
4c05e6f601b07a2cb9851ddf7f382a327ebe5c88 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago 272852e
Draft flow layout computation.

calc() interpretor & multidirectional text to be added later.
2 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Flow.hs
M Graphics/Layout/Box.hs => Graphics/Layout/Box.hs +5 -0
@@ 4,6 4,11 @@ module Graphics.Layout.Box where
data Border m n = Border {
    top :: m, bottom :: m, left :: n, right :: n
mapX :: (n -> nn) -> Border m n -> Border m nn
mapY :: (m -> mm) -> Border m n -> Border mm n
mapX cb self = self { left = cb $ left self, right = cb $ right self }
mapY cb self = self { top = cb $ top self, bottom = cb $ bottom self }

data Size m n = Size {inline :: n, block :: m}

data PaddedBox m n = PaddedBox {

M Graphics/Layout/Flow.hs => Graphics/Layout/Flow.hs +128 -13
@@ 1,15 1,130 @@
module Graphics.Layout.Flow where

import Graphics.Layout.Box

flowMinWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox Length -> [PaddedBox Length] -> Double
flowNatWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox Length -> [PaddedBox Length] -> Double
flowMaxWidth :: PaddedBox Double -> PaddedBox Length -> Double
flowWidth :: PaddedBox Double -> PaddedBox Length -> Double
flowNatHeight :: PaddedBox Length -> [PaddedBox Double] -> Double
flowMinHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Double -> Double
flowMaxHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Double -> Double
flowHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Double -> Double
positionFlow :: PaddedBox Double -> [PaddedBox Double] -> [Size Double]
layoutFlow :: PaddedBox Double -> PaddedBox Length -> [PaddedBox Length] -> Bool ->
        [(PaddedBox Double, [(Size Double, PaddedBox Double)])]
import Graphics.Layout.Box as B

flowMinWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> [PaddedBox _ Length] -> Double
flowMinWidth _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x
flowMinWidth parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent
flowMinWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.min = Size Preferred _} childs =
    flowNatWidth parent self childs
flowMinWidth _ _ childs = Prelude.max [
    minWidth $ child {B.min = flowMinWidth 0 child []} | child <- childs
flowNatWidth :: Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> [PaddedBox _ Length] -> Double
flowNatWidth _ PaddedBox {size = Size (Pixels x) _} _ = x
flowNatWidth parent PaddedBox {size = Size (Percent x) _} _ = x * parent
flowNatWidth parent self@PaddedBox {size = Size Min _, B.min = Size x _} childs
    -- Avoid infinite loops!
    | x /= Preferred = flowMinWidth parent self child
flowNatWidth parent _ childs = Prelude.max [
    width $ child {B.width = flowNatWidth 0 child []} | child <- childs
flowMaxWidth :: PaddedBox _ Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> Double
flowMaxWidth _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Pixels x) _} = x
flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size (Percent x) _} = x * parent
flowMaxWidth parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size Auto _} = inline $ size parent
flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Preferred _} =
    flowNatWidth (inline $ size parent) self []
flowMaxWidth parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size Min _} =
    flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self []
flowWidth :: PaddedBox _ Double -> PaddedBox _ Length -> Double
flowWidth parent self
    | small > large = small
    | natural > large = large
    | natural >= small = natural
    | otherwise = small
    small = flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min parent) self []
    natural = flowNatWidth (inline $ width parent) self []
    large = flowMaxWidth parent self

flowNatHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> [PaddedBox Double Double] -> Double
flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size _ (Pixels y)} _ = y
flowNatHeight parent PaddedBox {size = Size _ (Percent y)} _ = y * parent
flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size _ Min} childs =
    sum $ map minHeight $ marginCollapse childs
flowNatHeight _ PaddedBox {size = Size owidth _} childs =
    sum $ map height $ marginCollapse (lowerLength owidth) childs
flowMinHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowMinHeight _ PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y
flowMinHeight parent PaddedBox {B.min = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent
flowMinHeight _ self = flowNatHeight self []
flowMaxHeight :: Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowMaxHeight _ PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Pixels y)} = y
flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ (Percent y)} = y * parent
flowMaxHeight parent PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Auto} = parent
flowMaxHeight _ self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Preferred} = flowNatHeight self []
flowMaxHeight parent self@PaddedBox {B.max = Size _ Min} = flowMinHeight parent self
flowHeight :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Double -> Double
flowHeight parent self
    | small > large = small
    | natural > large = large
    | natural >= small = natural
    | otherwise = small
    small = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self
    natural = flowNatHeight (block $ size parent) self []
    large = flowMaxWidth (block $ B.max parent) self

positionFlow :: [PaddedBox Double Double] -> [Size Double Double]
positionFlow childs = scanl inner (Size 0 0) $ marginCollapse id childs
  where inner (Size x y) self = Size x $ height self
layoutFlow :: PaddedBox Double Double -> PaddedBox Length Length ->
        [PaddedBox Length Length] -> Bool ->
        [(PaddedBox Double Double, [(Size Double Double, PaddedBox Double Double)])]
layoutFlow parent self childs paginate = (self', zip positions' childs')
    positions' = positionFlow childs'
    childs' = map layoutZooko childs
    self' = self0 {
        B.min = (B.min self0) { block = flowMinHeight (block $ B.min parent) self0 },
        size = (size self0) { block = flowHeight oheight self0 },
        B.max = (B.max self0) { block = flowMaxHeight (block $ B.max parent) self0 },
        padding = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ padding self0,
        border = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ border self0,
        margin = mapY (lowerLength owidth) $ margin self0
    self0 = self1 {
        size = (size self1) { block = Pixels $ flowNatHeight oheight self1 childs'}
    self1 = self2 {
        size = (size self2) { inline = width' },
        B.max = (B.max self2) { inline = flowMaxWidth parent self2 },
        B.min = (B.min self2) { inline = flowMinWidth owidth self2 [] },
        padding = mapX (lowerLength owdith) $ padding self2,
        border = mapX (lowerLength owidth) $ border self2,
        margin = lowerMargin owidth (owidth - width') $ margin self2
    width' = flowWidth parent self2
    self2 = self {
        size = (size self) { inline = Pixels $ flowNatWidth owidth self childs }
        B.min = (B.min self) { inline = Pixels $ flowMinWidth owidth self childs }
    owidth = inline $ size parent
    oheight = block $ size parent
    layoutZooko child = child {
        B.min = Size (flowMinWidth (inline $ B.min self') child [])
            (flowMinHeight (block $ B.min self') child),
        size = Size (flowWidth self' child) (flowHeight (block $ size self') child),
        B.max = Size (flowMaxWidth self' child) (flowMaxHeight (block $ size self') child),

marginCollapse cb (x'@PaddedBox {margin = xm@Border { bottom = x }}:
        y'@PaddedBox {margin = ym@Border { top = y}}:rest)
    | cb x > cb y = x':marginCollapse (y' {margin = ym { top = 0 }}:rest)
    | otherwise = x' { margin = xm { bottom = 0 }}:marginCollapse (y':rest)

lowerLength :: Double -> Length -> Double
lowerLength _ (Pixels x) = x
lowerLength outerwidth (Percent x) = x * outerwidth
lowerLength _ _ = 0

lowerMargin :: Double -> Double -> Border m Length -> Border m Double
lowerMargin _ available (Border top' bottom' Auto Auto) =
    Border top' bottom' (available/2) (available/2)
lowerMargin outerwidth available (Border top' bottom' Auto right') =
    Border top' bottom' available $ lowerLength outerwidth right'
lowerMargin outerwidth available (Border top' bottom' left' Auto) =
    Border top' bottom' (lowerLength outerwidth left') available
lowerMargin outerwidth _ (Border top' bottom' left' right') =
    Border top' bottom' (lowerLength outerwidth left') (lowerLength outerwidth right')