh = max h (y + rh + spacing)
            ny = if gotoNextRow then nh else y
            am = AM {
                amWH = V2 nw nh,
                amXY = V2 nx ny,
                rowHeight = rh,
                amMap = IM.insert (fromEnum glyph) amXY amMap
        return am

texturize cb xymap atlas@Atlas{..} glyph
    | Just pos@(V2 x y) <- IM.lookup (fromIntegral $ fromEnum glyph) xymap = do
        (bmp, metrics) <- cb glyph
        glTexSubImage2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0
            (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
            (fromIntegral $ bWidth bmp) (fromIntegral $ bRows bmp)
            (castPtr $ bBuffer bmp)
        let vecwh = fromIntegral <$> V2 (bWidth bmp) (bRows bmp)
            canon = floor . (* 0.5) . (* 0.015625) . realToFrac . fromIntegral
            vecsz = canon <$> V2 (gmWidth metrics) (gmHeight metrics)
            vecxb = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriBearingX metrics) (gmHoriBearingY metrics)
            vecyb = canon <$> V2 (gmVertBearingX metrics) (gmVertBearingY metrics)
            vecad = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriAdvance metrics) (gmVertAdvance metrics)
            mtrcs = GlyphMetrics {
                glyphTexBB = (pos, pos + vecwh),
                glyphTexSize = vecwh,
                glyphSize = vecsz
        return atlas { atlasMetrics = IM.insert (fromEnum glyph) mtrcs atlasMetrics }
    | otherwise = do
        putStrLn ("Cound not find glyph " ++ show glyph)
        return atlas

allocAtlas :: (Int32 -> IO (FT_Bitmap, FT_Glyph_Metrics)) -> [Int32] -> IO Atlas
allocAtlas cb glyphs = do
    AM {..} <- foldM (measure cb 512) emptyAM glyphs
    let V2 w h = amWH
        xymap = amMap

    [t] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
        glGenTextures 1 ptr
        peekArray 1 ptr
    glActiveTexture 0
    glBindTexture GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D t

    glPixelStorei GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 1
    withCString (replicate (w * h) $ toEnum 0) $
        glTexImage2D GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 GL.GL_RED (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
                    0 GL.GL_RED GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE . castPtr
    atlas <- foldM (texturize cb xymap) (emptyAtlas t) glyphs

    glGenerateMipmap GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D
    glBindTexture GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D 0
    glPixelStorei GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 4
    return atlas { atlasTextureSize = V2 w h }

freeAtlas a = with (atlasTexture a) $ \ptr -> glDeleteTextures 1 ptr

type Quads = (Float, Float, [(V2 Float, V2 Float)])
makeCharQuad :: Atlas -> Quads -> (GlyphInfo, GlyphPos) -> IO Quads
makeCharQuad Atlas {..} (penx, peny, mLast) (GlyphInfo {codepoint=glyph}, GlyphPos {..}) = do
    let iglyph = fromEnum glyph
    case IM.lookup iglyph atlasMetrics of
        Nothing -> return (penx, peny, mLast)
        Just GlyphMetrics {..} -> do
            let x = penx + f x_offset
                y = peny + f y_offset
                V2 w h = f' <$> glyphSize
                V2 aszW aszH = f' <$> atlasTextureSize
                V2 texL texT = f' <$> fst glyphTexBB
                V2 texR texB = f' <$> snd glyphTexBB

                tl = (V2 (x) (y-h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH))
                tr = (V2 (x+w) (y-h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH))
                br = (V2 (x+w) y, V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH))
                bl = (V2 (x) y, V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH))

            return (penx + f x_advance/150, peny + f y_advance/150,
                    mLast ++ [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl])
    f :: Int32 -> Float
    f = fromIntegral
    f' :: Int -> Float
    f' = fromIntegral

stringTris :: Atlas -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> IO Quads
stringTris atlas = foldM (makeCharQuad atlas) (0, 0, [])
stringTris' :: Atlas -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> IO [(V2 Float, V2 Float)]
stringTris' atlas glyphs = do
    (_, _, ret) <- stringTris atlas glyphs
    return ret

