module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainerSpec (spec) where
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty
import Data.Text (Text, empty, pack)
import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer
ne :: [a] -> Data.List.NonEmpty.NonEmpty a
ne = Data.List.NonEmpty.fromList
data ExampleContainer = Contain { cText :: Text, cOffset :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq)
contain :: String -> Int -> ExampleContainer
contain s o = Contain (pack s) o
instance TextContainer ExampleContainer where
getText = cText
instance SeparableTextContainer ExampleContainer where
splitTextAt8 n (Contain t o) = (Contain t1 o1, Contain t2 o2)
(t1, t2) = splitTextAt8 n t
o1 = o
o2 = o + lengthWord8 t1
dropWhileStart p (Contain t o) = Contain t' o'
l = lengthWord8 t
t' = dropWhileStart p t
l' = lengthWord8 t
o' = o + l - l'
dropWhileEnd p (Contain t o) = Contain (dropWhileEnd p t) o
exampleContainers :: [ExampleContainer]
exampleContainers = [c1, c2]
(c1, c2) = splitTextAt8 11 $ contain "Vikipedija (Википедија)" 10
exampleBreaks :: [Int]
exampleBreaks =
-- Out of bounds. Should not generate any splits.
999, 50,
-- End of last text. Should not generate a split.
-- Word and syllable bounds in the second text,
-- similar to hyphenation rules. Each should generate a corresponding split.
38, 34, 30, 26,
-- The exact edge between the two texts.
-- Should generate a split, but not any empty containers.
-- Word and syllable bounds in the first text.
-- Each should generate a corresponding split.
18, 16, 14, 12,
-- Start of first text. Should not generate a split.
-- Out of bounds. Should not generate any splits.
5, 0, -1
exampleBreakPoints :: ExampleContainer -> [Int]
exampleBreakPoints c =
dropWhile (>= l) $ takeWhile (>= 0) $ map (subtract d) $ exampleBreaks
l = lengthWord8 $ cText c
d = cOffset c
isSpace :: Char -> Bool
isSpace = (== ' ')
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "splitTextsBy" $ do
it "splits example text containers" $ do
splitTextsBy exampleBreakPoints exampleContainers `shouldBe`
[ ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википеди" 21 ]
, ne [ contain "ја)" 38 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Википе" 21 ]
, ne [ contain "дија)" 34 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Вики" 21 ]
, ne [ contain "педија)" 30 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10, contain "(Ви" 21 ]
, ne [ contain "кипедија)" 26 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipedija " 10 ]
, ne [ contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipedi" 10 ]
, ne [ contain "ja " 18, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vikipe" 10 ]
, ne [ contain "dija " 16, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Viki" 10 ]
, ne [ contain "pedija " 14, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
, ( ne [ contain "Vi" 10 ]
, ne [ contain "kipedija " 12, contain "(Википедија)" 21 ]
describe "trimTextsEnd" $ do
describe "isSpace" $ do
it "does nothing on an empty list" $ do
let inputTexts = [] :: [Text]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe` inputTexts
it "does nothing when last run does not end with space" $ do
let inputTexts = [pack "some ", pack "text"]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe` inputTexts
it "trims empty texts down to an empty list" $ do
let inputTexts = [empty, empty, empty]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe` []
it "trims empty texts from a list" $ do
let inputTexts = [pack "some ", pack "text", empty, empty]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe`
[pack "some ", pack "text"]
it "trims spaces from last text" $ do
let inputTexts = [pack "some ", pack "text "]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe`
[pack "some ", pack "text"]
it "trims texts containing only spaces" $ do
let inputTexts = [pack "some ", pack "text", pack " "]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe`
[pack "some ", pack "text"]
it "trims last text that contains non-spaces" $ do
let inputTexts = [pack "some ", pack "text ", pack " "]
trimTextsEnd isSpace inputTexts `shouldBe`
[pack "some ", pack "text"]