module Data.Text.ParagraphLayoutSpec (spec) where
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Golden
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphData
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect
prettyShow :: ParagraphLayout -> String
prettyShow (ParagraphLayout pr sls) = showParagraphLayout where
showParagraphLayout = concat
[ "ParagraphLayout {paragraphRect = "
, show pr
, ", spanLayouts = ["
, newline
, showSpanLayouts
, newline
, "]}"
, newline
showSpanLayouts = concat $ intersperse commaNewline $ map showSpanLayout sls
showSpanLayout (SpanLayout frags) = concat
[ indent1
, "SpanLayout ["
, concat $ intersperse ", " $ map showFrag frags
, "]"
showFrag (Fragment r pen glyphs) = concat
[ "Fragment {fragmentRect = "
, show r
, ", "
, "fragmentPen = "
, show pen
, ", "
, "fragmentGlyphs ="
, newline
, indent2
, "["
, showGlyphs glyphs
, "]"
, newline
, indent1
, "}"
showGlyphs = concat . intersperse (commaNewline ++ indent2) . map show
indent1 = " "
indent2 = indent1 ++ indent1
newline = "\n"
commaNewline = "," ++ newline
shouldBeGolden :: ParagraphLayout -> FilePath -> Golden ParagraphLayout
shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
{ output = output_
, encodePretty = show
, writeToFile = \path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
, readFromFile = \path -> readFile path >>= return . read
, goldenFile = ".golden" </> name </> "golden"
, actualFile = Just (".golden" </> name </> "actual")
, failFirstTime = False
emptyLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptyLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) []
emptySpanLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptySpanLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) [SpanLayout []]
opts :: Font -> ParagraphOptions
opts font = ParagraphOptions font Normal 8000
spec :: Spec
spec = do
-- Note: This font does not contain Japanese glyphs.
describe "layoutPlain" $ do
describe "with Arabic font" $ before loadPlexSansArabicRegular $ do
it "handles input with no spans" $ \font -> do
let result = layoutPlain $ emptyParagraph $ opts font
result `shouldBe` emptyLayout
it "wraps filler text at 20em" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ arabicFillerParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "arabicFiller20em"
it "wraps filler text with spans at 20em" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ spannedArabicFillerParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "spannedArabicFiller20em"
it "spans do not reposition filler text at 20em" $ \font -> do
withoutSpans = layoutPlain $ arabicFillerParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
withSpans = layoutPlain $ spannedArabicFillerParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
paragraphRect withoutSpans `shouldBe` paragraphRect withSpans
describe "with Latin font" $ before loadUbuntuRegular $ do
it "handles input with no spans" $ \font -> do
let result = layoutPlain $ emptyParagraph $ opts font
result `shouldBe` emptyLayout
it "handles one span with no text" $ \font -> do
let result = layoutPlain $ emptySpanParagraph $ opts font
result `shouldBe` emptySpanLayout
it "handles Czech hello" $ \font -> do
let result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph $ opts font
result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHelloParagraph"
it "handles mixed languages in LTR layout" $ \font -> do
let result = layoutPlain $ mixedLanguageLTRParagraph $ opts font
result `shouldBeGolden` "mixedLanguageLTRParagraph"
it "handles normal line height" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphLineHeight = Normal }
result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightNormal"
it "handles larger line height" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphLineHeight = Absolute 1600 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightLarger"
it "handles smaller line height" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ trivialParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphLineHeight = Absolute 599 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "lineHeightSmaller"
it "wraps by characters when line is ultra narrow" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 100 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHelloParagraphUltraNarrow"
it "wraps lorem ipsum at 20em" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum20em"
it "wraps lorem ipsum at 100em" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 100000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "loremIpsum100em"
it "wraps lorem ipsum with spans at 20em" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ spannedLoremIpsumParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "spannedLoremIpsum20em"
it "spans do not reposition lorem ipsum at 20em" $ \font -> do
withoutSpans = layoutPlain $ loremIpsumParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
withSpans = layoutPlain $ spannedLoremIpsumParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 20000 }
paragraphRect withoutSpans `shouldBe` paragraphRect withSpans
it "wraps mixed-script words correctly" $ \font -> do
result = layoutPlain $ mixedScriptWordsParagraph $
(opts font)
{ paragraphMaxWidth = 6000 }
result `shouldBeGolden` "mixedScriptWordsParagraph"