module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.ByteString (readFile)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text.Glyphize
import Data.Word (Word)
import Prelude (concat, fromIntegral, return, show, ($), (++))
import System.FilePath (FilePath, (</>))
import System.IO (IO, writeFile)
arabicFont :: FilePath
arabicFont = "assets" </> "fonts" </> "plex" </> "IBMPlexSansArabic-Regular.ttf"
devanagariFont :: FilePath
devanagariFont = "assets" </> "fonts" </> "sarala" </> "Sarala-Regular.ttf"
latinFont :: FilePath
latinFont = "assets" </> "fonts" </> "ubuntu" </> "Ubuntu-R.ttf"
loadFont :: FilePath -> Word -> FontOptions -> IO Font
loadFont path index opts = do
ttf <- readFile path
let face = createFace ttf index
let font = createFontWithOptions opts face
return font
-- | Write a file containing information about the font and options used in a
-- test, to be passed to Typograffiti.
-- Note: The font path will not be escaped.
writeFontInfo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Font -> IO ()
writeFontInfo outputPath fontPath font = writeFile outputPath info
info = concat [fontPath, " ", index, " ", pixelSize, " ", scale, "\n"]
index = show $ faceIndex face
pixelSize = let (x, y) = fontPPEm font in (show x) ++ "," ++ (show y)
scale = let (x, y) = fontScale font in (show32 x) ++ "," ++ (show32 y)
-- Workaround for:
show32 x = show (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
face = fontFace font