M src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs => src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs +194 -0
@@ 0,0 1,194 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
-- |
-- Module:     Typograffiti.Cache
-- Copyright:  (c) 2018 Schell Scivally
-- License:    MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- This module provides a method of caching rendererd text, making it suitable
-- for interactive rendering. You can use the defaultCache or provide your own.
module Typograffiti.Cache where

import           Control.Monad          (foldM)
import           Control.Monad.Except   (MonadError (..), liftEither,
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import           Data.Bifunctor         (first)
import           Data.ByteString        (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as B8
import qualified Data.IntMap            as IM
import           Data.Map               (Map)
import qualified Data.Map               as M
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed    as UV
import           Foreign.Marshal.Array
import           Graphics.GL
import           Linear

import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.GL
import           Typograffiti.Glyph

data AllocatedRendering t = AllocatedRendering
  { arDraw    :: t -> V2 CInt -> IO ()
    -- ^ Draw the text with some transformation in some monad.
  , arRelease :: IO ()
    -- ^ Release the allocated draw function in some monad.
  , arSize    :: V2 Int
    -- ^ The size (in pixels) of the drawn text.

makeDrawGlyphs = do
    let position = 0
        uv = 1
    vert <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER
    frag <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader fragmentShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
    prog <- liftGL $ compileOGLProgram [
        ("position", fromIntegral position),
        ("uv", fromIntegral uv)
      ] [vert, frag]
    glUseProgram prog
    glEnable GL_BLEND
    -- Get uniform locations
    pjU   <- getUniformLocation prog "projection"
    mvU   <- getUniformLocation prog "modelview"
    multU <- getUniformLocation prog "mult_color"
    texU  <- getUniformLocation prog "tex"
    return $ \atlas glyphs -> do
        vao   <- newBoundVAO
        pbuf  <- newBuffer
        uvbuf <- newBuffer
        (ps, uvs) <- unzip <$> stringTris' atlas glyphs
        bufferGeometry position pbuf $ UV.fromList ps
        bufferGeometry uv uvbuf $ UV.fromList uvs
        glBindVertexArray 0

        let draw ts wsz = do
                let (mv, multVal) = transformToUniforms ts
                glUseProgram prog
                let pj = orthoProjection wsz
                updateUniform prog pjU pj
                updateUniform prog mvU mv
                updateUniform prog multU multVal
                updateUniform prog texU (0 :: Int)
                glBindVertexArray vao
                withBoundTextures [atlasTexture atlas] $ do
                    drawVAO prog vao GL_TRIANGLES (fromIntegral $ length ps)
                    glBindVertexArray 0
            release = do
                withArray [pbuf, uvbuf] $ glDeleteBuffers 2
                withArray [vao] $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1
            (tl, br) = boundingBox ps
            size = br - tl
        return AllocatedRendering {
            arDraw = draw,
            arRelease = release,
            arSize = round <$> size

vertexShader :: ByteString
vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines
  [ "#version 330 core"
  , "uniform mat4 projection;"
  , "uniform mat4 modelview;"
  , "in vec2 position;"
  , "in vec2 uv;"
  , "out vec2 fuv;"
  , "void main () {"
  , "  fuv = uv;"
  , "  gl_Position = projection * modelview * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.0);"
  , "}"

fragmentShader :: ByteString
fragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines
  [ "#version 330 core"
  , "in vec2 fuv;"
  , "out vec4 fcolor;"
  , "uniform sampler2D tex;"
  , "uniform vec4 mult_color;"
  , "void main () {"
  , "  vec4 tcolor = texture(tex, fuv);"
  , "  fcolor = vec4(mult_color.rgb, mult_color.a * tcolor.r);"
  , "}"

--- Transforms

data SpatialTransform = SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 Float)
                      | SpatialTransformScale (V2 Float)
                      | SpatialTransformRotate Float

data TextTransform = TextTransformMultiply (V4 Float)
                   | TextTransformSpatial SpatialTransform

transformToUniforms :: [TextTransform] -> (M44 Float, V4 Float)
transformToUniforms = foldl toUniform (identity, 1.0)
  where toUniform (mv, clr) (TextTransformMultiply c) =
          (mv, clr * c)
        toUniform (mv, clr) (TextTransformSpatial s) =
          let mv1 = case s of
                SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 x y) ->
                  mv !*! mat4Translate (V3 x y 0)
                SpatialTransformScale (V2 x y) ->
                  mv !*! mat4Scale (V3 x y 1)
                SpatialTransformRotate r ->
                  mv !*! mat4Rotate r (V3 0 0 1)
          in (mv1, clr)

move :: Float -> Float -> TextTransform
move x y =
  $ SpatialTransformTranslate
  $ V2 x y

scale :: Float -> Float -> TextTransform
scale x y =
  $ SpatialTransformScale
  $ V2 x y

rotate :: Float -> TextTransform
rotate =
  . SpatialTransformRotate

color :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> TextTransform
color r g b a =
  $ V4 r g b a

alpha :: Float -> TextTransform
alpha =
  . V4 1 1 1

instance Layout [TextTransform] where
  translate ts (V2 x y) = ts ++ [move x y]

