module Graphics.Layout.Flex where
import Graphics.Layout.Box as B (Length(..), lowerLength, Size(..), PaddedBox(..),
maxWidth, width, minWidth, maxHeight, height, minHeight, CastDouble(..), Zero(..))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import GHC.Real (infinity)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
data FlexParent a b = FlexParent {
direction :: Direction,
reverseRows :: Bool,
wrap :: FlexWrapping,
justify :: Justification,
alignLines :: Maybe Justification, -- `Nothing` is "stretch"
baseGap :: b,
crossGap :: b,
children :: [[FlexChild a b]], -- 2D list to store lines once split.
pageWidth :: Double -- Pagination argument
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data FlexChild a b = FlexChild {
grow :: Double,
shrink :: Double,
basis :: b,
alignment :: Alignment,
flexInner :: a
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Direction = Row | Column deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data FlexWrapping = NoWrap | Wrap | WrapReverse deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Justification = JStart | JEnd | JCenter | JSpaceBetween | JSpaceAround | JSpaceEvenly
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Alignment = AlStretch | AlStart | AlEnd | AlCenter | AlBaseline
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
flexMap :: (a -> b) -> FlexParent a c -> FlexParent b c
flexMap cb self = FlexParent {
direction = direction self, reverseRows = reverseRows self, wrap = wrap self,
justify = justify self, alignLines = alignLines self,
baseGap = baseGap self, crossGap = crossGap self, pageWidth = pageWidth self,
children = [[FlexChild {
grow = grow kid, shrink = shrink kid, basis = basis kid,
alignment = alignment kid,
flexInner = cb $ flexInner kid -- The important line!
} | kid <- row] | row <- children self]
flexResolve :: CastDouble b => (a -> Direction -> Double) -> Double ->
FlexParent a b -> FlexParent a Double
flexResolve cb size self = FlexParent {
direction = direction self, reverseRows = reverseRows self, wrap = wrap self,
justify = justify self, alignLines = alignLines self,
baseGap = toDoubleWithin size $ baseGap self,
crossGap = toDoubleWithin size $ crossGap self,
pageWidth = pageWidth self,
children = [[FlexChild {
grow = grow kid, shrink = shrink kid,
basis = toDoubleWithinAuto (flexInner kid `cb` direction self) size $ basis kid,
alignment = alignment kid, flexInner = flexInner kid
} | kid <- row] | row <- children self]
flexMaxBasis :: FlexParent a Double -> Double
flexMaxBasis self = maximum [basis child | row <- children self, child <- row]
flexSumBasis :: FlexParent a Double -> Double
flexSumBasis self = maximum [Prelude.sum $
intersperse (baseGap self) $ map basis row | row <- children self]
-- NOTE: shrink propery may yield negative sizes. Caller will want to enforce min-sizes.
flexWrap :: CastDouble b => FlexParent a b -> Double -> FlexParent a b
flexWrap self size
| NoWrap <- wrap self = post self
| Wrap <- wrap self = post self'
| WrapReverse <- wrap self = post self' { children=reverse $ children self' }
self' = self {
children = concatMap wrapRow $ children self
wrapRow :: CastDouble b => [FlexChild a b] -> [[FlexChild a b]]
wrapRow [] = []
wrapRow kids@(kid:_) = let (row, rest) = splitRow' kids $ basis' kid
in row:wrapRow rest
splitRow, splitRow' :: CastDouble b => [FlexChild a b] -> Double ->
([FlexChild a b], [FlexChild a b])
-- This wrapper function ensures we don't end up with empty rows, or infinite loops.
