Reference-document (unused) calc() implementation.
Document Graphics.Layout.Inline.CSS
Document Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
Commence reference documentation!
Don't parse unimplemented subgrids, add notes as to how to implement.
Bugfix & pagination integration.
Refactor grid layout code to deduplicate logic along each axis.
Tidyup: full-size computation from gridcell size computations.
Refactor abstract grids to seperate fields of children array.
Refactor grid sizes to be dynamically computed.
Integrate paragraph pagination via Balkon.
Merge in-porgress changes.
Parse text-pagination properties.
Simplify final width computation.
Attempt to simplify generic height layout methods.
Fix type error, confusing paddedboxes for borders.
Add missing child traversal to maxwidth computation & simplify API signature.
Simplify natwidth generic logic.
Type error fix upon boxMinWidth type declaration change.
Attempt to simplify generic minwidth logic.