  :: ( MonadIO m
     , MonadError TypograffitiError m
  => m (Either String a)
  -> m a
liftGL n = do
  let lft = liftEither . first TypograffitiErrorGL
  n >>= lft

D src/Typograffiti/Glyph.hs => src/Typograffiti/Glyph.hs +0 -0
M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs => src/Typograffiti/Store.hs +111 -0
@@ 0,0 1,111 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
-- |
-- Module:     Typograffiti.Monad
-- Copyright:  (c) 2018 Schell Scivally
-- License:    MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- A storage context an ops for rendering text with multiple fonts
-- and sizes, hiding the details of the Atlas and WordCache.
module Typograffiti.Store where

import           Control.Concurrent.STM (TMVar, atomically, newTMVar, putTMVar,
                                         readTMVar, takeTMVar)
import           Control.Monad.Except   (MonadError (..), liftEither)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import           Data.Map               (Map)
import qualified Data.Map               as M
import           Data.Set               (Set)
import qualified Data.Set               as S
import           Linear

import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.Cache
import           Typograffiti.Glyph

-- For font registration APIs
import           Typograffiti.Utils
import           FreeType.Support.Bitmap.Internal
import           FreeType.Support.Outline.Internal
import           FreeType.Support.Outline
import           FreeType.Core.Types
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           System.IO

data GlyphSize = CharSize Float Float Int Int
               | PixelSize Int Int
               deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

makeDrawTextIndented lib filepath index fontsize features sampletext indent = do
    font <- ft_New_Face lib filepath index
    case fontsize of
        PixelSize w h -> ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes font (toEnum $ x2 w) (toEnum $ x2 h)
        CharSize w h dpix dpiy -> ft_Set_Char_Size font (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * w)
                                                    (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * h)
                                                    (toEnum dpix) (toEnum dpiy)

    bytes <- B.readFile filepath
    let font' = createFont $ createFace bytes $ toEnum $ fromEnum index
    let glyphs = map (codepoint . fst) $
            shape font' defaultBuffer { text = sampletext } features
    let glyphs' = map toEnum $ IS.toList $ IS.fromList $ map fromEnum glyphs
    atlas <- allocAtlas (glyphRetriever font) glyphs'
    ft_Done_Face font

    drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs
    return $ drawLinesWrapper $ \string ->
        drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = string } features
  where x2 = (*2)

makeDrawTextIndented' a b c d e f =
    ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e f

makeDrawText a b c d e f = makeDrawTextIndented a b c d e f
makeDrawText' a b c d e = ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e

-- Note: May glitch upon ligatures.
makeDrawAsciiIndented a b c d e f =
    makeDrawTextIndented a b c d e (map toEnum [32..126]) f
makeDrawAsciiIndented' a b c d e =
    ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawAsciiIndented ft a b c d e
makeDrawAscii a b c d e = makeDrawText a b c d e $ map toEnum [32..126]
makeDrawAscii' a b c d = ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawAscii ft a b c d

drawLinesWrapper indent cb string = do
    renderers <- mapM cb $ map processLine $ lines string
    let drawLine ts wsz y renderer = do
        arDraw renderer (move 0 y:ts) wsz
        let V2 _ height = arSize renderer
        return y + height
    let draw ts wsz = do
        foldM (drawLine ts wsz) 0 renderers
        return ()
    let sizes = map arSize renderers
    let size = V2 (max [x | V2 x _ <- sizes]) (sum [y | V2 _ y <- sizes])
    let release = do
        forM renderers arRelease
        return ()
    return AllocatedRendering {
            arDraw = draw,
            arRelease = release,
            arSize = size
    processLine "" = " " -- enforce nonempty
    processLine cs = expandTabs cs
    -- monospace tabshaping, good enough outside full line-layout.
    expandTabs n cs = case break (== '\t') of
        (pre, '\t':cs') -> let spaces = indent - ((length pre + n) `rem` indent)
            in pre ++ replicate spaces ' ' ++ expandTabs (n + length pre + spaces) cs'
        (tail, _) -> tail

-- Add cache of imported fonts
--- Key by filepath & index
--- Maps to Harfbuzz & FreeType fonts,
--- as well as a list of atlases associated with glyphsets & fontfeatures.