
0b971321040ca633a863e7d5f012e33b5edc7c30 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago 93c6516
Document Graphics.Layout.Grid.CSS
1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid/CSS.hs +27 -1
@@ 13,25 13,43 @@ import Graphics.Layout.Box
import Graphics.Layout.Grid
import Graphics.Layout

-- | Parsed CSS Grid properties
data CSSGrid = CSSGrid {
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-auto-columns
    autoColumns :: Unitted,
    -- | Parsed grid-auto-flow
    autoFlow :: Axis,
    -- | Whether grid-auto-flow: dense was specified.
    autoFlowDense :: Bool,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-auto-rows
    autoRows :: Unitted,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-areas
    templateAreas :: [[Text]],
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-columns
    templateColumns :: [([Text], Unitted)],
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-template-rows
    templateRows :: [([Text], Unitted)],
    -- | Parsed CSS row-gap & column-gap
    cssGap :: Size Unitted Unitted,
    -- | Parsed CSS justify-items & align-items
    alignItems :: Size Alignment Alignment
-- | A grid axis.
data Axis = Row | Col deriving Eq
-- | Parsed CSS grid item properties.
data CSSCell = CSSCell {
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-column-start
    columnStart :: Placement,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-column-end
    columnEnd :: Placement,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-row-start
    rowStart :: Placement,
    -- | Parsed CSS grid-row-end
    rowEnd :: Placement,
    -- | Parsed CSS align-self & justify-self
    alignSelf :: Size (Maybe Alignment) (Maybe Alignment)
-- | Identifies a cell in the CSS grid.
data Placement = Autoplace | Named Text | Numbered Int (Maybe Text) |
        Span Int (Maybe Text)

@@ 50,7 68,7 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSGrid where
    inherit _ = temp

    longhand _ s "grid-auto-columns" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns=x}
    longhand _ s "grid-auto-rows" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s {autoColumns = x}
    longhand _ s "grid-auto-rows" toks | Just x <- parseFR toks = Just s { autoRows = x }

    longhand _ self "grid-auto-flow" [Ident "row"] = Just self {
        autoFlow = Row, autoFlowDense = False

@@ 204,11 222,14 @@ instance PropertyParser CSSCell where

    longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- | Parse a length or FR unit.
parseFR [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR toks = parseLength toks
-- | Parse a length or FR unit, including extended keywords.
parseFR' [Dimension _ x "fr"] = Just (n2f x,"fr")
parseFR' toks = parseLength' toks

-- | Parse an identifier for a grid cell.
placement [Ident "auto"] = Just $ Autoplace
placement [Ident x] = Just $ Named x
placement [Number _ (NVInteger x)] = Just $ Numbered (fromEnum x) Nothing

@@ 222,10 243,12 @@ placement [Ident "span", Ident y, Number _ (NVInteger x)]
    | x > 0 = Just $ Span (fromEnum x) (Just y)
placement _ = Nothing

-- | Parse grid-template-*
parseTemplate [Ident "none"] = Just []
parseTemplate [Ident "initial"] = Just []
parseTemplate toks | (tracks@(_:_), []) <- parseTrack toks = Just tracks
parseTemplate _ = Nothing
-- | Parse an individual track specified by grid-template-*
parseTrack (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks,
        ((names,size):cells,toks) <- parseTrack toks' = ((names' ++ names,size):cells,toks)

@@ 236,6 259,7 @@ parseTrack (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
    | x > 0, (tracks@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseTrack toks =
        (concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) tracks, toks')
parseTrack toks = ([], toks)
-- | (UNUSED) Parse a subgrid specified by grid-template-*
parseSubgrid (LeftSquareBracket:toks)
    | Just (names', toks') <- parseNames toks, (names,toks'') <- parseSubgrid toks' =
        (names' : names, toks')

@@ 243,11 267,13 @@ parseSubgrid (Function "repeat":Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks)
    | x > 0, (names@(_:_), RightParen:toks') <- parseSubgrid toks =
        (concat $ replicate (fromEnum x) names, toks')
parseSubgrid toks = ([], toks)
-- | Parse a track's names.
parseNames (Ident x:toks)
    | Just (names,toks') <- parseNames toks = Just (x:names,toks')
parseNames (RightSquareBracket:toks) = Just ([], toks)
parseNames _ = Nothing

-- | Desugar grid properties to a grid layout.
finalizeGrid :: PropertyParser x => CSSGrid -> Font' ->
    [CSSCell] -> [LayoutItem Length Length x] -> LayoutItem Length Length x
finalizeGrid self@CSSGrid {