-- | Zipper API for reading text from start to end.
-- All measurements are in UTF-8 code points, each of which can be between
-- 1 and 4 bytes long (inclusive).
module Data.Text.Zipper
-- TODO: Consider renaming the module to avoid conflict with text-zipper
-- from Hackage.
(Zipper(preceding, following)
import Data.Text (measureOff, null, uncons)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text), empty)
import Prelude
,Maybe(Just, Nothing)
-- | Represents a body of text with a read cursor which can be moved forward.
data Zipper = Zipper { preceding :: Text, following :: Text }
( Show
, Eq
-- ^ /O(n)/ Compare zippers by their contents. Mostly for tests.
-- | /O(1)/ Create a zipper located at the beginning of the given `Text`.
start :: Text -> Zipper
start = splitAt 0
-- | /O(n)/ Create a zipper located @n@ code points into the `Text`,
-- if possible, or located at the beginning or end of the `Text` otherwise.
-- Similar to `Data.Text.splitAt`, except the resulting structure holds both
-- halves of the original `Text` and can be moved forward.
splitAt :: Int -> Text -> Zipper
splitAt n t
| n <= 0 =
Zipper { preceding = empty, following = t }
| otherwise = case measureI8 n t of
Just m ->
Zipper { preceding = takeWord8 m t, following = dropWord8 m t }
Nothing ->
Zipper { preceding = t, following = empty }
-- | /O(1)/ Move the zipper forward one code point, if possible.
step :: Zipper -> Zipper
step = advanceBy 1
-- | /O(n)/ Move the zipper forward at most @n@ code points.
advanceBy :: Int -> Zipper -> Zipper
advanceBy n z
| n <= 0 = z
| atEnd z = z
| otherwise = case measureI8 n (following z) of
Just m -> advanceByWord8 m z
Nothing -> Zipper (recombine z) empty
-- | /O(1)/ Produce the original `Text`.
recombine :: Zipper -> Text
recombine (Zipper t1 t2) = recombine' t1 t2
-- | /O(1)/ Test whether the zipper is at the start of a `Text`.
atStart :: Zipper -> Bool
atStart = null . preceding
-- | /O(1)/ Test whether the zipper is at the end of a `Text`.
atEnd :: Zipper -> Bool
atEnd = null . following
-- | /O(1)/ Read the next code point.
next :: Zipper -> Maybe Char
next = fmap fst . uncons . following
-- | /O(n)/ If @t@ is long enough to contain @n@ characters, return their size
-- in `Word8`.
measureI8 :: Int -> Text -> Maybe Int
measureI8 n t =
let m = measureOff n t in
if m >= 0
then Just m
else Nothing
-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe recombination of two `Text`s.
-- Requires that both `Text`s are based on the same `Array` and adjacent to
-- each other.
recombine' :: Text -> Text -> Text
recombine' (Text _ _ 0) t = t
recombine' t (Text _ _ 0) = t
recombine' (Text arr off len1) (Text _ _ len2) = Text arr off (len1 + len2)
-- | /O(1)/ Unsafely move the zipper forward @m@ `Word8` units.
advanceByWord8 :: Int -> Zipper -> Zipper
advanceByWord8 m z = Zipper (recombine' a b) c
a = preceding z
b = takeWord8 m (following z)
c = dropWord8 m (following z)
-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe version of `Data.Text.Foreign.dropWord8`.
-- Return the prefix of the `Text` of @m@ `Word8` units in length.
-- Requires that @m@ be within the bounds of the `Text`, not at the beginning
-- or at the end, and not inside a code point.
takeWord8 :: Int -> Text -> Text
takeWord8 m (Text arr off _) = Text arr off m
-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe version of `Data.Text.Foreign.dropWord8`.
-- Return the suffix of the `Text`, with @m@ `Word8` units dropped from its
-- beginning.
-- Requires that @m@ be within the bounds of the `Text`, not at the beginning
-- or at the end, and not inside a code point.
dropWord8 :: Int -> Text -> Text
dropWord8 m (Text arr off len) = Text arr (off+m) (len-m)