
c06fd5523fd9a30b1da5cb86bc6f862715b0b5d2 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago 4c05e6f
Test & fix block layout.
M Graphics/Layout.hs => Graphics/Layout.hs +2 -2
@@ 8,7 8,7 @@ data LayoutItem m n x =
    | LayoutGrid x (Grid m n) [(GridItem m n, LayoutItem m n x)]
-- More to come...

boxMinWidth :: Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Length x)
{-boxMinWidth :: Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Length x)
boxNatWidth :: Double -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Length x)
boxMaxWidth :: PaddedBox y Length -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Length x)
boxWidth :: PaddedBox y Length -> LayoutItem y Length x -> (Double, LayoutItem y Double x)

@@ 18,4 18,4 @@ boxMaxHeight :: Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> (Double, LayoutItem Leng
boxHeight :: Double -> LayoutItem Length Double x -> (Double, LayoutItem Length Length x)
boxPosition :: LayoutItem Double Double x -> LayoutItem Double Double x
boxLayout :: PaddedBox Double Double -> LayoutItem Length Length x -> Bool ->
        LayoutItem Double Double x
        LayoutItem Double Double x-}

M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs => Graphics/Layout/Box.hs +23 -1
@@ 19,6 19,24 @@ data PaddedBox m n = PaddedBox {
    border :: Border m n,
    margin :: Border m n
zeroBox :: PaddedBox Double Double
zeroBox = PaddedBox {
    min = Size 0 0,
    max = Size 0 0,
    size = Size 0 0,
    padding = Border 0 0 0 0,
    border = Border 0 0 0 0,
    margin = Border 0 0 0 0
lengthBox = PaddedBox {
    min = Size Auto Auto,
    max = Size Auto Auto,
    size = Size Auto Auto,
    padding = Border zero zero zero zero,
    border = Border zero zero zero zero,
    margin = Border zero zero zero zero
  } where zero = Pixels 0

width PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding +
    inline size + right padding + right border + right margin
height PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding +

@@ 27,5 45,9 @@ minWidth PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding +
    inline min + right padding + right border + right margin
minHeight PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding +
    block min + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin
maxWidth PaddedBox {..} = left margin + left border + left padding +
    inline max + right padding + right border + right margin
maxHeight PaddedBox {..} = top margin + top border + top padding +
    block max + bottom padding + bottom border + bottom margin

data Length = Pixels Double | Percent Double | Auto | Preferred | Min
data Length = Pixels Double | Percent Double | Auto | Preferred | Min deriving Eq

M Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs => Graphics/Layout/CSS.hs +2 -1
@@ 5,11 5,12 @@ import Graphics.Layout

data CSSBox = CSSBox {
    boxSizing :: BoxSizing,
    cssBox :: PaddedBox (Double, String) -- Some units need to be resolved per font. calc()?
    cssBox :: PaddedBox Unitted Unitted -- Some units need to be resolved per font. calc()?
    -- Other layout-mode specific properties?
    -- Resolve font here so we can resolve those units?
data BoxSizing = BorderBox | ContentBox
type Unitted = (Double, String)

{-instance PropertyParser CSSBox where

M Graphics/Layout/Flow.hs => Graphics/Layout/Flow.hs +36 -31
@@ 2,40 2,41 @@ module Graphics.Layout.Flow where

import Graphics.Layout.Box as B

flowMinWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> [PaddedBox _ Length] -> Double
flowMinWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox a Length -> [PaddedBox b Double] -> Double
flowMinWidth _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x
flowMinWidth parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent
flowMinWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.min = Size Preferred _} childs =
    flowNatWidth parent self childs
flowMinWidth _ _ childs = Prelude.max [
    minWidth $ child {B.min = flowMinWidth 0 child []} | child <- childs
flowNatWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> [PaddedBox _ Length] -> Double
flowMinWidth _ _ childs = maximum $ (0:) $ map minWidth childs
flowNatWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox a Length -> [PaddedBox b Double] -> Double
flowNatWidth _ PaddedBox {size = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x
flowNatWidth parent PaddedBox {size = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent
flowNatWidth parent self@PaddedBox {size = Size Min _, B.min = Size x _} childs
    -- Avoid infinite loops!
    | x /= Preferred = flowMinWidth parent self child
flowNatWidth parent _ childs = Prelude.max [
    width $ child {B.width = flowNatWidth 0 child []} | child <- childs
flowMaxWidth :: PaddedBox _ Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> Double
    | x /= Preferred = flowMinWidth parent self childs
flowNatWidth parent _ childs = maximum $ (0:) $ map maxWidth childs
flowMaxWidth :: PaddedBox a Double -> PaddedBox b Length -> Double
flowMaxWidth _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Pixels x) _} = x
flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Percent x) _} = x * parent
flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size Auto _} = inline $ size parent
flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Percent x) _} = x * (inline $ size parent)
flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Auto _} = inline (size parent) - ws
        ws = l2d (left $ margin self) + l2d (left $ border self) + l2d (left $ padding self) +
            l2d (right $ padding self) + l2d (right $ border self) + l2d (right $ margin self)
        l2d = lowerLength $ inline $ size parent
flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Preferred _} =
    flowNatWidth (inline $ size parent) self []
flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Min _} =
    flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self []
flowWidth :: PaddedBox _ Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> Double
flowWidth :: PaddedBox a Double -> PaddedBox b Length -> Double
flowWidth parent self
    | small > large = small
    | natural > large = large
    | inline (size self) == Auto = large -- specialcase
    | natural >= small = natural
    | otherwise = small
    small = flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self []
    natural = flowNatWidth (inline $ width parent) self []
    natural = flowNatWidth (inline $ size parent) self []
    large = flowMaxWidth parent self

flowNatHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> [PaddedBox Double Double] -> Double

@@ 44,16 45,16 @@ flowNatHeight parent PaddedBox {size = Size _ (Percent y)} _ = y * parent
flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size _ Min} childs =
    sum $ map minHeight $ marginCollapse childs
flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size owidth _} childs =
    sum $ map height $ marginCollapse (lowerLength owidth) childs
    sum $ map height $ marginCollapse childs
flowMinHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowMinHeight _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y
flowMinHeight parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent
flowMinHeight _ self = flowNatHeight self []
flowMinHeight parent self = flowNatHeight parent self []
flowMaxHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowMaxHeight _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y
flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent
flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Auto} = parent
flowMaxHeight _ self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Preferred} = flowNatHeight self []
flowMaxHeight parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Preferred} = flowNatHeight parent self []
flowMaxHeight parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Min} = flowMinHeight parent self
flowHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowHeight parent self

@@ 64,21 65,21 @@ flowHeight parent self
    small = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self
    natural = flowNatHeight (block $ size parent) self []
    large = flowMaxWidth (block $ B.max parent) self
    large = flowMaxHeight (block $ B.max parent) self

positionFlow :: [PaddedBox Double Double] -> [Size Double Double]
positionFlow childs = scanl inner (Size 0 0) $ marginCollapse id childs
positionFlow childs = scanl inner (Size 0 0) $ marginCollapse childs
  where inner (Size x y) self = Size x $ height self
layoutFlow :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Length ->
        [PaddedBox Length Length] -> Bool ->
        [(PaddedBox Double Double, [(Size Double Double, PaddedBox Double Double)])]
        [PaddedBox Length Double] -> Bool ->
        (PaddedBox Double Double, [(Size Double Double, PaddedBox Double Double)])
layoutFlow parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions' childs')
    positions' = positionFlow childs'
    childs' = map layoutZooko childs
    self' = self0 {
        B.min = (B.min self0) { block = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self0 },
        size = (size self0) { block = flowHeight oheight self0 },
        size = (size self0) { block = flowHeight parent self0 },
        B.max = (B.max self0) { block = flowMaxHeight (block $ B.max parent) self0 },
        padding = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ padding self0,
        border = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ border self0,

@@ 91,28 92,32 @@ layoutFlow parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions' childs')
        size = (size self2) { inline = width' },
        B.max = (B.max self2) { inline = flowMaxWidth parent self2 },
        B.min = (B.min self2) { inline = flowMinWidth owidth self2 [] },
        padding = mapX (lowerLength owdith) $ padding self2,
        padding = mapX (lowerLength owidth) $ padding self2,
        border = mapX (lowerLength owidth) $ border self2,
        margin = lowerMargin owidth (owidth - width') $ margin self2
    width' = flowWidth parent self2
    width' = flowWidth parent self
    self2 = self {
        size = (size self) { inline = Pixels $ flowNatWidth owidth self childs }
        size = (size self) { inline = Pixels $ flowNatWidth owidth self childs },
        B.min = (B.min self) { inline = Pixels $ flowMinWidth owidth self childs }
    owidth = inline $ size parent
    oheight = block $ size parent
    layoutZooko child = child {
        B.min = Size (flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min self') child [])
            (flowMinHeight (block $ B.min self') child),
        size = Size (flowWidth self' child) (flowHeight (block $ size self') child),
        B.max = Size (flowMaxWidth self' child) (flowMaxHeight (block $ size self') child),
        B.min = Size (inline $ B.min child) (flowMinHeight (block $ B.min self') child),
        size = Size (inline $ size child) (flowHeight self' child),
        B.max = Size (inline $ B.max child) (flowMaxHeight (block $ size self') child),
        padding = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ padding child,
        border = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ border child,
        margin = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ margin child

