module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.VerticalOffsets
( VerticalOffsets (..)
, alignLayoutTop
, shift
import Data.Int (Int32)
-- | Metrics used for vertical alignment of text fragments.
data VerticalOffsets = VerticalOffsets
{ layoutTop :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the top edge of the fragment,
-- including half-leading.
, fontTop :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's ascender.
, baseline :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's baseline.
, fontBottom :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the font's descender.
, layoutBottom :: Int32
-- ^ Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the fragment,
-- including half-leading.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Add a constant to each of the coordinates, effectively moving them
-- up by the given amount while preserving distances between them.
shift :: Int32 -> VerticalOffsets -> VerticalOffsets
shift d vo = vo
{ layoutTop = layoutTop vo + d
, fontTop = fontTop vo + d
, baseline = baseline vo + d
, fontBottom = fontBottom vo + d
, layoutBottom = layoutBottom vo + d
-- | Set `layoutTop` to the given value and update all other coordinates
-- so that distances are preserved.
alignLayoutTop :: Int32 -> VerticalOffsets -> VerticalOffsets
alignLayoutTop x vo = shift (x - layoutTop vo) vo