
balkon/CHANGELOG.md -rw-r--r-- 6.0 KiB
Set release date for v1.3.0.0.
Add paragraphLines to Rich ParagraphLayout.

BREAKING: The paragraphLines field of ParagraphLayout must be preserved
for pagination.

BREAKING: The width of a rich text ParagraphLayout will now remain
unchanged after pagination.

BREAKING: Empty space at the top of the first line and at the bottom
of the last line in a ParagraphLayout will now be preserved.
Allow overriding font ascender and descender.

Provides an easy option for influencing vertical metrics, which may be
useful for implementing replaced and inline-block elements.
Update changelog on vertical alignment.
Bump version to
Clarify that fragmentContentRect is unstandardised.
Set release date for v1.2.0.0
Add content rect to Fragment.
Allow trimmed whitespace to generate empty fragments.

BREAKING: Output may now contain more fragments with zero glyphs,
representing runs of whitespace that was trimmed away. These runs may
also start a box at the end of a line, instead of the beginning of the
next line.

BREAKING: Trimmed whitespace now affects line height.
Expose paragraphSafeWidth.
Allow explicit control of box collapsing.
Update changelog on paragraph alignment options.
Make RTL text overflow the left paragraph edge.

This behaviour is consistent with CSS Text Module Level 3.

BREAKING: Previously, all text would overflow the right paragraph edge,
regardless of text direction.
Fix handling of mixed line height.

Displace lines by the height of the tallest fragment in the previous
line, not the shortest one.
Remove paragraphLineHeight from Rich interface.
Bump version to
Expose rect unions in public interface.
Bump version to
Set release date for v1.1.0.0.
Update changelog on numbers and neutrals.