marginCollapse cb (x'@PaddedBox {margin = xm@Border { bottom = x }}:
marginCollapse :: [PaddedBox Double n] -> [PaddedBox Double n]
marginCollapse (x'@PaddedBox {margin = xm@Border { bottom = x }}:
        y'@PaddedBox {margin = ym@Border { top = y}}:rest)
    | cb x > cb y = x':marginCollapse (y' {margin = ym { top = 0 }}:rest)
    | x > y = x':marginCollapse (y' {margin = ym { top = 0 }}:rest)
    | otherwise = x' { margin = xm { bottom = 0 }}:marginCollapse (y':rest)
marginCollapse rest = rest

lowerLength :: Double -> Length -> Double
lowerLength _ (Pixels x) = x

M Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs => Graphics/Layout/Grid.hs +2 -2
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ data GridItem m n = GridItem {

type Name = Text

gridMinWidths :: Double -> Grid y Length -> [GridItem y Length] -> (Double, [Double])
{-gridMinWidths :: Double -> Grid y Length -> [GridItem y Length] -> (Double, [Double])
gridNatWidths :: Double -> Grid y Length -> [GridItem y Length] -> (Double, [Double])
gridMaxWidths :: PaddedBox y Double -> Grid y Length -> (Double, [Double])
gridWidths :: PaddedBox y Double -> Grid y Length -> (Double, [Double])

@@ 27,4 27,4 @@ gridHeights :: Double -> Grid Length Double -> (Double, [Double])
gridPosition :: GridLength Double Double -> [GridItem Double Double] -> [Size Double Double]
gridLayout :: PaddedBox Double Double -> Grid Length Length ->
        [GridItem Length Length] -> Bool ->
        (Grid Double Double, [(Size Double Double, GridItem Double Double)])
        (Grid Double Double, [(Size Double Double, GridItem Double Double)])-}

M test/Test.hs => test/Test.hs +74 -5
@@ 5,7 5,8 @@ import Test.Hspec

import Graphics.Layout.Arithmetic
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (tokenize, Token(..))
import Debug.Trace (traceShowId)
import Graphics.Layout.Box as B
import Graphics.Layout.Flow

main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec

@@ 19,9 20,77 @@ spec = do
        it "Can perform basic arithmatic" $ do
            runMath "42" `shouldBe` 42
            runMath "6 * 9" `shouldBe` 54
--            runMath "6 * 9 - 42" `shouldBe` 12
--            runMath "6 * (9 - 42)" `shouldBe` -198
--            runMath "6 * calc(9 - 42)" `shouldBe` -198
--            runMath "6 * abs(9 - 42)" `shouldBe` 198
            runMath "6 * 9 - 42" `shouldBe` 12
            runMath "6 * (9 - 42)" `shouldBe` -198
            runMath "6 * calc(9 - 42)" `shouldBe` -198
            runMath "6 * abs(9 - 42)" `shouldBe` 198
    describe "Width sizing" $ do
        -- Based on http://hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/css/box/block/
        it "Can overflow parent" $ do
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 3 1
                } lengthBox {
                    border = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2)
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 4
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 3 1
                } lengthBox {
                    padding = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2)
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 4
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 3 1
                } lengthBox {
                    margin = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2)
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 4
        it "Fits to parent" $ do
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 5 1
                } lengthBox {
                    border = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2),
                    size = Size Auto $ Pixels 1
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 5
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 5 1
                } lengthBox {
                    padding = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2),
                    size = Size Auto $ Pixels 1
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 5
            width (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 5 1
                } lengthBox {
                    margin = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) (Pixels 2) (Pixels 2),
                    size = Size Auto $ Pixels 1
                } [] False) `shouldBe` 5
        it "Collapses margins" $ do
            let a :: PaddedBox Length Double
                a = PaddedBox {
                    B.min = Size 0 Auto,
                    size = Size 0 Auto,
                    B.max = Size 0 Auto,
                    padding = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) 0 0,
                    border = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) 0 0,
                    margin = Border (Pixels 5) (Pixels 10) 0 0
                b :: PaddedBox Length Double
                b = PaddedBox {
                    B.min = Size 0 Auto,
                    size = Size 0 Auto,
                    B.max = Size 0 Auto,
                    padding = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) 0 0,
                    border = Border (Pixels 0) (Pixels 0) 0 0,
                    margin = Border (Pixels 10) (Pixels 5) 0 0
            height (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 100 100
                } lengthBox [a, a] False) `shouldBe` 25
            height (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 100 100
                } lengthBox [b, b] False) `shouldBe` 25
            height (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 100 100
                } lengthBox [a, b] False) `shouldBe` 20
            height (fst $ layoutFlow zeroBox {
                    size = Size 100 100
                } lengthBox [b, a] False) `shouldBe` 25

runMath = flip evalCalc [] . mapCalc fst . flip parseCalc [] . filter (/= Whitespace) . tokenize