splitRow' (kid:kids) end =
let (kids', rest) = splitRow kids (end + baseGap' self + basis' kid)
in (kid:kids', rest)
splitRow' [] _ = ([], [])
splitRow (kid:kids) end
| end > size = ([], kid:kids)
| otherwise = let (kids', rest) = splitRow kids (end + baseGap' self + basis' kid)
in (kid:kids', rest)
splitRow [] _ = ([], [])
post :: CastDouble b => FlexParent a b -> FlexParent a b
post flex
| reverseRows self = post' flex { children = map reverse $ children flex }
| otherwise = post' flex
post' :: CastDouble b => FlexParent a b -> FlexParent a b
post' flex = flex { children = map resizeRow $ children flex }
resizeRow :: CastDouble b => [FlexChild a b] -> [FlexChild a b]
resizeRow row
| rowSize > size = [kid {
basis = fromDouble $ basis' kid - shrink kid * nanguard sfr
} | kid <- row]
| rowSize < size = [kid {
basis = fromDouble $ basis' kid + grow kid * nanguard gfr
} | kid <- row]
| otherwise = row
rowSize = Prelude.sum $ intersperse (baseGap' self) $ map basis' row
sfr = (rowSize - size)/(Prelude.sum $ map shrink row)
gfr = (size - rowSize)/(Prelude.sum $ map grow row)
nanguard x | isNaN x = 0
| isInfinite x = 0
| otherwise = x
baseGap' :: CastDouble b => FlexParent a b -> Double
baseGap' = toDouble . baseGap
basis' :: CastDouble b => FlexChild a b -> Double
basis' = toDouble . basis
flexRowSize :: (a -> Double) -> [FlexChild a b] -> Double
flexRowSize cb row = maximum $ map (cb . flexInner) row
flexRowsSize :: (a -> Double) -> FlexParent a Double -> Double
flexRowsSize cb FlexParent { crossGap = gap, children = kids } =
sum $ intersperse gap $ flexRowSize cb `map` kids
justifyOffset, justifySpacing :: Double -> [Double] -> Double -> Justification -> Double
justifyOffset _ _ _ JStart = 0
justifyOffset outersize ks g JEnd = outersize - innersize g ks
justifyOffset outersize ks g JCenter = half $ outersize - innersize g ks
justifyOffset _ _ _ JSpaceBetween = 0
justifyOffset outersize ks g JSpaceAround =
half $ (outersize - innersize g ks)/length' ks
justifyOffset _ ks _ _ | length ks <= 1 = 0 -- No gaps to space, avoid numeric errors.
justifyOffset size ks g JSpaceEvenly = (size - innersize g ks)/(length' ks + 1)
justifySpacing size ks g JSpaceBetween = (size - innersize g ks)/(length' ks - 1)
justifySpacing size ks g JSpaceAround = (size - innersize g ks)/length' ks
justifySpacing size ks g JSpaceEvenly = (size - innersize g ks)/(length' ks + 1)
justifySpacing _ _ _ _ = 0
flexJustify :: (a -> Double) -> Double -> [a] -> Double -> Justification -> [(Double, a)]
flexJustify cb size kids gap just = inner kids offs
offs = justifyOffset size kids' gap just
spacing = justifySpacing size kids' gap just
kids' = map cb kids
inner (k:ks) start = (start, k):inner ks (start + cb k + gap)
inner [] _ = []
alignOffset :: Double -> Double -> Alignment -> Double
alignOffset _ _ AlStretch = 0 -- Needs special handling elsewhere
alignOffset _ _ AlStart = 0
alignOffset outer inner AlEnd = outer - inner
alignOffset outer inner AlCenter = half $ outer - inner
alignOffset outer inner AlBaseline = half $ outer - inner -- FIXME: Implement properly!
