{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Graphics.Layout(LayoutItem(..),
layoutGetBox, layoutGetChilds, layoutGetInner,
boxMinWidth, boxMaxWidth, boxNatWidth, boxWidth,
boxNatHeight, boxMinHeight, boxMaxHeight, boxHeight,
boxSplit, boxPaginate, boxPosition, boxLayout, glyphsPerFont) where
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (Paragraph(..), ParagraphOptions(..), Fragment(..),
ParagraphLayout(..), PageOptions(..), PageContinuity(..), paginate, layoutPlain)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout.Grid as G
import Graphics.Layout.Flow as F
import Graphics.Layout.Inline as I
import Graphics.Layout.CSS.Font (Font'(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- To gather glyphs for atlases.
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.Glyphize as Hb
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose (Pattern)
data LayoutItem m n x =
LayoutFlow x (PaddedBox m n) [LayoutItem m n x]
| LayoutGrid x (Grid m n) [GridItem] [LayoutItem m n x]
| LayoutInline x Font' Paragraph PageOptions [x] -- Balkon holds children.
| LayoutInline' x Font' ParagraphLayout PageOptions [x]
| LayoutSpan x Font' Fragment
-- More to come...
nullLayout :: (PropertyParser x, Zero m, Zero n) => LayoutItem m n x
nullLayout = LayoutFlow temp zero []
layoutGetBox :: (Zero m, Zero n, CastDouble m, CastDouble n) =>
LayoutItem m n x -> PaddedBox m n
layoutGetBox (LayoutFlow _ ret _) = ret
layoutGetBox (LayoutGrid _ self _ _) = zero {
B.min = Size (fromDouble $ trackMin toDouble $ inline self)
(fromDouble $ trackMin toDouble $ block self),
B.size = Size (fromDouble $ trackNat toDouble $ inline self)
(fromDouble $ trackNat toDouble $ block self),
B.max = Size (fromDouble $ trackNat toDouble $ inline self)
(fromDouble $ trackNat toDouble $ block self)
layoutGetBox (LayoutInline _ f self _ _) = zero {
B.min = inlineMin f self, B.size = inlineSize f self, B.max = inlineSize f self
layoutGetBox (LayoutInline' _ f self _ _) = zero {
B.min = layoutSize f self, B.size = layoutSize f self, B.max = layoutSize f self
layoutGetBox (LayoutSpan _ f self) = zero {
B.min = fragmentSize f self, B.size = fragmentSize f self, B.max = fragmentSize f self
layoutGetChilds (LayoutFlow _ _ ret) = ret
layoutGetChilds (LayoutGrid _ _ _ ret) = ret
layoutGetChilds (LayoutSpan _ _ _) = []
layoutGetChilds (LayoutInline _ font self _ vals) = map inner $ inlineChildren vals self
where inner (val, fragment) = LayoutSpan val font fragment
layoutGetChilds (LayoutInline' _ font self _ vals) = map inner $ layoutChildren vals self
where inner (val, fragment) = LayoutSpan val font fragment
layoutGetInner (LayoutFlow ret _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutGrid ret _ _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutInline ret _ _ _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutInline' ret _ _ _ _) = ret
layoutGetInner (LayoutSpan ret _ _) = ret
setCellBox' (child, cell) = setCellBox cell $ layoutGetBox child
boxMinWidth :: (Zero y, CastDouble y) =>
Maybe Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> LayoutItem y Length x
boxMinWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
self' = self { B.min = mapSizeX (B.mapAuto min') (B.min self) }
min' = flowMinWidth parent' self childs''
childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
childs' = map (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
selfWidth = width $ mapX' (lowerLength parent') self
parent' = fromMaybe 0 parent
boxMinWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
self' = Size (inline self) { trackMins = cells } (block self)
cells = sizeTrackMins parent' (inline self) $ map inline cells'
cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells0 -- Flatten subgrids
childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
childs' = map (boxMinWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
selfWidth = trackNat (lowerLength parent') $ inline self
parent' = fromMaybe (gridEstWidth self cells0) parent
zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double
zeroBox = zero
boxMinWidth _ self@(LayoutInline _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMinWidth _ self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMinWidth _ self@(LayoutSpan _ _ _) = self
boxNatWidth :: (Zero y, CastDouble y) =>
Maybe Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> LayoutItem y Length x
boxNatWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self childs'
{-self' = self { size = mapSizeX (B.mapAuto size') (size self) }
size' = flowNatWidth parent' self childs''
childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'-}
childs' = map (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
selfWidth = width $ mapX' (lowerLength parent') self
parent' = fromMaybe 0 parent
boxNatWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
self' = Size (inline self) { trackNats = cells } (block self)
cells = sizeTrackNats parent' (inline $ self) $ map inline cells'
cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells0 -- Flatten subgrids
childs'' = map (mapX' $ lowerLength selfWidth) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
childs' = map (boxNatWidth $ Just selfWidth) childs
selfWidth = trackNat (lowerLength parent') $ inline self
parent' = fromMaybe (gridEstWidth self cells0) parent
zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double
zeroBox = zero
boxNatWidth _ self@(LayoutInline _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxNatWidth _ self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxNatWidth _ self@(LayoutSpan _ _ _) = self
boxMaxWidth :: CastDouble y => PaddedBox a Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> LayoutItem y Length x
boxMaxWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
childs' = map (boxMaxWidth self'') childs
self'' = mapX' (lowerLength $ inline $ B.size parent) self'
self' = self { B.max = Size (Pixels max') (block $ B.max self) }
max' = flowMaxWidth parent self
boxMaxWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self cells childs'
where -- Propagate parent track as default.
