-- | Shaping for a paragraph of plain, unidirectional text using a single font.
-- The input text must be encoded as UTF-8 in a contiguous byte array.
-- Positions and distances are represented as 32-bit integers. Their unit must
-- be defined by the caller, who must calculate the desired dimensions of the
-- EM square of the input font and set them using @hb_font_set_scale()@. For
-- example, if @1em = 20px@, if the output pixels are square, and if the output
-- coordinates are in 1/64ths of a pixel, you should set both the @x_scale@ and
-- the @y_scale@ to @1280@.
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Text.Array (Array)
import Data.Text.Foreign (I8)
import Data.Text.Glyphize
,GlyphPos(x_advance, y_advance)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Fragment
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan as RS
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Span
-- | Text to be laid out as a paragraph.
-- May be divided into any number of neighbouring spans, each of which will
-- have its own layout rectangle(s) calculated.
data Paragraph = Paragraph
-- ^ A byte array containing the whole text to be laid out, in UTF-8.
-- ^ Byte offset of the first span.
-- Any characters preceding this offset will not be shaped, but may still
-- be used to influence the shape of neighbouring characters.
-- ^ Parts of the text to be laid out, in logical order.
-- The offset plus total length of all spans must not exceed array bounds.
-- Any characters following the last span will not be shaped, but may still
-- be used to influence the shape of neighbouring characters.
-- ^ Properties applying to the paragraph as a whole.
data ParagraphOptions = ParagraphOptions
{ paragraphFont :: Font
, paragraphLineHeight :: LineHeight
, paragraphMaxWidth :: Int32
data LineHeight
= Absolute Int32
-- ^ Set line height independently of the font.
| Relative Float
-- ^ Set line height as a multiplier of the font's built-in value.
-- | The resulting layout of the whole paragraph.
data ParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout
{ paragraphRect :: Rect Int32
-- ^ The containing block (CSS3).
, spanLayouts :: [SpanLayout]
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
-- | The resulting layout of each span, which may include multiple fragments if
-- broken over multiple lines.
data SpanLayout = SpanLayout [Fragment]
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
spanRects :: SpanLayout -> [Rect Int32]
spanRects (SpanLayout frags) = map fragmentRect frags
base :: (Num a) => Rect a
base = Rect 0 0 0 0
containRects :: (Ord a, Num a) => [Rect a] -> Rect a
containRects = foldr union base
containGlyphs :: [GlyphPos] -> Rect Int32
containGlyphs ps = Rect
{ x_origin = 0
, y_origin = 0
, x_size = sum $ map x_advance ps
, y_size = sum $ map y_advance ps -- TODO add line height
-- | Interface for basic plain text layout.
-- The entire paragraph will be assumed to have the same text direction and
-- will be shaped using a single font, aligned to the left for LTR text or to
-- the right for RTL text.
layoutPlain :: Paragraph -> ParagraphLayout
layoutPlain paragraph = ParagraphLayout pRect arrangedLayouts
pRect = containRects allRects
allRects = concat $ map spanRects arrangedLayouts
arrangedLayouts = snd $ arrangeSpansH 0 $ layouts
layouts = map layoutSpan spans
spans = resolveSpans paragraph
-- TODO: Break lines.
-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
layoutSpan :: RS.ResolvedSpan -> SpanLayout
layoutSpan rs = SpanLayout (map layoutRun $ spanToRuns rs)
-- TODO: Calculate line height and pen position.
layoutRun :: Run -> Fragment
layoutRun run = Fragment rect (0, 0) glyphs
rs = runOriginalSpan run
rect = containGlyphs $ map snd $ glyphs
glyphs = shape font buffer features
font = RS.spanFont rs
-- TODO: Set beginsText / endsText.
buffer = defaultBuffer
{ text = Lazy.fromStrict $ runText run
, contentType = Just ContentTypeUnicode
, direction = runDirection run
, script = runScript run
, language = Just $ RS.spanLanguage rs
features = []
resolveSpans :: Paragraph -> [RS.ResolvedSpan]
resolveSpans (Paragraph arr off spans opts) = map resolve $ zip spans texts
resolve (s, t) = RS.ResolvedSpan
{ RS.spanText = t
, RS.spanFont = paragraphFont opts
, RS.spanLanguage = spanLanguage s
texts = cuts arr off spans
-- | Produce a list of `Text`s, defined by an initial offset and a list of
-- consecutive `Span`s, out of the underlying `Array`.
-- TODO: Consider adding checks for array bounds.
cuts :: Array -> I8 -> [Span] -> [Text]
cuts arr initialOffset spans = snd $ mapAccumL (cut arr) initialOffset spans
-- | Produce a `Text`, defined by an initial offset and a `Span`, out of the
-- underlying `Array`.
cut :: Array -> I8 -> Span -> (I8, Text)
cut arr off s = (end, t)
len = spanLength s
end = off + len
t = Text arr (fromIntegral off) (fromIntegral len)
-- | Arrange all fragments in multiple spans in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeSpansH :: Int32 -> [SpanLayout] -> (Int32, [SpanLayout])
arrangeSpansH currentX sls = mapAccumL arrangeSpanH currentX sls
-- | Arrange all fragments in one span in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeSpanH :: Int32 -> SpanLayout -> (Int32, SpanLayout)
arrangeSpanH currentX (SpanLayout frags) = (nextX, SpanLayout newFragments)
where (nextX, newFragments) = arrangeFragmentsH currentX frags
-- | Arrange fragments in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeFragmentsH :: Int32 -> [Fragment] -> (Int32, [Fragment])
arrangeFragmentsH currentX frags = mapAccumL arrangeFragmentH currentX frags
-- | Set the horizontal offset of the given box
-- and return the x coordinate of its other side for continuation.
arrangeFragmentH :: Int32 -> Fragment -> (Int32, Fragment)
arrangeFragmentH currentX frag = (nextX, frag { fragmentRect = newRect })
rect = fragmentRect frag
nextX = currentX + x_size rect
newRect = rect { x_origin = currentX }