-- | Infix operators for readable construction of paragraphs as testing input.
-- Example construction:
-- @"ignored prefix" |< "en"~"one two " >|< "ja"~"δΈε" >| "ignored suffix"@
-- Special syntax for paragraphs with no contents:
-- @"ignored prefix" |<>| "ignored suffix"@
-- Please note that this form of construction is inefficient for longer text.
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphConstruction
import Data.Text (append, pack)
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain
-- | Create first span with optional ignored suffix.
infixr 5 >|
(>|) :: (String, String) -> String -> (Text, [Span])
(spanLanguage, spanText) >| suffix = (newText, newSpans)
newSpans = [newSpan]
newSpan = Span (lengthWord8 packedSpanText) spanLanguage
newText = append packedSpanText packedSuffix
packedSpanText = pack spanText
packedSuffix = pack suffix
-- | Create next span.
infixr 5 >|<
(>|<) :: (String, String) -> (Text, [Span]) -> (Text, [Span])
(spanLanguage, spanText) >|< (oldText, oldSpans) = (newText, newSpans)
newSpans = newSpan:oldSpans
newSpan = Span (lengthWord8 packedSpanText) spanLanguage
newText = append packedSpanText oldText
packedSpanText = pack spanText
-- | Add optional ignored prefix and wrap in a `Paragraph`.
infixr 5 |<
(|<) :: String -> (Text, [Span]) -> ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
prefix |< (oldText, spans) = Paragraph arr afterPrefix spans
(Text arr beforePrefix _) = append packedPrefix oldText
afterPrefix = beforePrefix + lengthWord8 packedPrefix
packedPrefix = pack prefix
-- | Create a `Paragraph` with no spans, just two ignored texts.
infixr 5 |<>|
(|<>|) :: String -> String -> ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
prefix |<>| suffix = prefix |< (pack suffix, [])
-- | Combine language with text.
infix 6 ~
(~) :: String -> String -> (String, String)
lang ~ txt = (lang, txt)