innersize gap = sum . intersperse gap
half = (/2)
length' :: [a] -> Double
length' = toEnum . length
--- Mapping Box Model axes <-> Flex Box axes
outerMinMain, outerMain, outerMaxMain :: Num m => PaddedBox m m -> Direction -> m
outerMinMain box Row = minWidth box
outerMinMain box Column = minHeight box
outerMain box Row = width box
outerMain box Column = height box
outerMaxMain box Row = maxWidth box
outerMaxMain box Column = maxHeight box
outerMinCross, outerCross, outerMaxCross :: Num m => PaddedBox m m -> Direction -> m
outerMinCross box Row = minHeight box
outerMinCross box Column = minWidth box
outerCross box Row = height box
outerCross box Column = width box
outerMaxCross box Row = maxHeight box
outerMaxCross box Column = maxWidth box
innerMinMain, innerMain, innerMaxMain :: Num m => PaddedBox m m -> Direction -> m
innerMinMain box = sizeMain $ B.min box
innerMain box = sizeMain $ B.size box
innerMaxMain box = sizeMain $ B.max box
innerMinCross, innerCross, innerMaxCross :: Num m => PaddedBox m m -> Direction -> m
innerMinCross box = sizeCross $ B.min box
innerCross box = sizeCross $ B.size box
innerMaxCross box = sizeCross $ B.max box
sizeMain, sizeCross :: Num m => Size m m -> Direction -> m
sizeMain self Row = inline self
sizeMain self Column = block self
sizeCross self Row = block self
sizeCross self Column = inline self
flexGetBox :: (Zero m, CastDouble m, Zero n, CastDouble n) =>
(a -> PaddedBox Double Double) -> FlexParent a m -> PaddedBox m n
flexGetBox cb self = zero {
B.min = flexMaxBasis self' `size` flexRowsSize (cb' innerMinCross) self',
B.max = fromRational infinity `size` fromRational infinity,
B.nat = flexSumBasis self' `size` flexRowsSize (cb' innerCross) self',
B.size = flexSumBasis self' `size` flexRowsSize (cb' innerCross) self'
} where
size main cross
| Row <- direction self = fromDouble main `Size` fromDouble cross
| otherwise = fromDouble cross `Size` fromDouble main
cb' cb_ = flip cb_ (direction self) . cb
self' = flexResolve (innerMain . cb) 0 self
flexSplit :: (a -> Size Double Double) -> Double -> Double -> FlexParent a Double ->
(FlexParent a Double, FlexParent a Double)
flexSplit cb h _ self@FlexParent { direction = Row, pageWidth = w } =
(self' { children = page0 }, self' { children = page1 })
self' = flexWrap self w
(page0, page1) = splitRows (-crossGap self) $ children self
splitRows start (row:rows)
| start >= h = ([], row:rows)
| otherwise =
let (rows', rest) = flip splitRows rows $
start + crossGap self + flexRowSize (inline . cb) row
in (row:rows', rest)
splitRows _ [] = ([], [])
flexSplit cb h h' self@FlexParent { direction = Column, pageWidth = w }
| measure h = (flexWrap self h, self { children = [] })
-- If it fits on neither page... Row-direction is more versatile!
| not $ measure h' = flexSplit cb h h' self { direction = Row }
| otherwise = (self { children = [] }, flexWrap self h')
measure space = (block . cb) `flexRowsSize` flexWrap self space <= w
flexPosition :: ((Double, Double) -> a -> b) -> (a -> Size Double Double) ->
(Double, Double) -> Size Double Double ->
FlexParent a Double -> FlexParent b Double
flexPosition cb cb' (x,y) size self@FlexParent { direction = dir } = self {
children = map rowPosition $ flexJustify rowsize (sizeCross size dir)
(children self) (crossGap self) (justify self)
} where
rowsize = flexRowSize $ flip sizeCross dir . cb'
-- TODO: Handle stretch properly
rowPosition (rpos, row) =
let rsize = flexRowSize (flip sizeCross dir . cb') row
in map (alignChild rsize rpos) $ flexJustify basis rsize row
(baseGap self) (fromMaybe JSpaceAround $ alignLines self)
alignChild rsize rpos (kpos, kid@FlexChild {
flexInner = kid', alignment = align'
}) = kid {
flexInner = flip cb kid' $ sz kpos $
rpos + alignOffset rsize (flip sizeCross dir $ cb' kid') align'
sz m c | Row <- direction self = (x + m, y + c)
| otherwise = (x + c, y + m)