childs' = map inner $ zip cells childs
inner (Size cellx celly, child) =
boxMaxWidth (cellSize (inline self) cellx `size2box` cellSize (block self) celly) child
size2box x y = zeroBox { B.min = Size x y, B.max = Size x y, B.size = Size x y }
boxMaxWidth parent self@(LayoutInline _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMaxWidth parent self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMaxWidth parent self@(LayoutSpan _ f self') = self
boxWidth :: (Zero y, CastDouble y) => PaddedBox b Double -> LayoutItem y Length x ->
LayoutItem y Double x
boxWidth parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
childs' = map (boxWidth self') childs
self' = (mapX' (lowerLength $ inline $ size parent) self) {
size = Size size' $ block $ B.max self
size' = flowWidth parent self
boxWidth parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
where -- Propagate parent track as default
(cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child')
cell' = setCellBox cell $ layoutGetBox child'
child' = boxWidth (gridItemBox self cell) child
self' = flip Size (block self) Track {
cells = map Left widths,
trackMins = trackMins $ inline self, trackNats = trackNats $ inline self,
gap = lowerLength outerwidth $ gap $ inline self
outerwidth = inline $ size parent
widths = sizeTrackMaxs (inline $ size parent) $ inline self
boxWidth parent (LayoutInline val font (Paragraph a b c d) paging vals) =
LayoutInline val font (Paragraph a b c d { paragraphMaxWidth = round width }) paging vals
where width = B.inline $ B.size parent
boxWidth _ (LayoutInline' a b c d e) = LayoutInline' a b c d e
boxWidth parent (LayoutSpan val font self') = LayoutSpan val font self'
boxNatHeight :: Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> LayoutItem Length Double x
boxNatHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
self' = self { size = mapSizeY (mapAuto size') (size self) }
size' = flowNatHeight parent self childs''
childs'' = map (mapY' (lowerLength parent)) $ map layoutGetBox childs'
childs' = map (boxNatHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
boxNatHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells childs'
self' = Size (inline self) (block self) { trackNats = heights }
heights = sizeTrackNats parent (block self) $ map block cells'
cells' = map setCellBox' $ zip childs' cells -- Flatten subgrids
childs' = map (boxNatHeight width) childs
width = trackNat id $ inline self
boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutInline _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxNatHeight parent self@(LayoutSpan _ _ _) = self
boxMinHeight :: Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> LayoutItem Length Double x
boxMinHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
childs' = map (boxMinHeight $ inline $ size self) childs
self' = self { B.min = Size (inline $ B.min self) (Pixels min') }
min' = flowMinHeight parent self
boxMinHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
(cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids.
cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')
child' = boxMinHeight width child
self' = Size (inline self) (block self) { trackMins = heights }
heights = sizeTrackMins width (block self) $ map block cells
width = trackNat id $ inline self
boxMinHeight parent self@(LayoutInline _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMinHeight _ self@(LayoutInline' _ _ _ _ _) = self
boxMinHeight parent self@(LayoutSpan _ font self') = self
boxMaxHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x ->
LayoutItem Length Double x
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
childs' = map (boxMaxHeight $ mapY' (lowerLength width) self') childs
self' = self { B.max = Size (inline $ B.max self) (Pixels max') }
max' = flowMaxHeight (inline $ size parent) self
width = inline $ size self
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid val self cells' childs'
(cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells childs
recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids
cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')
child' = boxMaxHeight (gridItemBox self cell) child
heights = sizeTrackMaxs (inline $ size parent) (block self)
width = inline $ size parent
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutInline val font self' paging vals) =
LayoutInline val font self' paging vals
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutInline' val font self' paging vals) =
LayoutInline' val font self' paging vals
boxMaxHeight parent (LayoutSpan val font self') = LayoutSpan val font self'
boxHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> LayoutItem Double Double x
boxHeight parent (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow val self' childs'
childs' = map (boxHeight self') childs
self' = (mapY' (lowerLength $ inline $ size parent) self) {
size = Size (inline $ size self) size'
size' = flowHeight parent self
width = inline $ size self
boxHeight parent (LayoutGrid val self cells0 childs) = LayoutGrid val self' cells' childs'
(cells', childs') = unzip $ map recurse $ zip cells0 childs
recurse (cell, child) = (cell', child') -- Propagate track into subgrids.
cell' = setCellBox cell (layoutGetBox child')
child' = boxHeight (layoutGetBox $ LayoutGrid val self' [] []) child
self' = Size (inline self) Track {
gap = lowerLength width $ gap $ block self,
cells = map lowerSize $ cells $ block self,
trackMins = trackMins $ block self, trackNats = trackNats $ block self
heights = sizeTrackMaxs (inline $ size parent) $ block self
lowerSize (Left x) = Left $ lowerLength width x
lowerSize (Right x) = Right x
width = inline $ size parent
boxHeight parent (LayoutInline val font self' paging vals) =
LayoutInline val font self' paging vals
boxHeight _ (LayoutInline' val font self' paging vals) =
LayoutInline' val font self' paging vals
boxHeight _ (LayoutSpan val font self') = LayoutSpan val font self'
boxSplit :: PropertyParser x => Double -> Double -> LayoutItem Double Double x ->
(LayoutItem Double Double x, Maybe (LayoutItem Double Double x))
boxSplit maxheight _ node | height (layoutGetBox node) <= maxheight = (node, Nothing)
boxSplit maxheight pageheight (LayoutFlow val self childs)
| (next:_) <- childs1, ((y,_):_) <- childs0',
(tail,Just nextpage) <- boxSplit (maxheight - y) pageheight next =
(LayoutFlow val self {
size = (size self) { B.block = y }
} (childs0 ++ [tail]),
Just $ LayoutFlow val self {
size = (size self) { B.block = B.block (size self) - y }
} (nextpage:childs1))
| otherwise =
(LayoutFlow val self { size = (size self) { B.block = maxheight } } childs0,
Just $ LayoutFlow val self childs1) -- TODO recompute height
childs0 = map snd childs0'
childs1 = map snd childs1'
(childs0', childs1') = break overflowed $ inner 0 childs
overflowed (y, _) = y >= maxheight
inner start (child:childs) = (start', child):inner start' childs -- TODO margin collapse?
where start' = start + height (layoutGetBox child)
inner _ [] = []
boxSplit _ _ self@(LayoutGrid _ _ _ _) = (self, Nothing) -- TODO
boxSplit maxheight pageheight (LayoutInline a b self c d) =
boxSplit maxheight pageheight $ LayoutInline' a b (layoutPlain self) c d
boxSplit maxheight pageheight (LayoutInline' a b self paging c) =
case paginate paging {
pageCurrentHeight = toEnum $ fromEnum maxheight,
pageNextHeight = toEnum $ fromEnum pageheight
} self of
(Continue, self', next) -> (wrap self', wrap <$> next)
(Break, _, _) -> (nullLayout, Just $ wrap self)
wrap self' = LayoutInline' a b self' paging c
boxSplit _ _ self@(LayoutSpan _ _ _) = (self, Nothing) -- Can't split!
boxPaginate pageheight node
| (page, Just overflow) <- boxSplit pageheight pageheight node =
page:boxPaginate pageheight overflow
| otherwise = [node]
boxPosition :: PropertyParser x => (Double, Double) -> LayoutItem Double Double x ->
LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), x)
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutFlow val self childs) = LayoutFlow (pos, val) self childs'
childs' = map recurse $ zip pos' childs
recurse ((Size x' y'), child) = boxPosition (x + x', y + y') child
pos' = positionFlow $ map layoutGetBox childs
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutGrid val self cells childs) = LayoutGrid (pos, val) self cells childs'
childs' = map recurse $ zip pos' childs
recurse ((x', y'), child) = boxPosition (x + x', y + y') child
pos' = gridPosition self cells
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutInline val font self paging vals) =
LayoutInline (pos, val) font self paging $ map (\(x, y) -> (fragmentPos font pos y, x)) $
inlineChildren vals self
boxPosition pos@(x, y) (LayoutInline' val font self paging vals) =
LayoutInline' (pos, val) font self paging $ map (\(x, y) -> (fragmentPos font pos y, x)) $
layoutChildren vals self
boxPosition pos (LayoutSpan val f self) = LayoutSpan (pos, val) f self -- No children...
boxLayout :: PropertyParser x => PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Length x ->
Bool -> [LayoutItem Double Double ((Double, Double), x)]
boxLayout parent self paginate = self9
self0 = boxMinWidth Nothing self
self1 = boxNatWidth Nothing self0
self2 = boxMaxWidth parent self1
self3 = boxWidth parent self2
self4 = boxNatHeight (inline $ size parent) self3
self5 = boxMinHeight (inline $ size parent) self4
self6 = boxMaxHeight parent self5
self7 = boxHeight parent self6
self8 | paginate = boxPaginate (block $ size parent) self7
| otherwise = [self7]
self9 = map (boxPosition (0, 0)) self8
-- Useful for assembling glyph atlases.
glyphsPerFont :: LayoutItem x y z -> M.Map (Pattern, Double) IS.IntSet
glyphsPerFont (LayoutSpan _ font self) =
(pattern font, fontSize font) `M.singleton` IS.fromList glyphs
where glyphs = map fromEnum $ map Hb.codepoint $ map fst $ fragmentGlyphs self
glyphsPerFont node = M.unionsWith IS.union $ map glyphsPerFont $ layoutGetChilds node